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Chapter 1091 The Other Side of Shen Lin

Chapter 1091 The other side of Shen Lin

Director Xie left quickly, looking at his hurried posture, as if he knew he was here and was not welcome.

Sister Dan saw that Director Xie was gone, and said quietly to Mi Yuan: "Isn't this a dog jumping over the wall in a hurry!"

"If his factory is really good, why can't we get a single order?"

"The rice shell's refrigerator was soft when they took the order, and even asked others to come to the door to beg for an order. He Xie Da, the factory manager, also came with the refrigerator, and he couldn't get a single order."

"He keeps saying that he insists on competing with Mi Ke, why doesn't this person have the slightest self-knowledge?"

Mi Yuan didn't like Director Xie either, but she wasn't filled with righteous indignation like Sister Dan.

Listening to Sister Dan's sharp comments at this time, Mi Yuan felt very happy.

Glancing around, Mi Yuan reminded softly: "Sister, we just need to understand this kind of thing in our hearts. We don't need to pay attention to people like Director Xie. He is the one who is ashamed."

Sister Dan nodded and said, "There is no need for us to get involved. I'm trying to fight Mr. Shen! If there is no change in Shangxue Electronics Factory, it is far from Mi Ke opponent!"

After Sister Dan finished speaking, she gave Mi Yuan a meaningful look and smiled wryly.

Mi Yuan's heart skipped a beat. What does Sister Dan mean by singing praises for Mi Ke so righteously in front of her?Could it be that you want me to tell Shen Lin?

However, if I become such a mouthpiece, then in the eyes of Sister Dan, no, in the eyes of everyone, what is the relationship between me and Shen Lin?

Thinking about it this way, I couldn't help but tremble all over, what am I doing?I can't play such a role, how can I face Lu Xiaorong in the future?
Thinking of this, I felt a little more worried.Unhappily said to Sister Dan: "Don't worry about it, let's go shopping later."

Sister Dan readily agreed to Mi Yuan's proposal: "Okay, there are a lot of good things here now, just take advantage of the fact that we are not supposed to be on duty this morning, let's go around."

"Just to buy something for the family."

When Mi Yuan heard that Shen Lin drank too much, she still wanted to see him, but in this situation, Mi Yuan suddenly thought that from now on, let me stay away from him!
The thought of staying away from him makes Mi Yuan feel as if a knife is piercing her heart. I just guard this relationship silently, but why do so many people think that my relationship with him is abnormal!
I didn't say anything, I didn't do anything, but everyone's performance has fully proved that there may be gossip in private!
Mi Yuan felt a little uncomfortable.

Fortunately, for women, shopping is a very healing way, and Mi Yuan is no exception.

Although it is not necessary to really buy things, it is much more comfortable to walk around.

"Hey, the electrical appliances here are not as complete as our rice shell electrical appliance store, and the price seems to be a bit expensive."

"In the future, I'll go to Mishell Electric to buy it."

Sister Dan took Mi Yuan's hand and joked with a smile: "How do you take care of your hand? It feels so slippery like tender tofu. I'll give it to my daughter when I go back."

"My daughter's hand follows me, she doesn't do any work, she just turned her hand into the hand of a working people!"

Mi Yuan has long been used to Sister Dan's brain circuit, she smiled and said, "Actually, I'm not a professional, it's just..."

Just as Mi Yuan was speaking, she suddenly heard a familiar voice in her ear.

"Your things are a bit expensive, and I won't let you suffer. Your purchase price should be four yuan. How about this? I'll give you a total of 22. How about five pieces?"

Seeing Mi Yuan suddenly stop talking, Sister Dan froze for a moment, then looked in the direction of Mi Yuan's gaze.

I saw a figure picking out videotapes.

Although it was just a back view, there was so much talk about this person, so when she saw the back, Sister Dan knew who it was.The conversation at the stall continued.

"Brother, take a look. This was just released. It's not a loss if you bought it. Let me tell you, 22 yuan is too little. Give it to a friend, and forget it for 24."

"I'm not going to make money, but you can't let me lose money!"

The stall owner was an oily man in his 30s, but there was a wry smile in his words at this time.

No one can laugh when encountering such a thing.

Originally bragging about the hype and planning to slaughter the fat sheep, but the fat sheep exposed his purchase price with a single sentence, making all the bragging just now into nonsense.

"I didn't let you lose money. If the man refuses to sell 22, then I will go to the front."

"I remember that there is a place that does wholesale, and it should be cheaper than yours."

Shen Lin held the video tape in his hand and said with a smile: "Brother, in this business, small profits but quick turnover sometimes make a lot of money."

"Okay, I'll sell you." The visitor looked at the smiling Shen Lin and said helplessly.

Shen Lin took the bought video tape, and thought that this thing is really heavy, and it is far worse than the CD.

It seems that VCD technology has begun to mature now, and it is time for me to start from this aspect.

In later generations, Shen Lin repaired many DVD machines and knew the structure inside.

If he was asked to invent, he would not be able to do it, but it is not a difficult problem to find a few professionals to make this thing out under his guidance.

Of course, before this thing is manufactured, he also needs to get a patent.

When Shen Lin was thinking about the plan in this regard, he saw the smiling Mi Yuan.

Although Sister Dan was by Mi Yuan's side, the moment Shen Lin turned his head, his eyes were still amazed!
"Mi Yuan, you guys are here to go shopping too." Shen Lin, who quickly regained his composure, asked Mi Yuan, then smiled at Sister Dan and said, "Hello, Sister Dan."

Sister Dan is used to such situations. After all, she is accompanied by an outstanding female companion. Most of the time, it is her girlfriend who attracts attention.

"Mr. Shen, are you going to go shopping yourself?"

Sister Dan spoke with a hint of compliment towards Shen Lin. After all, although Mr. Shen is approachable, she is not on the same level as him.

Shen Lin smiled and said, "Sister Dan, when you say this, it's as if I don't have to walk with my own legs!"

"Haha, I have always felt that a big boss like Mr. Shen should be like the ones on TV. He can stretch out his hands for clothes and open his mouth for food. All these chores are left to others to do. All you have to do is tell him what is missing at home. That’s it.”

When Sister Dan said this, she laughed and said, "Oh, what a coincidence today, would Mr. Shen want to go shopping with us?"

Mi Yuan felt like hitting a deer in her heart. Although she was looking forward to it, she still stopped her and said, "Sister Dan, Chairman Shen is so busy, why do you have time to hang out with us? Let Chairman Shen be busy."

Shen Lin glanced at Mi Yuan, hesitated for a moment and said, "It's okay, I'm going around by myself, and I can give you a reference if I go shopping with you."

(End of this chapter)

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