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Chapter 112 Everything is ready, just waiting for the east wind to come

Chapter 112 Everything is ready, just waiting for the east wind to come


After the last nail was knocked on the wall by Li Jiashun, the big clock carved from wood was already sitting high on the top of the sharp wall.

Although the big clock doesn't know how to move words, this big clock still fills Li Jiashun with a sense of accomplishment.

This big clock was put together piece by piece by him and several apprentices.Although they didn't understand why they made this shape when they were fighting, but now, seeing the completion of this big clock, he feels very good.

The black cloth behind him can not only hide the eyes from looking over, but also can block the afterglow of the scorching sun.

But at this moment, Li Jiashun could not wait to tear off the black cloth immediately, so that the afterglow of the setting sun would cover the work he had worked so hard for so many days.

A wooden pagoda with a height of three meters. This pagoda is on the roof. In Li Jiashun's opinion, this pagoda is really not as good as a seven-story pagoda.

The pagoda suppresses the river demon, how grand it is!
Because of this problem, he suggested to the boss Shen Lin more than once, but was ruthlessly rejected by the young boss.

He is the boss, and he pays the money, so naturally he has the final say.

Although he disagreed with this shape in his heart, Li Jiashun still kept the original shape, and built the wooden tower according to the figure drawn by Shen Lin.

The black wooden tower, rebuilt from a warehouse gate, was called a small triumphal arch by Shen Lin, coupled with various spiers and square decorations, it made Li Jiashun feel like he was in a foreign land.

If someone said a month ago that Li Jiashun would decorate such a place, he would definitely be the first to not believe it.

But the current situation was truly reflected in front of him.

"Master, this place is really beautiful." At some point, Li Jiashun's apprentice Zhuzi came to Li Jiashun's side.

Although these buildings were all made by themselves, the apprentice still couldn't help showing a trace of yearning when he saw everything in front of him.

Li Jiashun nodded and said: "That's right, I didn't expect that it was actually made by our brothers."

"Zhuzi, go to the photo studio and take a picture of us, master and apprentice. When the time comes, let your uncle and the bumpkins see it when you go home!"

For the master's show off, Zhu Zi fully agrees. Although he also questioned the blueprint of the young boss at the beginning, let alone, this shape is really extraordinary!The effect is awesome!
Here's what we did!

"Master Li, I'm busy!" A middle-aged woman was dragging a large bag of clothes into the store, when she saw Li Jiashun, the woman stopped to say hello.

Li Jiashun knew this woman, she was the first tenant here, and she owned the No. [-] store. The red bean women's clothing signboard made of wood on the top of the store was helped by Li Jiashun.

This signboard was made according to Boss Shen's request.It can be said that the signboards of more than 30 shops are all made by Li Jiashun.

As for the reason, it was naturally Boss Shen's arrangement.

"It's the sister of the Cheng family. Can you sell out all the goods you bought this time?" While speaking, Li Jiashun said to the pillar, "I have good eyesight, and help your aunt move these things in quickly."

Zhu Zhu, who had finally taken a breath, was a little reluctant, but he had to do it when the master ordered him to do it, so he agreed immediately, picked up the things and moved them into the store.

"Boss Shen said that the opening tomorrow will definitely be overcrowded, so let me stock up more." While speaking, Cheng Qing looked at Zhuzhu who had already dragged his things to the No. [-] store and said, "Little Zhuzi, that is a glass door. Be careful."

"Auntie, don't worry, I built this store and it won't break." While Zhu Zi was speaking, he gently pushed open the door, which was framed with white paint and inlaid with two large pieces of glass.

In Li Jiashun's opinion, this door is really useless. Let alone preventing theft, he can break this door with his own brute force.But in Cheng Qing's opinion, this glass door is very beautiful. The two large pieces of glass and the glass above the door make the entire No. [-] store look like something in a painting.

Beautiful, good-looking, high-end!
"I don't know if Boss Xiao Shen's method is reliable?" Li Jiashun said with a smile while holding a cigarette and lighting it.

"Why is it unreliable? If he didn't charge money now, I would have rented it out for him." Cheng Qing said affirmatively, "Look at the decoration, it must be the most eye-catching scenery in our area!"

Li Jiashun didn't care about whether it could become a scenic spot. His eyes were mainly on the No. [-] shop where Qiangzi was busy.

This No. [-] store is not only big enough, but also the most stylish.The four big characters of Lin Rong Electronics above are even thicker than other stores.

Li Jiashun was very clear about why this happened, because the owner of this No. [-] shop was the young boss Shen Lin.

Naturally, it was the focus of Boss Shen's attention.

"Boss Xiao Shen is a capable person." Li Jiashun smacked his lips and said: "I saw his store, tsk tsk, not only refrigerators, TVs, but also several washing machines, as long as I can buy one, I will be satisfied. "

"Master, you can buy it if you like it." Zhu Zi who delivered the goods smiled and said: "I asked, most of Boss Shen's goods are second-hand, so you don't need a ticket to buy things from him."

"Also, Boss Shen said that although all the things here are second-hand, the things here are guaranteed for three years."

Li Jiashun was overjoyed when he heard that the warranty was three years. He felt that the most troublesome thing was not buying things, but that the things he bought were broken.

For him, the things bought with so much money will break down in a short time, and the merchants will take advantage of it after all.

"Really? Then I have to take a good look and try to buy a TV back home."

Just as a few people were talking, Shen Lin came over. It was already autumn, and Shen Lin came over wearing a real shirt.

Although on the surface, Shen Lin looked calm, but inside he was turbulent.He couldn't contain his excitement!
After all, this is a scene he created by himself. For more than a month, although he was mainly in command and talking about business, he was the one who was busy and worried.

However, he is also calm in his heart, and he is full of confidence in the half Paris style street he built.

Back then, this street could have become the commercial center of the city without being built by anyone, let alone after careful preparation by myself.

"Boss Shen!"

"Shen Lin!"

"Xiao Shen!"

As Shen Lin walked by, people who were stocking up in various shops came out with smiles to greet Shen Lin.

They all came here to set up shop under the powerful attraction of use now and pay later.They were very apprehensive about opening a store here, but now that the decoration is completely completed, they are full of longing for the future.

"Everyone is ready to rest early today, tomorrow may be very busy!"

When Shen Lin said this, he waved his big hand and said, "I wish everyone a happy opening in advance."

While Shen Lin was talking, the skinny Boss Du stood in the corner full of jealousy, muttering, "Hmph, maybe everyone can make money!"

ps: The new book sets sail, please support!
(End of this chapter)

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