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Chapter 115 Shen Lin, don't scare me a little less

Chapter 115 Shen Lin, don't scare me a little less
"Young man, why are you crowded? You don't know how to line up?" A righteous old man saw that Shen Lin wanted to come over, and reprimanded him unceremoniously.

The old man’s righteous speech won a lot of applause, and some people even booed: "The old comrade is right, why do you squeeze young people? Do you want to use all the strength of breastfeeding!"

"Line up, line up!"

Hearing the voice of the angry crowd, Shen Lin was a little stunned. It was the first time for him to become the public enemy of everyone like this.

"Grandpa, I don't want to squeeze, I'm really in a hurry." Shen Lin didn't dare to add fuel to the fire, so he could only explain patiently.

However, his remarks made the old man even more unhappy. He almost roared: "Are you in a hurry? Are you in a hurry! Tell me, why should everyone let you!"

"Everyone can line up, so you are the only one doing something special?"

"Tell me, what's special about you?"

Some people who watched the excitement and were not afraid of big troubles also yelled: "Young man, if you can say one, two, three today, let's forget about it, otherwise, don't blame us for being rude!"

"Yes, even if you are not sent to the police station, you have to be sent to your unit. Let's see how your leaders educate you."

Hearing these voices of justice, Shen Lin said helplessly: "Everyone, don't be angry, I don't want to be crowded, but if I don't pass, you won't be able to enter our store!"

"I am an employee of Shen Rong Electronics here."

There was a lot of noise all around, and there were still people who were about to uphold justice, but they were all stunned at this moment!
He is a clerk on this street!
If people are not allowed to enter, so many of us will come to visit and see the atmosphere!What's more, coming here by myself is purely for fun.But when people come here, they come to work.

In that era, almost everyone attached great importance to going to work, so for a while, no one spoke.

The old man who was so bullish just now also felt a little embarrassed, but how could he back down in front of so many people?

"Young man, didn't the uncle tell you that you want to go to work, won't you tell us a word? We people will not let you in. "

"Just squeeze in the hands and feet, and solve the problem like this? You really have no hair on your mouth, and you can't do things well!"

Shen Lin felt that he had no room to refute the old man's unreasonable criticism.Immediately said honestly: "Master, you are right, I am all to blame, I am not experienced enough to make such a joke."

"When you come to this street again someday, visit our store more often. I'll make the tea for you. While you're drinking the tea, give me advice from time to time! Maybe a suggestion from you can improve us. A lot!"

Hearing Shen Lin's words, the old man suddenly felt that this young man was a malleable talent. Apart from other things, just because he could see that he was experienced, and he quickly asked for advice at the right time, it was enough to show that the young man still had good eyesight. of.

My heart was ironed to the point of obedience, and I waved my hand immediately: "Big guy, let the young man go to work first, we are all watching the fun, but he has to deal with business! Hey, don't squeeze, don't squeeze!" !"

When Shen Lin squeezed into his shop, his back was already soaked.The main entrance of the store has not been opened yet, but through the glass window, he has already seen the crowded crowd.

Is this too many people?I seem to be making things a little bigger!
Just after wiping off his sweat, before Shen Lin had time to catch his breath, he heard his father's voice: "Shen Lin, order must be maintained."

"Otherwise, I'm afraid there will be trouble."

Shen Lin nodded and said: "Dad, I have a good relationship with Director Song of the police station. I will call them now."

Shen Xingye said: "Go and call immediately, don't delay."

"In addition, if you are really too busy, you can ask the security department in the factory for help, and the clock factory should help."

Shen Lin nodded, he quickly ran to the concierge, and called Director Song of the police station.

"You said you started that Paris-style street?" Director Song was a little surprised when he received Shen Lin's call.But after feeling it, he laughed and said: "Shen Lin, I have always thought that your kid's brain is very good, but when you do this, can you say hello to me first? This makes people sad. I was caught off guard!"

Shen Lin said embarrassedly: "Director Song, I really didn't expect so many people to come back all at once."

"I was trying to attract popularity, but I didn't expect that people were so enthusiastic. So many people came all of a sudden."

Shen Lin looked at the crowd outside and said, "Please send someone over to help as soon as possible. When this matter is over, you have the final say."

"Okay, don't make trouble for me." Director Song snorted and said, "It's already too late when you inform me, Xu Ruibing has already reported to me, and I asked him to bring twenty defense members It's over."

"I can tell you, we are all helping you today."

Hearing that Xu Ruibing had arrived with twenty defense members, Shen Lin heaved a sigh of relief, thanked Director Song a thousand times, hung up the phone, and hurried to find Xu Ruibing.

Xu Ruibing came very quickly. After Shen Lin walked out of the shop, he arrived with the joint defense team. Twenty police officers in police uniforms and red armbands were very experienced in this field and quickly maintained order.

"Brother Xu, let in 200 people at a time, and these 200 people can stay inside for 10 minutes, what do you think?"

Xu Ruibing's forehead was covered with sweat at this time, he looked at Shen Lin who was also sweating profusely and said: "Shen Lin, you will really find me something to help me, okay, just do as you said."

"But there is one thing, after this matter is over, I have to tell you about it."

"Okay, brother, my apology is ready!"

After discussing it, the two quickly divided them into two teams, one on the street and the other at the end of the street, and used the hemp rope they found temporarily to set up a cordon at the street entrance.

As Xu Ruibing released the first batch of 200 people, the closed shops also started to open. After observing outside, many people walked straight into the shop.

Xu Ruibing was the commander-in-chief on site. After he arranged things, he became less busy.After wiping off his sweat, he carefully looked at the Paris style street that made many people crazy.

A strange black tower about two meters high!

Although when he saw this tower, his first feeling told him that it was a tower, but this was the first time he saw such a strange tower.

"Shen Lin, this is the Eiffel Tower you advertised. Is it that tall?" Xu Ruibing has also read books. Although he can't remember how tall the Eiffel Tower is, he also knows that the real Eiffel Tower is not low.

These two meters are obviously not enough!
"The height of the Eiffel Tower is more than 200 meters. We made it according to the ratio of [-] to [-]. Of course, there are some errors." Shen Lin is very casual about the height of the Eiffel Tower on this Paris style street. The ratio of [-] is entirely due to his nonsense.

"This is the Arc de Triomphe, I remember it seems to be the gate of the warehouse." Xu Ruibing often walks around this area, and he is very clear about the situation in this area.

Shen Lin didn't argue either, and said honestly: "Yes, it's the gate of the warehouse, and I made it according to the proportion."

Xu Ruibing wanted to say something else, but at this moment Shen Lin pointed and said: "I said brother, don't pick on your brother! Look at the people queuing up to take pictures outside the Arc de Triomphe, it seems that they are going to quarrel, you go Let's maintain order."

When Xu Ruibing took a look, he saw that two groups of people taking pictures refused to give in to each other, and they had already quarreled.He rushed over immediately.

But the closer he got, the more he felt that the white wall, the triangular and square wall patterns really outlined a style of Western Europe.

ps: The first update today, please support

(End of this chapter)

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