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Chapter 1094 Didn't start, it's over

Chapter 1094 Didn't start, it's over
Time passed quickly, that is, in a blink of an eye, the trade fair was almost coming to an end.

In the eyes of Sister Dan and the others, there are still many regrets, but in the eyes of Director Xie, they feel that the end of the trade fair is really too slow.

He has a sense of living here.

Because of declaring war on Shen Lin, Director Xie felt as if he was isolated!

This made it difficult for him to find a friend to chat with, let alone talk about other things.

Well now, we can finally go.

Don't look at Mi Ke's results anymore, it's so good that it makes people dizzy.

The people who came together, those who could get the order, were naturally elated; those who couldn't get the order were all willing to sit down with Shen Lin for a while.

Chat for a while, gossip, and get acquainted with Shen Lin.Of course, some people go to ask for advice on how to operate.

Therefore, the crowded scene at Shen Lin's side every day made Director Xie feel extremely uncomfortable.

"Director, we still have one more day tomorrow, shall we still go?" The staff who came with him cautiously asked Director Xie for instructions.

Factory Manager Xie waved his hand and said, "Forget it, it's the last day left, tell everyone, let everyone pack up."

"Anyone who wants to go shopping, just go shopping, so as not to let people say, it's a waste of time."

"Thank you, the factory manager, I will inform them right away."

Looking at the subordinate who turned his head and left, Director Xie shook his head. This young man is really immature. I think how energetic he was when he was young.

He wouldn't even ask the questions asked by these subordinates. At that time, he was afraid not of being busy, but of having nothing to do.

Are you really old?Why are you always nostalgic?

With all kinds of thoughts surging in his mind, Director Xie showed a trace of determination on his face.No, I'm not old yet, I can't admit defeat!
Just as Director Xie was secretly getting angry, the phone on his desk suddenly rang.

"Hello, factory manager, I'm Xiao Wang in the office." On the other end of the phone, a anxious voice broke the silence of factory manager Xie.

Xiao Wang is Director Xie's confidant. Regarding Xiao Wang's phone call at this time, Director Xie's heart tightened. Could it be that something went wrong in the factory?
But soon, Director Xie regained his composure. He pretended to be casual and said, "Xiao Wang, what's the matter?"

"Director, now there are rumors in the factory that our factory will be contracted to Mishell Electronics, and many people believe it." Xiao Wang said on the phone: "I think this kind of thing should not be talked about. .”

Factory Manager Xie said: "Xiao Wang, you have done a good job, I will arrange someone to deal with it."

After hanging up Xiao Wang's phone, Factory Manager Xie's expression turned a little ugly, because this matter could spread to the factory so quickly, he felt that someone who followed him must have leaked this matter.

Originally, he thought that what he brought with him were all his capable subordinates, but now it seems that he made the mistake of being under the lights and did not properly screen out the people around him.

Just as Director Xie was wondering who would spread such gossip, the phone rang again.

Director Xie, who was already a little impatient, picked up the phone, and Xiao Wang's voice came from the phone: "Director Xie, I'm Xiao Wang!"

"Xiao Wang, didn't you call just now?" Director Xie said with a trace of displeasure in his voice.

Xiao Wang hurriedly said: "Thank you, the factory manager, just now someone came from above, saying that they want to transfer you to another unit."

"Impossible, you heard me wrong! How could I be transferred? Even if it's the decision of the higher-ups, I still need to seek the opinions of Shangsong Electric."

"We are a joint venture factory now!" Director Xie was stunned for a moment when he heard the news, but then he calmed down. "If you want to remove me as the factory director, you must also seek the opinion of Uematsu Electric."

Xiao Wang said on the other end of the phone: "But now that the announcement is ready, you should hurry up and ask what's going on."

Director Xie hung up the phone, feeling anxious.Although he thought it was impossible, Xiao Wang's phone call made him feel like he was sitting on pins and needles.

Do you really want to replace yourself?

Just when Director Xie was suspicious and was about to make a call, the phone rang again, which made him feel even worse.

After all, at this time, the continuous phone calls are very explanatory. Director Xie took a breath and tried to calm himself to pick up the phone.

"Hi, I'm Lao Xie." Director Xie made his voice a little slower.

"Xie Sang, I'm Ichiro Takeda." Ichiro Takeda's deep voice on the other end of the phone reached Director Xie's ears through sound waves.

Takeda Ichiro called himself at this time, which made Director Xie's heart tighten, and he immediately said: "Mr. Takeda, I was talking about contacting you. How are you doing these days? Is it..."

"Xie Sang, listen to me first." Ichiro Takeda said in a deep voice, "Our company has decided to sell the shares of the joint venture factory to Mishell Electronics Factory."

"That is to say, from today, Mishell Electronics Factory already owns 50.00% of the shares of the joint venture factory. I just learned the news, so you have to be mentally prepared."

If Xiao Wang's phone call made Director Xie half-believing, then the current situation made Director Xie directly confused.

It's true, what Xiao Wang said is true, no wonder he announced his transfer. It turned out that Mishell Electronics had acquired the shares of Shangmatsu Electric.

He said anxiously: "Mr. Takeda, you can't do things like this, this matter... this matter..."

"Xie Sang, take care of yourself, this is not something I can decide." While speaking, Takeda Ichiro hung up the phone.

Listening to the beeping voice on the other end of the phone, Director Xie stopped talking, and he slumped on the chair.

No wonder Mishell Electronics started to take orders again. It turned out that everything was already planned. I am afraid that only I have been kept in the dark about this result.

Although my Shangxue refrigerator didn't sell well, even if I didn't have credit, I still had hard work. How could I treat myself like this!

Depressed in his heart, Director Xie stood up suddenly, but in the end, he sat down again dejectedly.

The phone rang, and it rang again.

But listening to the ringtone, he really didn't have the heart to answer the phone anymore.

Time passed bit by bit in Director Xie's silence, and when he felt a little hungry, he suddenly heard footsteps outside.

"Oh, that's great, our factory has been contracted by Mishell Electronics! From now on, our wages will rise very quickly."

"What contract, I heard that Uematsu Electric sold half of our equity to Mishell Electronics, and more than half of us belong to the people of Mishell Electronics Factory."

"Shangxue's brand is not just ugly. It's called Mi Ke. If you ask me, we should have gone to Mi Ke Electronics Factory a long time ago."


Hearing these familiar voices, Director Xie let out a helpless sigh.

(End of this chapter)

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