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Chapter 1089 I don't ask much

Chapter 1089 I don't ask much

When a person feels that he has no bargaining chips, but still wants to get the negotiation over, there is basically nothing to say!
At this moment, Komatsu Izumi felt that he was facing such a situation.

Shen Lin looked at Koizumi Junichi who was doing things alone, pondered for a moment and said: "Since Mr. Koizumi said so, then I will not be polite."

"I hope to obtain a processing line for air-conditioning compressors from Uematsu Electric."

Air-conditioning compressor!
Komatsu Izumi frowned, because the production line of air-conditioning compressors involved the important technology of Uematsu Electric.

He finds this kind of thing too tricky!

"Chairman Shen, can't you change your request?" Xiao Songquan asked after a moment of pondering.

Shen Lin smiled and said: "As an electronics industry, we of course want to have our own compressor."

"If you feel embarrassed, Mr. Komatsu, then forget it."

Xiao Songquan pondered for a moment and said: "It's not impossible to talk about this matter, but what we can give you will not be the latest."

"Mr. Komatsu, what we need is the latest model. If it is not the latest model, I believe that Mr. Taijin will satisfy us."

Speaking of this, Shen Lin looked at Kosongquan and said, "Whether it works or not, you can decide for yourself."

"I can afford to wait, but some people may not be able to wait."

"If they can't afford to wait, then Mr. Xiaosong, I can only say sorry about this matter!"

At this moment, Shen Lin is like a seasoned angler, seeing a big fish take the bait, but he is not in a hurry to take up the pole, but puts a long line, letting the baited fish struggle in the water, and when the fish is exhausted, it will be easy and brought it ashore.

Looking at the smiling Shen Lin, Komatsu Izumi's face was ashen, but he was helpless.Every word that came out of Shen Lin's mouth pierced his vitals like a sword, leaving him nowhere to hide.

What Shen Lin said is right, he is not familiar with Professor Oda, no matter how he colludes behind the scenes, you can't tell what Shen Lin is like on the surface.What can you do with him?

It was the first time for Komatsu Izumi to encounter someone threatening him so nakedly. This kind of negotiation made him feel very aggrieved.The negotiating parties are not placed in an equal position at all, so how can we talk about voluntariness and fairness?
What's more, Komatsu Izumi seemed to have exhausted all the cards he could use, while Shen Lin held something he needed very much.

Opportunity is like rain on a dry day. After finally drifting through a cloud, before a drop falls, it floats away flickeringly!
If Shen Lin didn't seize the opportunity given by him, and if he didn't satisfy Shen Lin, then Komatsu Izumi would be very unwilling to see the consequences.

So in the midst of pondering, Komatsu Izumi finally said: "Chairman Shen, I will try my best to fight for this matter."

"If possible, I will give you a reply as soon as possible."

"Okay, I'll wait for your good news." Shen Lin stood up and made a gesture of invitation to Komatsu Izumi.

Seeing Shen Lin's posture, he wants to see off the guests!
Xiao Songquan never expected that after talking for a few minutes, Shen Lin would see him off so resolutely!
Although he felt a little uncomfortable with Shen Lin's actions, he also knew that under such circumstances, he had no other choice.

"Mr. Shen, I hope we can be friends."

As Komatsu Quanyi's car left slowly, Shen Lin, accompanied by Lu Xiaoshan, also walked towards the hotel where he was staying.

"Brother-in-law, do you think Xiaosong will agree to our terms?" Lu Xiaoshan asked in a low voice.

Shen Lin smiled and said: "It's human effort, if they don't agree, let's think of other ways."

"But I estimate that there is a small chance that they will agree, but it will not be the latest." "After all, we are the ones who have the initiative now, not them."

It was very easy for Shen Lin to eat with Tai Jin, after all, Tai Jin was just a prop for him to play on the spot.

However, Shen Lin's negotiation with Komatsu Quanyi was not as easy as it seemed.

Although he has the advantage, this negotiation is like a rubber band. If it is pulled too long, it will collapse. Shen Lin must be careful to grasp the speed.

When Shen Lin returned to his residence, he wanted to take a good rest, but he didn't expect that in the room next to him, Lu Daqing and Li Qingbo were waiting for him.

They all knew that Shen Lin invited Tai Jin to dinner.Although they didn't ask why, what they thought of was that Shen Lin wanted to buy a new production line.

"Mr. Shen, how is this time?" Seeing Shen Lin, Lu Daqing, who was playing chess, simply threw the pieces in his hand and asked quickly towards Shen Lin.

Shen Lin looked at Lu Daqing who was in a hurry, and said with a smile: "This time the meal was very good, and the wine was quite delicious."

"Does that mean that they are willing to sell us the new production line of rice shells?" Lu Daqing asked excitedly.

Shen Lin smiled and said, "I didn't mention the production line."

Looking at the smiling Shen Lin, Lu Daqing felt that he must have done it on purpose.However, he didn't have the heart to talk to Shen Lin about this, but said to Shen Lin: "Mr. Shen, let's report to the higher-ups about Mi Ke's current difficulties."

"The higher-ups are very supportive of the difficulties encountered by Mi Ke, saying that although Mi Ke has taken orders, as for the production capacity, it can still do its best to help us coordinate and solve them."

Speaking of this, Lu Daqing said: "Mr. Shen, I think you can take back your request not to order new orders for the time being."

Shen Lin looked at Lu Daqing's expression, pondered for a moment and said: "Lu Chu, I can temporarily accept some new orders, but the new production line also takes time."

"If the coordination is not good, the order may not be exchanged for money, maybe you have to compensate others for their losses!"

Lu Daqing waved his hand and said, "You don't have to worry about this, we can definitely help Mi Ke find a manufacturer that can make it."

"Of course, the best way for Mi Ke is to increase its production capacity. We will definitely support such things."

"Also, at the Shangxue Electronics Factory, the higher-ups are also researching, and I believe a result will be available soon."

Seeing Lu Daqing's expression, Shen Lin hesitated and said, "Today, Komatsu Izumi from Shangmatsu Electric came to me and said that he wanted to sell Shangmatsu Electric's shares in Shangxue Electronics Factory to Mi Ke."

"Their asking price is not too high, I am hesitating whether to follow this up."

Lu Daqing looked at Shen Lin's undecided look, and couldn't help but said: "Mr Shen, this is a good thing, we can do it."

"If you can get the shares of Shangxue Electronics Factory in your hands, then the rest will be easy to handle."

Shen Lin smiled and said: "In this case, I'll turn around and have a good talk with Xiao Songquan."

When Shen Lin was lying on the bed, it was already eleven o'clock in the evening.

(End of this chapter)

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