Chapter 1087

"Mr. Teijin, how about this steak?"

"Mr. Tejin, are you still used to the weather here?"

"Come here, let's have a drink, this Riesling is not bad, I will buy some later."


Shen Lin was like a warm and hospitable host, who kept inviting Tai Jin to eat and drink without talking, and even made witty remarks, making Seton feel at home.

But after the meal, Seton didn't see what he expected to see.

From the beginning to the end, Shen Lin didn't mention the purchase of a production line.

Could this be the secret of a young and successful boss?
Just eat and drink at the dinner, create the atmosphere first, and then take advantage of it unprepared, and then give yourself and others the final blow?
If this is the case, it can be regarded as learned!
Tai Jin drank some wine, his face was a little flushed, he looked at Shen Lin with a smile and said: "Mr. Shen, it's easy to talk about wine. It's rare that you like it. I'll send someone to give you some later."

"After all, our side is the most authentic."

"These days, Mr. Shen's business is getting more and more prosperous. We are all envious!"

After saying this, Tekin winked at Seton.

Seton immediately understood that this was his boss, and he had no intention of chatting with Shen Lin anymore, so he wanted to bring the topic to the purchase of equipment.

Although this is an opportunity for Shen Lin to fulfill his request, whether to agree or not is still in Taijin's grasp.

It can be said that everything is under Taijin's control.

It seems that this time, I have learned another trick.

While Seton was waiting with great interest for Shen Lin to speak, he heard Shen Lin say with a smile: "Business, that's all."

"Haha, when we started today, we agreed to only talk about friendship and not business. Mr. Taijin, you broke the contract first, come here, and you will be punished first."

While speaking, Shen Lin raised his wine glass towards Tai Jin.

One cup!
Taijin almost felt that his head was not enough. You are embarrassed to say the purpose of inviting me to drink. I took the initiative to build the ladder for you. You can just climb up the pole. Your attitude is to think what?You are just smashing the ladder!
What kind of routine is this!
Tai Jin didn't understand a bit, but he was not in a hurry, he raised his cup with a smile and said, "Chairman Shen, then I will do it first as a respect."

Seton was also a little confused. Shen Lin's actions, in his opinion, blocked the way to discuss business in an instant.

Could it be, what else is there to say?
The more he couldn't figure it out, the more he felt that this big guy who was younger than himself was unfathomable.

It seems that there is still a lot to learn!
Just when Seton patiently and carefully went through what Shen Lin said just now in his own mind, wondering if there was something he missed, Tai Jin said with a smile: "Mr. Shen, we Does your equipment work?"

This completely pointed out the way for Shen Lin and told him that if it was for the production line, everything could be discussed.

However, Shen Lin's expression was still extremely calm, and he said with a smile: "Mr. Taijin, I don't really understand the production line."

"Haha, come, drink and drink!"

I'm going, I really won't!
Mr. Taijin almost made it clear, you can just pick up the topic quickly, why do you have to persuade Mr. Taijin to drink?

If you talk about others like this, you will have no friends!

Just when Seton felt more and more that his head was not enough, Tai Jin picked up the cup again and took two sips with Shen Lin.

At this time, Taijin slowly began to wake up.

He felt that he seemed to be controlled by Shen Lin.

People who want to buy things are not in a hurry, but I am in a hurry first, which is quite unfavorable for me.

No, this unfavorable situation cannot continue.

I must take the initiative. Only by taking the initiative can everything be under my control.With this thought, Tai Jin decided not to talk about business matters anymore, but to talk to Shen Lin to reminisce about the past.

As long as Shen Lin doesn't say anything, he will never mention this matter.

An hour passed quickly!

Shen Lin stood up gracefully and said: "Mr. Taijin, this time I invited you rather hastily, and I don't know if the prepared meal suits your taste."

"Haha, if it doesn't suit your taste, let's change the place next time."

Looking at Shen Lin who stood up and was about to leave, Seton felt that Chairman Shen was such a waste of time.

If this continues, he won't have much time to discuss serious matters with Mr. Taijin.

But why did he do this?

Could it be that he has already guessed our cards, so he wants to win Mr. Taijin in a few words?

If so...

Just as Seton was pondering Shen Lin's intentions, Shen Lin had already accompanied them downstairs and started waving goodbye.

"Mr. Taijin, I look forward to seeing you next time." Shen Lin waved his hand with a graceful look.

Seeing Taijin waving his hand to say goodbye, Seton followed quickly, and quickly opened the car door for his boss.

After the two got into the car, they fell into silence.

"Mr. Taijin, why didn't Shen Lin give you an order? Could it be that he knew he couldn't get what he wanted?" Seton asked curiously.

At this time, Tai Jin's mind was also full of doubts. Through the rearview mirror of the car, he looked at Shen Lin who was waving gently, shook his head and said, "I don't understand either."

"It seems that this time, he really simply invited me to dinner."

To be simply invited to dinner by Shen Lin, in Tai Jin's view, is a big honor, after all, it means that he really fell into Shen Lin's eyes.

But Tai Jin knew his own details very well, he felt that according to his own strength, he really didn't have the ability to make Shen Lin do this.

As for friendship, although the two are considered acquaintances, they don't have such a deep friendship.

So at this moment, he was full of doubts in his heart.

Just when Taijin left wondering, Shen Lin had already returned to the upstairs of the hotel, that is, within 3 minutes, Komatsu Izumi rushed over with an assistant.

"Mr. Shen, I'm Xiaosongquanyi." As soon as Xiaosongquan spoke, he handed a business card to Shen Lin with both hands.

Shen Lin put down his business card and said, "Mr. Xiaosong, what is the matter with you looking for me so urgently?"

Komatsu Izumi looked at the half bottle of Riesling left, and thought of Taijin who had just left like a stupid bear, his mind was running fast.

Tai Jin had dinner with Shen Lin here, and when the two of them went downstairs, the atmosphere was very pleasant.

This should be Shen Lin and Dongmen Electric, reached an agreement that satisfied both parties.

Otherwise, the two sides will not have a good time.

One after another, the pictures in his mind flooded into his mind quickly, which made him feel that the chips in his hand seemed to be running out.

But for this matter, he still had to sit down, otherwise, he would be a little unstable in his current position.

"Mr. Shen, I'm here this time because I have something to talk to you about."

(End of this chapter)

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