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Chapter 1095 We Are Not a Small Company

Chapter 1095 We Are Not a Small Company

In the same restaurant, Shen Lin and Komatsu Izumi sat at opposite ends of the table again.

"Mr. Shen, I have reported your opinion to the board of directors. In order to enhance the friendship between us, Shangsong Electric and Mishell Electronics, the board of directors has agreed to your proposal."

"It's just that we can only give you the model of the compressor production line you want to introduce ten years ago. If you are sure you want it, you can sign the contract now."

"Of course, if you refuse, then I can only express my great regret!"

Because they knew each other's situation very well, after seeing Shen Lin, Komatsu Izumi didn't talk nonsense, but said to Shen Lin directly.

Shen Lin looked at Xiaosong Quanyi's expression, and his mind was spinning rapidly.

He is very clear that the other party cannot give him the latest technology of the compressor. If he wants to break through the blockade of some technologies, he still has to rely on himself in the end.

Fortunately, he has seen many drawings of compressors when repairing air conditioners in later generations.

With the current production line and the current scientific research technology of Mishell Electronics, everything is not impossible.

"Mr. Xiaosong, speaking of it, I am very disappointed by your answer today!"

Shen Lin knew that at this time, he couldn't directly agree, because if he readily agreed, the final result would be to damage his own interests.

"I thought that no matter how bad you are, you would give me a five-year-old compressor production line. Unexpectedly, it turned out to be ten years ago."

"You don't give the latest, I can understand, but ten years ago, isn't it too long? It's outdated!"

"It's no exaggeration to say that on your side, it's basically scrap metal that needs to be replaced. You say, what's the use of this pile of junk that I want to replace?"

There was a hint of aggressiveness in Shen Lin's words: "Or, we don't need to say anything, just do what we need to do."

Seeing Shen Lin's calm, determined expression, Komatsu Quanyi's expression became serious.

Although he got straight to the point, he also knew that this negotiation was not easy.

Because the initiative is not in his hands.

Now that Shen Lin proposed the model five years ago, he really couldn't agree.After all, the upgrading of technology also takes time.

"Director Shen, the licensing of LED energy-saving lamp technology, the barking of some mad dogs, and the Shangxue Electronics Factory are all very small things for us at Shangsong Electric."

"You know how much our annual sales are. These superficial injuries cannot shake our status."

"The reason why we are willing to talk is entirely because we don't want to spend too much energy on such small things."

"If Chairman Shen insists on persisting, I think our board of directors will definitely continue with you."

Having said that, Komatsu Izumi said: "But such a tug-of-war will not do you any good."

Shen Lin looked at Komatsu Izumi who suddenly became tough, thoughts flashed quickly in his mind, but on the surface, he still said in a deep voice: "So, don't we need to talk about the compressor production line?"

"Yes, you have to accept that it is the model ten years ago. If you can't accept it, then there is no need to talk about it."

"After all, it's a waste of time to talk about it!"

Shen Lin took a sip from his water glass and said, "Energy-saving lamps and Shangxue Electronics Factory are really not a big deal for Shangmatsu Electric."

"But in my feeling, someone's slander against Uematsu Electric is a big deal."

"After all, this involves more than just you Shangsong Electric!"

Komatsu Izumi's eyes narrowed. In fact, this was what he was most afraid of.At this moment, in his heart, he was cursing Takeda Ichiro as a bastard, he couldn't do a little thing well, so that he sent such a handle to Shen Lin's hands.

But on the other hand, he also felt a little helpless.Because as explained above, it is best to suppress this kind of thing.

The current Professor Oda has already devoted himself to Shen Lin's command, so it is difficult for him to take the initiative in this kind of matter.

"Mr. Shen, I understand what you mean. This is also the reason why the higher-ups requested to try to reach a settlement with Mishell Electronics."

"From my own point of view, I very much hope that we can reach this kind of reconciliation with Chairman Shen, and I also hope that Chairman Shen can give us a chance."

Komatsu Izumi said: "But you have to know that this will not cause too much harm to us, Shangsong Electric."

"After all, we're not a small company."

Shen Lin didn't say a word, just drinking tea with a smile.

Komatsu Izumi, who was sitting opposite him, also understood what Shen Lin meant at this time, so he also didn't speak.

After drinking a pot of tea that only tasted like boiled water, Shen Lin finally said, "Since the compressor can't be advanced, I hope to buy another old air-conditioning production line."

"Old items should be very cheap."

The air conditioner production line is not a problem for Uematsu, let alone it is old.

When Xiao Songquan saw that Shen Lin finally let go, he secretly breathed a sigh of relief, he smiled lightly and said: "Mr. Shen, I am very pleased with the condition you raised."

"You can rest assured that we will not disappoint our friends in this respect."

After finishing speaking, he stood up and said, "For the old air-conditioning production line, we only need one third of the price of the new ones."

"What do you think?"

"Since it is old, it will be disposed of even if it is not sold. One-third of the price is a bit too high. We are old friends. Can't you give a friendly price to express your sincerity?" Shen Lin He didn't appreciate it at all, and said with a smile.

At this moment, it is not Shen Lin's character not to take advantage of advantages.

Although Komatsu Izumi is not a generous person, Shen Lin no longer has the latest compressors that involve key technologies. For him, this is equivalent to a successful negotiation.

At this time, he didn't want to cause extra problems because of some small money.

So, he lowered his head and thought about it for a moment, then smiled and said, "Alright, since Director Shen has opened his mouth, then the price given to an old friend is a quarter of the original price."

"It can't be less, this is my final bottom line."

Shen Lin silently estimated in his heart: "That's fine, but this production line can't be scrap copper and rotten iron, at least it must be able to operate."

"Otherwise, I don't recognize it."

"It's a deal." Xiao Songquan said together, "Mr. Shen, I think we will sign a contract soon."

"By the way, we want to buy your LED energy-saving lamp patent, which is only in our island country. If you are willing, the price can be negotiated."

Shen Lin looked at Komatsu Izumi, waved his hands and said, "As for this patent, I have no plans to sell it. Of course, if I must sell it, I will choose your company first."

Xiao Songquan smiled and said, "Then I'll wait for good news from Chairman Shen."

While speaking, Xiao Songquan, who had already completed the task, said goodbye and left, but when Shen Lin was about to leave, a person stood in front of him.

"Mr. Shen, I want to chat with you."

(End of this chapter)

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