Chapter 1097 A Reassuring Pill
Chen Hongyun's request for instructions soon reached Shen Lin's hands.

Looking at the note that recorded the contents of the phone call, Shen Lin pondered for a while, and did not speak immediately, but looked at Lu Xiaoshan.

"Xiaoshan, do you think I should meet them?"

"Brother-in-law, I think it's good to meet each other. The current Shangxue Electronics Factory should be panic-stricken, but speaking of it, Shangxue is still very powerful."

"If we want to get the Shangxue Electronics Factory up and running quickly, we must recruit some people who support us in the factory."

"So I think we should treat those who take the initiative to take refuge here kindly."

Shen Lin smiled and said, "Xiaoshan is not bad, you have improved a lot."

Having said that, he said in a deep voice: "Isn't our current product of Mi Ke a bit too much?"

Lu Xiaoshan froze for a moment, he didn't expect that Shen Lin would ask such a question.

There are indeed a lot of rice shell products. Now there are seven or eight kinds of products that can make a name for themselves, not to mention some products that sell well but are not well-known.

"Brother-in-law, there are quite a few. I think that after our refrigerator is up, it will definitely bring our rice shells to a new level."

Lu Xiaoshan said: "Brother-in-law, aren't you planning to develop new products again?"

"The development of new products has never been relaxed." Shen Lin waved his hand and said: "I think that under the current situation, it is already a bit powerless to manage such a large company solely by the board of directors."

Speaking of this, he looked at Lu Xiaoshan and said, "You have also learned a lot. What do you think is the best choice for us under this situation?"

Although he was from his own family, Lu Xiaoshan felt that he really didn't know how to answer this question.

After all, whether Shen Lin wants to decentralize power or centralize management is still unclear to him.

"Brother-in-law, this topic is a bit big. I don't know what to do for a while."

Shen Lin smiled and said: "You can't make up your mind for a while, go back and think about it carefully, and tell me your answer the next day when you return to Dongzhou."

Looking at Shen Lin, Lu Xiaoshan knew that his brother-in-law was already prepared in this respect.

"Brother-in-law, our mother called a few days ago and told about Xiao Guoke's going to kindergarten." After Lu Xiaoshan agreed, he changed the subject.

Shen Lin was stunned for a moment. He didn't expect that Chen Hongying would still talk about Xiao Guoke's going to kindergarten at this time.

"What's wrong?" Shen Lin said casually, "What instructions does our mother have?"

"There are no instructions. It's just that two days ago, my mother went to see our own kindergarten at the rice shell factory. She felt that the kindergarten's facilities were a bit old. I want you to allocate money to renovate the class that Xiao Guoke is going to attend."

Shen Lin frowned. During the development of Mishell Electronics Factory, he had contracted several factories. As for the third production of the factory, Shen Lin basically let it go as soon as he could.

Of course, among them, Shen Lin also kept the industries that can calm people's hearts, such as kindergartens.

However, although Shen Lin was willing to invest in this aspect, it was at an average level at the time.

Now Chen Hongying wants to renovate a class specially for her son, this...

This is not a big deal, but Shen Lin feels that this is not very good, and it may not be good for the child's character development.

"Xiao Shan, I'll discuss this matter with your sister when I go back. You can inform me that I want to meet with the employees from Shangxue Electronics Factory."

Shen Lin waved his hand and said, "Let's arrange it in the small conference room of the hotel."

Lu Xiaoshan said: "Okay, I understand."

Looking at Lu Xiaoshan leaving, Shen Lin shook his head. Although it was a discussion, Shen Lin actually had a plan on this matter.Half an hour later, Shen Lin met with seven or eight Shangxue Electronics Factory employees who came to participate in the exhibition.

Those who can come to participate in the exhibition are also valued people in the factory. It can be said that many of them are the confidantes of the factory director.

It's just that now, the factory manager Xie has been transferred, and the factory is going to be leased to Mishell Electronics Factory, so in their hearts, apart from being happy with the treatment of Mishell Electronics Factory, they are also a little nervous.

This time I mustered up the courage to come to see Shen Lin, just to find peace of mind.

As for Shen Lin, they often see each other these days, after all, they usually attend trade fairs together.

But now, when they walked into the small conference room, they couldn't help feeling anxious.

After all, Shen Lin's identity is different now.

Although it has not been announced yet, they have all confirmed that the contracting of Shangxue Electronics Factory to Mi Ke is already a final decision.

How will Shen Lin treat them?
Just as they were worried, Shen Lin walked in with a smile on his face.

"Hello Chairman Shen!"

"Mr. Shen!"

Almost everyone present immediately stood up and greeted respectfully.

Shen Lin smiled and said: "Everyone, you are welcome. Although we are not a factory now, I believe that we will be a family soon."

"As for me, I like to be careless and informal, and everyone can do whatever they want."

While speaking, the staff of the Mishell Electronics Factory who was in charge of the meeting began to pour water for everyone.Seeing the smiling Shen Lin, many people's hearts calmed down.

"Mr. Shen, I heard that you are going to contract Shangxue Electronics Factory. Is this rumor true?" A man in his 30s was the first to stand up and ask after taking a sip from his teacup.

Shen Lin glanced at the man and said, "This matter is not a simple contract."

Shen Lin's words made the expressions of those Shangxue Electronics dignified. After all, they hoped that the factory would be contracted by Mi Ke.

"Uematsu Electric has transferred their equity to Rice Shell Electronics, which means that the current Rice Shell Electronics is already the major shareholder of Shangxue Electric."

Shen Lin smiled and said: "So, apart from contracting, we are still our own family in the true sense."

This sentence reassured everyone present.

They are relieved to be able to become Mishell Electronics' own people. What they worry about is that they will be inferior after being merged into the Mishell Electronics Factory.

But now, such a situation does not exist.

"Mr. Shen, is our salary the same as that of other rice shell industries?" Someone couldn't help asking again, and they asked the most concerned question.

Shen Lin smiled and said: "The salary level of the rice shell electronics factory is all in one."

"Of course, how much can be distributed depends on everyone's performance. Mi Ke has always paid more attention to hard work."

When Shen Lin said this, he paused and said: "As long as everyone works hard and completes the production tasks according to the stipulated time, I think your income will not be worse than that of Mi Ke's real employees."

"Of course, I'm not just talking about everyone here, but also other people in the factory."

What Shen Lin said made the people present completely relieved. What they were worried about was everything about themselves and how they would be affected.

(End of this chapter)

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