Chapter 1098

When Shen Lin met with the exhibitors of Shangxue Electronics Factory, Director Xie was sitting in his room watching TV.

In fact, Lao Xie wanted to leave a long time ago, but the time of the ticket cannot be adjusted, so now he can only do nothing.

After receiving the call from Takeda Ichiro, although he was unwilling in his heart, he also knew that under such circumstances, he had no chance of turning over.

Leaving aside his current situation, Mi Ke's own strength and attractiveness are enough to explain everything.

"Boom boom boom!"

A knock on the door broke Director Xie's calm.He hesitated, but opened the door anyway.

"Director Xie, Luo Mengqiang and the others have all gone to find Shen Lin. I think they did this because they were eager to find Shen Linbiao's loyalty!" The person who knocked on the door was the deputy director of the sales department of Shangxue Electronics Factory who followed Factory Director Xie. Chang Xiang Chengye is also the capable subordinate of Director Xie.

Factory Manager Xie looked at the angry Xiang Chengye, smiled and said, "Xiao Xiang, I'm no longer the factory manager. What happens to others has nothing to do with me."

"As for you, you should also think about it for yourself. In fact, staying in Mi Ke is also a good choice."

"After all, Mi Ke's treatment is pretty good."

Xiang Chengye was taken aback for a moment, he didn't expect that Director Xie would have such an attitude.

For a moment, he didn't know what to say.

Factory Manager Xie waved his hand and said, "Okay, go get busy, I'll watch TV again."

Xiang Chengye hesitated for a moment, and finally said before turning his head to leave: "Thank you, factory manager, are we really hopeless?"

"Xiao Xiang, do you think I can compete with Shen Lin in business?"

Although Xiang Chengye is the confidant of Director Xie, he still did not give a positive answer to this question.

After all, the development of Mishell Electronics Factory is obvious to all.

The current Mi Ke has risen rapidly and turned into a behemoth. A few years ago, Mi Ke was still a small factory compared with Shangxue Electronics Factory.

It's not that Director Xie's ability is not good, but that Shen Lin's ability is really too strong.

"Xiao Xiang, I'll give you a suggestion. You have good abilities. If you enter the rice shell and work hard, you may be able to make further progress."

"Don't listen to the other people talking nonsense, saying to follow me to leave Shangxue Electronics Factory, let me tell you, there is no benefit in leaving."

Factory Manager Xie pondered for a while and said: "The current development of Rice Shell Electronics, as long as Shen Lin does not make big mistakes, it will definitely skyrocket."

"As for other factories, there are very few that can compare to rice husks."

"If you leave Mi Ke, it will be difficult for you to join."

Xiang Chengye did not expect that Director Xie's evaluation of Mi Ke would be so high.He froze for a moment and said, "Director, what about you?"

"My arrangement is not bad, just wait for retirement honestly." Director Xie waved his hand and said, "Why, do you still want me to continue working with Shen Lin?"

Xiang Chengye didn't say anything, he knew the current situation of Director Xie, it was impossible to stay in Mi Ke.

Following Xiang Chengye's departure, Factory Manager Xie slowly closed the door. Although he was calm in front of Xiang Chengye.

He looks like he accepts everything calmly, but in fact, he is not at peace.

Especially now, before I go back, those who followed me can't wait to report to Shen Lin.

This kind of guy who fell in the wind made him feel sad.It's good to have some tea while you're away, but isn't this a little too impatient?The TV was still on, but Director Xie couldn't watch it at all. Soon, footsteps, chatter and laughter were heard outside his room.

"Boss Shen has promised to let us take the salary from the rice shell electronics factory. In this way, Lao Li, you will pay. Your family of three are all in our factory. It is thousands of yuan a month!"

"Hey, you are not the same, but you can also hear what Chairman Shen said. Mike Electronics does not support idlers. If you don't do a good job, you will not keep people."

"Who is not willing to do a good job, let me tell you..."

Listening to these farther and farther discussions, Director Xie shook his head. For these ordinary people, joining Mishell Electronics may not be a bad thing.

In other words, this is a great thing for them.

But he was a little bit unwilling to retreat like this, but apart from being unwilling, he found that he couldn't do much.

At least, on Shen Lin's side, he himself could not have any influence.

After hesitating again and again, his hand that picked up the phone finally let it go.He found that there was actually very little he could say to Shen Lin, and the two of them had fought for a lot of time, but he was not Shen Lin's opponent at all.

Now that you have made up your mind to wait for retirement, don't worry about it anymore.

Shen Lin saw off the employees of Shangxue Electronics Factory and was drinking water leisurely at this time.And Lu Xiaoshan flipped through several problems reported by these people.

"Xiaoshan, although the sales department trains people, if you want to go further, you must try to manage a factory."

Shen Lin put down the teacup and said, "I hope you can become the director of Shangxue Electronics Factory and integrate Shangxue Electronics Factory as soon as possible."

Lu Xiaoshan was stunned for a moment, he didn't expect that Shen Lin was going to let him integrate Shangxue Electronics Factory.After all, this is not an easy task.

"Brother-in-law, isn't Luo Lei in charge of the refrigerator industry? You let me go, how do we divide?" Lu Xiaoshan asked as he put down the materials in his hand.

"The production of refrigerators is inseparable from Luo Lei, so I can't let him involve too much energy in the integration of Shangxue Electronics Factory."

Shen Lin smiled and said: "So, I am going to let you complete this integration."

"After completing this matter, you will enter a new factory and be responsible for a new product."

"This is right for you to practice your hands."

Lu Xiaoshan said: "Well, I will definitely do my best to do this well."

Shen Lin nodded and said: "Now we not only have the aspirations of the people, but also have support from all sides. It can be said that it is not too difficult to integrate Shangxue Electronics Factory."

"Where do you think you should start to incorporate Shangxue Electronics Factory into our production system as quickly as possible?"

Although Lu Xiaoshan is in charge of sales, he also has a lot of experience in many aspects. He quickly expressed several ideas.

But what made Lu Xiaoshan a little uneasy was that although he had said a lot, there was still no sign of satisfaction in Shen Lin's expression.

Obviously, Shen Lin didn't quite agree with his answer.

"Brother-in-law, besides these, I can't think of anything else." Lu Xiaoshan said in a deep voice.

Shen Lin looked at Lu Xiaoshan, then pointed outside and said: "Director Xie has been the factory director for many years. Although he didn't have much credit, he still made some contributions to the development of Shangxue Electronics Factory. .”

"You, if you want to integrate resources as quickly as possible, you should go to him to learn from him."

Lu Xiaoshan looked at Shen Lin outside his fingers, and couldn't help being a little stunned.

(End of this chapter)

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