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Chapter 1096 One day, you will see

Chapter 1096 One day, you will see
Sitting opposite Shen Lin is Takeda Ichiro!
Shen Lin has never been afraid of Takeda Ichiro, not to mention that Takeda Ichiro is already a bereaved dog.

His position has been replaced by Izumi Komatsu. In the days to come, I am afraid that he can only sit on the bench at Shangsong Electric, waiting to retire.

"Mr. Takeda, if you have anything to say, just say it." Shen Lin poured a cup of the tasteless tea for Takeda Ichiro.

Looking at Shen Lin who was pouring tea, Takeda Ichiro's expression changed, and he said in a deep voice: "Mr. Shen, I don't understand how I lost this time, so I want to ask for advice."

"Tell me." Shen Lin said calmly.

"How did you know that Professor Oda made academic fraud?" Takeda Ichiro said in a deep voice, "You have no contact with him."

"Even I didn't know that Professor Oda would cheat academically."

Shen Lin really has a headache about Takeda Ichiro. Of course he can't say that in future generations, this Professor Oda's academic fraud will be exposed sooner or later.

But that was more than ten years later!
Even at that time, many other people were involved.

After pondering for a while, he said calmly: "I don't know about his academic fraud, but I think it is difficult for a person who is so keen on fame and fortune to concentrate on researching technology."

"So I think there must be a problem with him."

"What's more, what I want is to use the way of the other and return it to the other. Mr. Takeda, you don't have to worry about this!"

With his way, he will also be used to his body!
Listening to Shen Lin's words, Takeda Ichiro's eyes gradually brightened a lot.

At this time, he felt that he had understood Shen Lin's thinking.

It's just that when Shen Lin implemented his plan, Professor Oda, whom he had placed high hopes on, happened to have a shit that wasn't wiped clean.

Therefore, it is not wrong for him to lose.

"Mr. Shen, thank you for your frankness, but although you won this time, I am not optimistic about the future development of your Mishell Electronics."

Takeda Ichiro took a breath, and said solemnly in his voice: "You are far behind the real home appliance giants."

"When giants like Shangsong Electric and Dongmen Electric completely enter your market, the products of Mishell Electronics will eventually disappear."

"That's my analysis, and it's a very precise analysis."

"It's like this Coke soda. When Coke and Pepsi come, they have no resistance."

Shen Lin looked at Takeda Ichiro with his head up, and knew that the purpose of this guy's words should be to irritate himself.

Although he didn't know what good it would be for this guy to provoke himself, Shen Lin didn't have the heart to waste it here with him.

"Mr. Takeda, how old are you?" Shen Lin suddenly said.

Takeda Ichiro was stunned for a moment, he said his speculation, in addition to making himself happy, he also wanted to create some shadows for Shen Lin.

He wanted Shen Lin to know that all his efforts in the end were actually useless.

Unexpectedly, Shen Lin asked him how old he was inexplicably.

"In three years, I will be 50 years old." Although he didn't know Shen Lin's purpose, Takeda Ichiro replied honestly.

"Congratulations, Mr. Takeda. In your lifetime, I think you will be able to see the day when Mishell Electronics surpasses Shangsong Electric."

While speaking, Shen Lin tidied up his clothes, then stood up, and walked out of the restaurant in a chic manner.

"Mi Ke surpassed Uematsu Electric?" Takeda Ichiro first repeated Shen Lin's words, and then laughed. "What a young and energetic young man. Unfortunately, you have no idea what a powerful behemoth you are about to challenge."

"You rice shell, you are far behind!"

Takeda Ichiro took a sip from his teacup, with a kind of confidence in his words, a kind of confidence that implied dismissiveness.

On the last day of the trade fair, it was basically the end of the day, and many exhibitors had already started to pack their bags.

Even some merchants with no income have left early.

Those who stay in the exhibition area are those who have gained something, but the gain is not too much, so they want to persevere.

Rice Shell Electronics is still insisting, but the employees of Rice Shell Electronics who have already received enough orders are looking forward to Boss Shen's reward at this time.

After all, as the boss, Shen Lin had already said in person two days ago that he should reward them for their hard work these days.

"Brother Chen, the sum of our various orders this time has exceeded more than [-] million US dollars. Tsk tsk, I feel excited when I think about it." Because most of the merchants have already left, the idle people began to gather Chat together.

Chen Hongyun is a small supervisor of the sales department of Mishell Electronics, and his visit this time opened his eyes.

Hearing what his subordinates said, he smiled and said, "Even if we don't sell the products of Mi Ke, the supply is in short supply."

"Do you know, I have received several calls from Dongzhou in the past two days, all wanting to buy our refrigerator."

"You said that these people are real. At the beginning, they didn't believe us. They insisted on trusting Professor Bird who made academic fraud."

"It's all right now, I'll buy it again, but I still can't rank up, so why bother!"

Just as Chen Hongyun was shaking his head, he saw a few people in the overalls of Shangxue Electronics Factory walking over hesitantly.

"Director Chen, I'm busy!" The leader was a man in his 30s. While he was talking, he took out a cigarette and wanted to give it to Chen Hongyun.

Chen Hongyun glanced at the visitor and said, "I'm sorry everyone, we don't allow smoking here. If you have anything to do, just tell me."

"That... that Director Chen, we want to meet Chairman Shen, I wonder if you can pass it on to me?"

The man did not take back the cigarette in his hand, but asked with a smile on his face.

"Do you want to see Chairman Shen?" Although Chen Hongyun was unwilling to spread the word, he couldn't ignore the fact that he wanted to see Shen Lin.

"It's like this, our factory manager, no, the factory manager Xie doesn't care about anything now, we haven't contacted us about going back, um... um, I heard that our factory will be merged into Mishell Electronics in the future, so I would like to ask Chairman Shen arranges it."

When the man said this, he smiled and said, "In the future, we will all be a family!"

Looking at the expectant faces of the workers of Shangxue Electronics Factory, Chen Hongyun didn't know what to say for a while.

He had already heard the news that the Shangxue Electronics Factory was going to be contracted by Mi Ke.

In this way, what the other party said seems to be correct, but the relationship between everyone was not good before, and now they have suddenly become their own family, which makes him feel a little awkward.

In addition, a salesman, what kind of person has he never met?After thinking for a moment, he understood.The other party said that the matter of going back has not been arranged, it is purely an excuse, the real purpose is to take advantage of today's opportunity to meet Shen Dong.

After all, with the growing size of Mishell Electronics Factory, not everyone has the opportunity to meet Shen Lin.

After hesitating for a moment, he said in a deep voice, "I'll ask Mr. Shen for instructions to see if he has time."

(End of this chapter)

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