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Chapter 111 Shen Lin, I'm Waiting for You to Lose All My Underpants

Chapter 111 Shen Lin, I'm Waiting for You to Lose All My Underpants

There were more and more people watching the excitement, Shen Lin really felt a little bit troubled.Although he really hoped to have a good relationship with Chen Hongying, so that his wife would not be caught in the middle.

However, he couldn't let his hard work of preparing for more than a month be in vain for the sake of Chen Hongying's feelings.

After all, it is related to whether he can let his wife and future children live in a big house in the fastest time.

"Mom! I have already signed the contract for the warehouse. If I return it, the compensation alone will make me breathless."

"So, I can't retreat, and I won't."

Chen Hongying looked at Shen Lin who looked calm and firm, and snorted, "Okay, Shen Lin, then you can go all the way to the dark!"

"When the time comes, you'll even lose your pants. Let me see how you can get into our house!"

While speaking, Chen Hongying pushed away a bystander, and walked towards another direction of the factory aggressively.

Shen Lin looked at the distraught Chen Hongying, and shook his head helplessly.At the same time, he was also a little worried for his wife.Chen Hongying treats herself with such disregard for face. Lu Xiaorong has been nagged by her many times these days.

But from the bottom of his heart, Shen Lin didn't resent Chen Hongying for doing this. After all, the purpose of Chen Hongying's doing this was not to harm him, but to fear that he and Lu Xiaorong would stumble in this matter.

Seeing the figure of Chen Hongying leaving aggressively, Shen Lin became more and more looking forward to the opening of the shop.

He very much hoped that the opening time would come sooner, so that the facts would make Chen Hongying shut up.

He and Lu Xiaorong didn't have to suffer any more because of Chen Hongying's affairs.

Thinking of this in his heart, Shen Lin's eyes fell on those who watched the excitement. He was very contemptuous of these guys who gloated, but he still smiled and joked: "I've finished watching the excitement. Anyway, it's a real performance, what's the matter, is everyone unwilling to disperse because they want to pay for tickets?"

Shen Lin's words made these neighbors who were watching the excitement feel a little embarrassed, and most of them almost dispersed.

With most of the people leaving, Shen Lin saw Lu Xiaorong standing outside the crowd, holding a small paper bag in Lu Xiaorong's hand, but at this moment, she had forgotten that there was something in her hand, The little paper bag slipped and fell to the ground unconsciously.

Those amorous eyes are now filled with mist!

"Hey, daughter-in-law, when did you come here?" Shen Lin hurried forward to support her.

Lu Xiaorong choked up a little: "When my mother just left."

"Hey, don't be sad, my mother-in-law is concerned about me, if it's an outsider, she won't bother to talk to me!"

Shen Lin picked up the paper bag that fell on the ground and said, "Let's go, daughter-in-law, I'm going to use my [-] cooking skills today, and cook something delicious for my daughter-in-law!"

"Don't worry, when our shop is renovated, our mother will definitely look at me with admiration!"

Lu Xiaorong nodded meekly, she took Shen Lin's arm, and the two walked towards home side by side.The rays of the setting sun, at this moment, stretched the shadows of the two people long.

Chen Hongying went to find Shen Lin and made a big fuss, which soon reached Fang Boyuan's ears.Ever since the news spread that Shen Lin rented a warehouse to lose money, Fang Boyuan paid the most attention to the news of Shen Lin.

This time, Chen Hongying hurt Shen Lin like this in the family home, which made him feel comfortable from the bottom of his heart.

"Brother Fang, take a look at this flyer." Xiao Zhang from the office came running in with a bit of a whoosh.Fang Boyuan despised Xiao Zhang's behavior, but now he urgently needed to win Xiao Zhang to follow him, so he said with a smile: "What's the leaflet?"

"Brother Fang, look, the leaflet says that we can see the Eiffel Tower, the Arc de Triomphe, and taste the style of Western Europe without leaving the city!"

While talking, Xiao Zhang excitedly handed the leaflet to Fang Boyuan and said, "I saw the opening date, and it will be five days later. Let's go and have a look."

Fang Boyuan took the flyer and was attracted at first glance.

The Eiffel Tower, the Arc de Triomphe, and the scenery of Western Europe have always been what he yearned for most when he was in school.

He also studied hard and wanted to get a place to study abroad, but unfortunately, his grades were a bit far behind.

Go see it, this is a must see!
Although I don't know the difference between this place and the real Paris, but looking at Paris Style Street, I can also appreciate some differences.

But when Fang Boyuan's eyes fell on that address, he frowned and said, "Xiao Zhang, what's the place opposite the cinema on the north of No. [-] Road?"

Xiao Zhang was stunned for a moment, and then realized: "Isn't that the old warehouse of the No. [-] Match Factory?"

"Brother Fang, Shen Lin didn't create this Paris style street, did he?"

Fang Boyuan had a toothache at this time, he really didn't expect that this guy Shen Lin, he could be so good at tossing around, he even came up with this kind of stunt, you are so good at bragging, isn't it obvious to attract people's attention!

"Brother Fang, it should be the old warehouse of the No. [-] Match Factory. You said that the Parisian style street created by Shen Lin will become more prosperous?"

Fang Boyuan curled his lips and said: "Xiao Zhang, don't be confused by the appearance in front of you. The things Shen Lin made look gaudy, but are they really useful?"

"For this so-called Parisian style street, I think whether a place can become a good store or not has to be considered comprehensively, such as location, convenience, such as..."

Fang Boyuan said a lot in one breath, and Xiao Zhang, who was full of doubts at first, became determined now.

"Brother Fang, I understand now that you said that. The bigger Shen Lin is now, the harder he will fall."

"Hey, you don't know, he hired a lot of people to distribute flyers to him. I'm afraid he won't even be able to recover the cost in the future!"

Fang Boyuan said confidently: "That's natural, you just have to wait and see, well, when his Paris Style Street opens, that's when he cries."

"In business, the most important thing is to be down-to-earth."

Xiao Zhang raised the flyer in Yang's hand and said, "Brother Fang, the opening time is this Sunday. Anyway, we're fine. Why don't we all go and have a look?"

Fang Boyuan said: "Okay, after watching his Paris style street, let's find a place to have a good meal, and I'll treat you."

Xiao Zhang said politely: "Then how can I always ask you to treat me, this time I will come."

Although Xiao Zhang spoke enthusiastically, Fang Boyuan knew that he was not sincere at all. Although he looked down on such a stingy guy in his heart, Fang Boyuan still said: "Xiao Zhang, when I am a brother, I have invited this meal."

"Let's help Xiao Shen and increase his popularity!"

ps: The new book sets sail, please support!
(End of this chapter)

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