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Chapter 1093 I really don't want to be a star

Chapter 1093 I really don't want to be a star

The young man looked at Sister Dan and Mi Yuan who were smiling, and for some reason regained his energy.

He pointed to Shen Lin and said: "Mi Ke Electronics is so prosperous now, who do you think can compare to Mi Ke? Could it be that Shen Lin is not the richest man, but you are the richest man!"

Speaking of this, he looked at Shen Lin twice and said: "Hey, don't tell me, you look a bit like Shen Lin, but let me tell you, there are many people who look like Brother Fa, but, no Everyone must be a hero."

Just when Shen Lin was a little speechless, the young man said to Mi Yuan, "Beauty, my friend is a scout in Xiangjiang, do you want to make a movie?"

At this time, Shen Lin realized that he had become a tool that others wanted to use.

The young man said a lot, just for the last sentence.

He ignored it, but Mi Yuan said calmly: "Thank you for your kindness, I have no idea of ​​developing in this area."

"Miss, according to your own strength, I can guarantee that you will become popular soon."

"Look at those big stars, which of them didn't make money and get soft? Let me tell you, as long as you make money, even the real Shen Lin can get together for dinner."

Shen Lin looked at the young man, really speechless, what's wrong with me, you just say that about me.

Sister Dan was lying on the table, laughing a little like cramp.

She ate with Shen Lin this time because she wanted to improve her relationship with Shen Lin, but she didn't expect to encounter such a fun thing.

I really don't know what to say.

But Mi Yuan glanced at Shen Lin and said: "I'm sorry, I'm really not interested. By the way, we are going to eat, please don't disturb."

The young man looked at the resolute Mi Yuan, and finally took out a business card and said, "Miss, this is my business card. If you change your mind someday, you can contact me anytime!"

"I think as long as you enter the film and television industry, you will definitely become popular in the future."

When the young man left, Shen Lin picked up the business card casually, saw what Datian Media Company was written on it, and said with a smile: "Throw it away, it's useless."

"I've got a few friends in that line, if you really think so."

Mi Yuan smiled and said, "I can't, I'm still suitable for the current job."

While the two were talking, the food was served.But Sister Dan smiled and said: "Mr. Shen, you are considered the richest man, so how do you think, how can someone like me earn some money?"

"I don't want to quit either."

Shen Lin looked at the smiling Sister Dan, pondered for a moment and said, "Sister Dan, if you want to earn a little money so that you don't have to worry about eating and drinking in the future, then buy a case of sauce-flavored wine every year and put it away."

"In a few decades, it should be pretty good."

Sister Dan was stunned for a moment, she didn't expect Shen Lin to give such a proposal, after pondering for a while, Sister Dan smiled and said: "Then I'll try it when I go back."

Mi Yuan glanced at Shen Lin and said, "Mr. Shen, is this reliable?"

Shen Linxin said that this must be reliable, because it has been verified, but on the surface, he can only smile: "I am just a suggestion."

According to his friendship with Sister Dan, it is not bad to be able to give such a suggestion.

After chatting for a while, the three of Shen Lin had dinner. Although Sister Dan still wanted to go shopping, Shen Lin wanted to go back.

In the end, the three returned to their residence together.

Just when the three of them walked into the door of the hotel, Li Qingbo greeted him with a smile: "Mr. Shen, I just got the news that not only did I happily place an order, but several merchants also placed orders."

"The current order of our rice shell photoelectric refrigerators is close to 30 units."

Shen Lin also expected such a situation, he smiled and said: "It seems that our production will speed up again."

Listening to Li Qingbo's words, Mi Yuan and Sister Dan couldn't help but think of the young man's words during the meal, feeling a little emotional in their hearts.

Although the tone of the young man's words was unpleasant, what he said seemed to make sense.Shen Lin is almost the richest man.

"By the way, we are fighting for the matter of your production line. As long as Shangmatsu Electric confirms it, everything will be fine."

Seeing that Shen Lin didn't say a word, Li Qingbo felt that he was worried about the production capacity, so he hurriedly said to Shen Lin with a smile.

Shen Lin smiled and said, "Thank you Director Li, I feel much more at ease when you say that."

"it should be no problem."

Sister Dan and Mi Yuan saw that Shen Lin had something serious to talk about, so they left and left. After the two returned to the room, Sister Dan looked at Mi Yuan who was changing clothes and said, "Xiaoyuan, I think that person is a bit unreliable. Spectrum, but he was right about two things."

"One sentence is that Shen Lin is the richest man; another sentence, if you go to make a movie, you will definitely become popular."

"I think you are prettier than those movie stars!"

Mi Yuan smiled and said: "I don't have that kind of ability, what's more, I still like the step-by-step life now."

Sister Dan did not argue, but hesitated and said: "Do you think the method Shen Lin said can really make money?"

"I don't know either." Mi Yuan smiled and said: "If you think you can make money, then try it, if not, then leave him alone."

When these two people were chatting, in a luxury hotel not far away, Tai Jin was looking at his assistant suspiciously.

"Mr. Seton, it has been half a day since Shen Lin invited me to dinner, why hasn't he contacted me yet?"

"I heard that their refrigerators are accepting orders again, and they are still quite large orders."

Seton said: "Mr. Taijin, I have also heard about this matter."

"I think Shen Lin is waiting for you to speak first, so that he can take the initiative. Otherwise, he won't have a meal with you and start accepting new orders."

Tai Jin pondered for a moment, shook his head lightly and said: "I know Shen Lin, if he is not sure, he probably won't take risks."

"But I haven't heard that any company will sell him a new production line!"

Seton stopped talking, but in his heart, he didn't want to believe that Shen Lin really just invited Tai Jin to a meal.

Taijin picked up the phone at his hand and dialed several familiar phone numbers, but the answers he received were all the same.

None of them received any orders for rice shells.

Putting down the phone in his hand, he hesitated and said, "Mr. Seton, maybe you are really right about this matter."

"Shen Lin, he is bluffing, but he has not actually ordered the production line."

"Maybe he thinks that he has finished our production line after having a meal with me."

"This time, I'm not going to sell him so easily."

Seton hesitated for a moment and said: "Mr. Taijin, you haven't contacted Song Electric, maybe they..."

"It's impossible for them. Their joint venture Shangxue Electronics Factory itself produces refrigerators. If they sell it to Shen Lin's production line, then their factory will have to close down."

"So I think it's impossible for them to do such a loss-making thing."

Taijin waved his hand and said confidently.In fact, apart from this idea, he didn't contact Song Electric because he could no longer contact Takeda Ichiro.

This former opponent and friend seemed to have disappeared. He hadn't seen him in several gatherings, and he didn't know what he was up to.

I hope this unlucky guy is doing well recently!

(End of this chapter)

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