Chapter 1088 Yours
Shen Lin closed his eyes and lay back for a while, his expression very calm.

He was waiting for this Komatsu Izumi, ready to say something to him!
"Mr. Shen, I am here to represent our company, and I would like to apologize to you first. We didn't know that Ichiro Takeda was so bold!"

Since everyone knew what was going on, there was no need for him to pretend that he didn't know anything, so Xiao Songquan said straight to the point: "His behavior is entirely his own."

"His unauthorized decision has seriously affected the reputation of our company. At present, not only is he recalled urgently, but all his positions are also relieved!"

Shen Lin looked at Komatsu Izumi with a sincere look, but didn't speak.

At this time, Shen Lin didn't say a word, but he was actually saying, if you treat me like this, an apology will be the end of it?
Komatsu Izumi continued: "In order to express our apology, we, Shangmatsu Electric, are willing to form a friendly company with Mr. Shen."

"In the future, all products purchased by your company from Shangsong Electric will get a [-]% discount."

Shen Lin looked at Komatsu Izumi's sincerity and pain, and said lightly: "Thank you Mr. Komatsu for your kindness, but right now, I have no plans to buy products from your company."

"So, I can only thank you for your kindness!"

Looking at Shen Lin who was not moved by these things at all, Xiao Songquan knew that his gift was not enough.

But he didn't want to let himself be completely passive.

After hesitating for a moment, he finally said: "Mr. Shen, please believe in our sincerity."

"Mr. Xiaosong, I have already felt your sincerity. If there is nothing else, let's go here."

Shen Lin hammered his shoulder with his hand and said: "I chatted with Mr. Taijin for too long today, and I'm a little tired."

Let Shen Lin go to rest?How can this be!I haven't finished talking about my big business, how can I let Shen Lin rest.

Moreover, on this matter, Shen Lin has not given a clear answer yet!
"Mr. Shen, what kind of compensation do you need? Just say yes. As long as I can make the decision, I will definitely not refuse."

When Xiao Songquan said this, he felt a little uncomfortable, but he was in a weak position, so this sentence, which was equivalent to asking for peace, could only be said by him.

Shen Lin would never say this to him no matter what.

"As I said just now, I don't have any requirements!" Shen Lin spread out his hands and said, "You know, I basically don't lack much now."

Komatsu Izumi asked tentatively: "Boss Shen, if you really accept our apology, can you communicate with Professor Oda and stop letting him talk nonsense."

"I sincerely hope that everyone is well."

"Mr. Xiaosong, I don't quite understand what you are saying. Professor Oda seems to be someone you hired. I have nothing to do with him, right?"

"You asked me to say something to Professor Oda, isn't it a bit too embarrassing for me?"

"After all, we are not too familiar with each other."

Looking at Shen Lin, who was smiling but giving off a sense of coldness, Komatsu Izumi raised his eyebrows.

He said in his heart that if I didn't know that you were playing tricks here, how could I humbly beg you to come?Helpless, these words are clear in my heart, but it is not suitable to say them.

After all, once it is clear, it will be even more difficult to deal with.

After looking at Shen Lin twice, Komatsu Izumi finally decided not to go around in circles with Shen Lin, because it would be of no benefit to him if he continued to go around in circles.

"Mr. Shen, we all understand the matter of Professor Oda in our hearts. I came here with sincerity. I hope that Mr. Shen can give me a chance."

"I believe that Chairman Shen also has no intention of continuing to feud with us."

Shen Lin looked at Xiaosong Quanyi, smiled and said: "Since Mr. Xiaosong said so, then tell me what you are going to do."

"You don't think that when your upper and lower lips touch, everything is over."

“We suffered a lot in this matter.” “If we hadn’t handled it well, our refrigerator project might have failed, and even our Mihu Electronics would have never recovered. "

Shen Lin's words made Komatsu Quanyi's expression more solemn. He knew that the time had come for him to meet Shen Lin.

And he is on the side of the peace.

"Mr. Shen, although this is all the reckless actions of Ichiro Takeda, in the final analysis, it is still our company's fault for employing people. We are willing to take responsibility for this matter."

"We will also compensate you for the losses you have suffered."

After seeing Shen Lin's unmoved expression, Xiao Songquan gritted his teeth one by one, and said one of his bottom lines.

"Mr. Shen, if you want, I can call the shots and transfer 50.00% of our shares in Shangxue Electronics Factory to you."

"In this way, you will not be in a situation where you cannot accept orders due to insufficient production capacity."

In Komatsu Izumi's judgment, Shangxue Electronics Factory is definitely one of the things that Shen Lin most hopes to obtain.

After all, as long as they control Shangxue Electronics Factory, not only can they get two new production lines provided by Shangxue Electric, but also everything is complete.

Shen Lin can directly organize production after taking over.

Shen Lin looked at Xiaosong Quanyi's expression, smiled lightly and said, "Your Shangxue Electronics Factory is of no use to me."

"You also know that with the rapid development of our rice shell refrigerator factory, the living space of Shangxue Electronics Factory has become smaller and smaller."

"Although my production capacity is somewhat insufficient, why should I take over your mess?"

"I have already found a new production line, and within two or three months, I can successfully re-establish a new branch factory."

"If I am allowed to take over the Shangxue Electronics Factory, based on my experience, I think it will take me a lot of time to complete the integration."

"Maybe, it won't be as fast as the new production line will go into production!"

Shen Lin said this very casually.Komatsu Quanyi's expression became more solemn, and he felt that what Shen Lin said was not unreasonable.

A new factory, although a bit slower, will make itself as easy as possible.

But integrating old factories is not an easy task.

What's more, in this old factory, there is a person responsible who does not deal with Shen Lin.

Komatsu Izumi, who already felt that he was following Shen Lin's thoughts, felt that it would be dangerous to continue talking like this.

But he is very urgent, because if we don't talk about it today, when Shen Lin and Tai Jin sign the contract, one of the important bargaining chips in his hand will disappear.

Shangxue Electronics Factory may become their burden at that time.

After all, under the pressure of rice shells, the possibility of Shangxue Electronics Factory wanting to make a profit is already very narrow.

His goal this time is to deal with this part of the assets.

"Mr. Shen, I have just expressed our sincerity. If you feel that you are only dissatisfied with the shares of Shangxue Electronics Factory, what else do you need?"

Komatsu Izumi said solemnly: "If you need anything, you can bring it up. If I can agree, I will reply you immediately."

"If you can't answer immediately, I can also ask for instructions."

(End of this chapter)

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