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Chapter 114 There is no earliest, only earlier

Chapter 114 There is no earliest, only earlier
Lu Dongsheng always gets up very early!
He got up earlier this day, and he was up before dawn.After a brief exercise on the playground, he started his morning study.

Although he is in college and it is Sunday, Lu Dongsheng, whose English foundation is a bit weak, insists on studying English every morning.

He believes that as long as he has the perseverance to become more courageous and persevering in learning like this, there will be miracles.

But today, he couldn't keep learning.

The content that was easy to read in the past was a bit jerky and difficult to understand at this time. He realized that at this moment, he was a little half-hearted. All he thought about was Paris style street.

Lu Dongsheng couldn't remember exactly how many leaflets he sent out, and he had almost used up the activity funds that Shen Lin gave him.

On this point, he didn't tell Shen Lin that people want to repay their kindness, and brother Shen will take care of him everywhere, so what if a little effort on his own is nothing!
Now there is only one thought in his mind, that is, how much popularity can this Parisian style street attract?
According to Lu Dongsheng's own feeling, there seems to be no problem with the popularity of this Paris style street, but everything is ever-changing, so I can't be sure until I see it.

Since you can't learn it, you might as well go and see it first!
Putting away the book in his hand, Lu Dongsheng walked out of the bedroom door.But when he came to the school gate, he ran into a few familiar classmates.

These are the classmates he invited to post the advertisement together.

"What are you guys doing here?" Lu Dongsheng greeted the familiar classmates with a smile.After those students saw Lu Dongsheng, they all smiled and said, "Dongsheng, are you going to Paris Style Street?"

"Yes, are you going too?" Lu Dongsheng asked back.

"Of course, so many advertisements have been sent to this Parisian style street, so we want to see what this Parisian style street looks like."

"The Eiffel Tower, the Arc de Triomphe in Paris, and the style of European architecture..." A short girl said with a smile: "After I saw that advertisement, I wanted to see it in my dreams."

"Taking advantage of today's opening, I just went to see what kind of surprise the mysterious boss has prepared."

Just as they were talking, a bus drove over.Just as Lu Dongsheng and the others were about to rush towards the bus, they saw college students dressed similarly to them rushing towards the bus stop from all directions.

"Don't get on, the station is full, wait for the next one." Before Lu Dongsheng and the others reached the gate of the bus, the voice of the conductor rang.

"What's going on this morning? In the past, on Sundays, there were only four or five students here. Why are there so many students today?"

Hearing the conductor's nagging, Lu Dongsheng realized that there were too many students who came out today.

"Master, get a ticket and go to the complex!"

"Master, a ticket for the complex!"

"Master, this is twenty cents, the four of us sit in the complex building!"

Hearing the sound of buying tickets in the car, Lu Dongsheng suddenly realized that these students all went to the complex building, and they all went to see the Paris style street they promoted.

"Hey, don't complain about it, it's all our own fault, no one else's fault." The short girl with glasses sighed sincerely.

The students who handed out leaflets together couldn't help laughing.For them, this is really true.

If they hadn't distributed so many leaflets, there wouldn't be so many students rushing towards the Paris style street together.

There was a trace of excitement on Lu Dongsheng's face at this moment. He knew that brother Shen's plan had already been more than half successful!

With the influx of so many people, this Paris style street must be very popular. At this time, he is more and more eager to go to Paris style street, to see if the Paris style street created by Brother Shen is as good as the publicity .

With such a large flow of people, it would be a pity if the venue couldn't hold up...

One car, two cars, three cars... After waiting for three cars, Lu Dongsheng and the others finally got on the bus. They had just bought their tickets and everyone in the car was talking about Paris Street.

"I want to see the Eiffel Tower!"

"I checked the information. The Eiffel Tower is more than 200 meters high. I don't know how high we have to be here."

"Hey, you want to be 200 meters high, how is that possible..."

All kinds of discussions made Lu Dongsheng's heart more urgent. He really wanted to rush to Paris Style Street as quickly as possible to see what he was promoting!

But God, it seemed to be against him on purpose. When he was one stop away from Paris Style Street, the driver announced something confidently.

"Students, don't be too busy, we are stuck in traffic, and traffic should resume soon, don't worry!"

Traffic jam!
Others lamented in their hearts, but what Lu Dongsheng thought in his heart was, the traffic jam this time wasn't because of the opening of Brother Shen's Paris Style Street, right?

At seven o'clock in the morning, Xu Ruibing rode his bicycle and hurried towards the police station leisurely. He was on duty today and had to go to work on time.

But when he came to a place 200 meters away from the warehouse of the second match factory that he had passed before, he had to jump off his bicycle.

It wasn't that there was a problem with the car, but that the flow of people in front of him had already made him unable to squeeze.

"Comrade, what are you doing here?" Xu Ruibing's professional habits made Xu Ruibing grab a middle-aged man casually and asked in a deep voice.

He was dressed in a police uniform, which made the people who were questioned a little afraid: "I came here to see the Parisian style street here."

"What's a Paris style street?" Xu Ruibing had heard of Paris, he had heard of style, he had even heard of street, but now, when these words were linked together, he suddenly felt something was wrong.

What do you mean, I can't figure it out.

"It's just that someone built a commercial street here. There is the Eiffel Tower, the Arc de Triomphe, and..." Seeing that Xu Ruibing didn't understand, the man kept talking.

Seeing more and more people gathered, Xu Ruibing lost interest in listening. He said to the person, "Thank you for clarifying the confusion. I'll go and have a look first."

While speaking, Xu Ruibing squeezed towards the Paris style street, but unfortunately, he was blocked by the crowd before he entered the street.

No, there are too many people here, I have to keep order.

Feeling that the matter was urgent, Xu Ruibing quickly turned the direction of his bicycle and rushed towards the institute from the other side.

And when Xu Ruibing went to transfer people, Shen Lin and Lu Xiaorong also came to the street outside Paris style.Shen Lin looked at the crowd that was starting to get a little crowded, and he was a little dazed, why did so many people come all of a sudden.

It's not even eight o'clock yet!
"Daughter-in-law, why don't you go back, there are too many people here, it will be troublesome to squeeze you." The first thing Shen Lin thought of was the child in Lu Xiaorong's stomach.

Although Lu Xiaorong didn't want to leave at this time, the people gathered in front of her made her choose to leave.

Before leaving, Lu Xiaorong said: "Husband, tell me, is this a good start?"

"That must be!" The corners of Shen Lin's mouth rose, full of confidence and sunshine: "A beginning that exceeded my expectations."

ps: The new book sets sail, please support!
(End of this chapter)

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