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Chapter 1090 Shen Lin and I Fight to the End

Chapter 1090 Shen Lin and I Fight to the End

In the early morning, Mi Yuan woke up from her dream and felt a little fever on her face.

She didn't expect that she not only dreamed of Shen Lin last night, but also dreamed of the scene she was thinking about...

Thinking about the life in the dream, Mi Yuan suddenly couldn't help but sigh, if the things in the dream are real, how wonderful it would be.

Just when Mi Yuan was thinking about Shen Lin, someone suddenly said in her ear: "Mi Yuan, what are you thinking about?"

This question suddenly woke up Mi Yuan who was in a trance.

She turned her head quickly, and found that it was her good friend Sister Dan who was talking, and quickly suppressed her emotions: "I didn't think about it, it's just... I didn't sleep well last night."

"Look at your blushing, are you feeling a little uncomfortable? Let me tell you about Mi Yuan, don't hold back. If you feel uncomfortable, you must go and see it in time."

Speaking of this, Sister Dan affectionately tried it on Mi Yuan's forehead, and felt that there was nothing wrong with it, so she said, "It's fine if you don't catch a cold."

"Let's go, let's go to have breakfast. Hey, in a few days, we will go back again. The next time we come, it will be a year later."

When Sister Dan said this, she sighed and said, "If I have a way, I'll be transferred here to work."

Mi Yuan smiled and said, "Sister Dan, if you come here, I'm afraid it won't be ten days and a half months, so you should think about how to go home."

"After all, our relatives and friends are still there."

Sister Dan smiled and said: "Maybe, who doesn't know that you, Sister Dan, are naturally adaptable!"

The two talked and laughed, and came to the restaurant.

There were a lot of people dining in the restaurant, and many of them knew each other, so they couldn't help but greet each other.

"Xiao Qi, why are you in such a hurry? Isn't Mi Ke not taking orders for refrigerators?" Sister Dan asked with a smile as she looked at a colleague who was about to run away after taking two crab roe buns.

Xiao Qi said: "Sister Dan, your news has long been outdated. Mi Ke is now taking orders for refrigerators again, and I have to go over to help."

"Hey, I was also notified by the wayside just now, otherwise I would have come over for dinner long ago, so I wouldn't have slept until now."

Sister Dan was a little surprised when she heard this, and wondered: "You mean, Mi Ke has started to accept orders for refrigerators again?"

"The problem of their insufficient production capacity has been solved? This is not a small number!"

Although she didn't say anything at this time, in Mi Yuan's heart, she actually cared more about this matter than Sister Dan.

After all, this matter is Shen Lin's matter, so she can't help but not care about it.

Xiao Qi said: "Sister Dan, I heard that Chairman Shen invited Mr. Tai Jin from Dongmen Electric to a banquet last night, and Chairman Shen drank a lot of alcohol. This problem should have been resolved."

"Otherwise, Chairman Shen would not allow us to accept new orders."

"By the way, at Ledi, I'm going to make a match. This is a big order." While speaking, Xiao Qi glanced at Mi Yuan and left quickly.

He felt a little regretful, why is it not Mi Yuan, a beautiful woman, who communicates with him every time, but Sister Dan?
Many of the people who were eating were acquaintances, and they couldn't help but start a discussion at this time, when a dark-faced man said: "It seems that Mihu is introducing a new production line this time. "Tsk, tsk, we just introduced two refrigerator production lines last year, and now we are introducing them again. Director Shen is really generous."

"With so many orders, I have to introduce a new production line."

When several people were talking, someone said: "Once the production scale of rice shell refrigerators expands, some people's lives will be difficult."

Hearing this, Sister Dan quietly said to Mi Yuan: "This is about Shangxue Electronics Factory. I heard people say that Shangxue Electronics Factory was originally very popular, but now, with the strength of Mi Ke Rise, the higher authorities have already placed this emphasis on rice shell refrigerators."

"Hey, think about it, there is such a strong opponent, whoever it is, everyone..." Sister Dan stopped in the middle of her sentence.

Mi Yuan, who was listening eagerly, was about to urge Sister Dan to share some inside information she knew, when she suddenly noticed Director Xie walking in with great strides.

A few people who were talking happily also shut their mouths at this time, and some even lowered their heads quickly to pick up their rice, as if there was something chasing them behind them.

Director Xie's face is very ugly!

Lu Daqing just talked with him yesterday, and Mi Ke is now accepting new orders. From his point of view, it's not like Mi Ke has introduced a new production line, it's clearly a betrayal of himself.

In other words, I have been abandoned!
The resentment in his heart caused Director Xie to hold back his unknown anger.He glanced at the people around him, and then said in a deep voice, "We at Shangxue Electronics Factory will definitely congratulate Rice Shell Electronics for introducing a new production line."

"However, the refrigerators of our Shangxue Electronics Factory are a joint venture with Shangmatsu Electric, and we also have competitiveness."

"Even if we can't compete with rice shells, our factory will continue to produce normally, unlike some factories that obviously can't sell their products and are still bluffing here."

After saying this, Director Xie started to get his own breakfast.

The people in the restaurant are silent at this time.Because they have all heard the anger in Director Xie's words.

Although the faces of the factory directors who were ridiculed were not good-looking, they stopped talking. After all, when they talked about people behind their backs, they were blocked by others. This kind of thing is really embarrassing.

Although some people have not finished their breakfast, they have already started to pack up their own dishes and leave.

At this time, a person who has a good relationship with Director Xie came to Director Xie and said in a low voice: "Old Xie, everyone is just discussing a few words in private. In the future, if you look up and look down, don't say a few words." .”

The reason why this person told Factory Director Xie like this is entirely because he has a good relationship with Factory Director Xie, and he also cares about Factory Director Xie.

But Factory Manager Xie was already dizzy with anger, he snorted and said, "This is how I talk. Let me tell you about Lao Chen. No matter how Mishell Electronics develops, that's their business."

"Lick the dog, lick the dog, until there is nothing in the end! No matter how you kneel and lick, it's your business, it has nothing to do with me."

"But please don't use me as a foil when talking about others. I'm not polite to anyone who says that."

The menacing words made the factory director Chen who was trying to persuade him become stiff.He kindly offered a few words of persuasion, but unexpectedly, this distraught old Xie lost his head and pointed the finger at him!
This made him feel very uncomfortable, after all, at this time, there are still many people staring at it!
"Okay, old Xie, I didn't say what I said just now, so you can do it yourself." While speaking, Old Chen turned his head and left.

Director Xie looked at Director Chen who had left, feeling a little regretful in his heart, but he didn't stop him. If he wanted to fight Shen Lin to the end, then what he said today would definitely not be taken back.

He wants people to know his determination!

(End of this chapter)

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