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Chapter 117 What the hell is the third queue

Chapter 117 What the hell is the third queue?
There are not many pedestrians in this section of Jianshe Road!
Fang Boyuan used to pass here often, but it was the first time that he met so many people on this construction road.

Could it be that there are some collective activities in the city today!
However, no matter what kind of activities there are, Fang Boyuan likes to hear about them. In the past, once there were more people on Jianshe Road, there would be fewer people on Shen Lin's so-called Parisian Street.

"Brother Fang, let's wait a minute. Let's look at the Parisian street first, and then see what activities are going on on Jianshe Road." Although Zhang's age is about the same as Fang Boyuan's, he likes to be lively.

It can be said that there is a big gap between him and Fang Boyuan.

Although Fang Boyuan felt contempt for Xiao Zhang's temperament in his heart, on the surface, he said with a smile: "Okay, let's go and see who is singing against Shen Lin."

While the two were talking, they walked along Jianshe Road towards the old warehouse of the Second Match Factory.

But they found that the more people walked around, the more people there were.

"Where are you going?" Xiao Zhang was a lively person, looking at the people around him, he couldn't help asking.

As for his words, an old man standing next to him laughed and said, "Young man, seeing what you're asking, aren't we going to the same place?"

a place?Xiao Zhang was stunned for a moment and said, "Is there any big event in the city?"

"Big event? Hehe, it's okay to say." The old man said with a smile, "I've lived so many years, and I haven't been abroad, let alone seen that iron tower."

"Now, such a good opportunity has come, and we need to learn more."

Xiao Zhang and Fang Boyuan have already realized at this time that the place they are going to is the Paris style street.

Xiao Zhang thinks it's normal for the elderly to think this way. Who doesn't want to take advantage of his youth and go to more places?

But Fang Boyuan felt uncomfortable. He was naturally disgusted with this kind of people who supported Shen Lin, so at this time, he didn't care about hiding his edge, and said directly: "Master, it's all fake of."

"I know it's fake, but the real Arc de Triomphe is in France!" The old man chuckled and said, "But it's a beautiful thing to be able to see what the tower looks like, and then take a photo with it!"

"Think about it, when I hang the photos in my living room, whoever goes there doesn't think we have been to a big place."

Fang Boyuan didn't want to talk anymore, he really had a feeling of lovelessness now.

"Everyone stop, the people in front can't get through, everyone is waiting here." A rough voice suddenly sounded from the front.

Fang Boyuan raised his head, and saw a defense team member in uniform, who was sweating and said loudly: "You guys wait here for a while, it's cool here, after the previous visit is over, you go on."

"Little comrade, how long will it take us!" The uncle standing beside Fang Boyuan was a little anxious.

"Master, there are still five waves of people ahead. They need 10 minutes for a group of people, and you have to wait for 10 minutes." The sweaty joint defense team member said: "This is much better than before. Half an hour How about an hour and a half for the last call?"

Hearing what the defense team said, the old man showed a hint of helplessness and said, "Why are there so many people?"

"Master, why don't you go home first and come back in two days. Anyway, they repaired things here, and it's not like one or two will leave."

"No boy, I'm here anyway, I'll wait here." While speaking, the old man found a shade under a tree and sat down.

When Fang Boyuan heard that there were five groups of people in front of him, he suddenly felt a little uneasy. He knew very well what these five groups of people represented. "Comrade, how many people are there in one group?"

"It's fixed. It's fixed by Boss Shen. There are 200 people in one group, and the visiting time is 10 minutes."

"Let me tell you, if you buy something, look at it more. If you don't buy something, take a picture and leave. You can't waste time here."

The defense team member wiped his sweat and complained, "There are just some people who don't buy anything and are still wasting time."

While the defenders were talking, a few young men who looked like college students rushed over.

"Oh, I didn't take a good photo of that one."

"Me too. The photo of me and the Eiffel Tower was obviously at the wrong angle. I even blinked when I took the photo."

"I want to take a good photo with the Arc de Triomphe. In the photo of mine just now, an uncle appeared, which is really annoying."

Hearing these chattering words, Fang Boyuan felt his head buzzing, and the defense team member seemed to know these students, and he said with a trace of dissatisfaction: "Students, this is the third time you have lined up."

"Can't you go back to school and study hard?"

"Thank you for your concern, but today we are going to use Sunday's time to give a practical lesson."

A young man who looked to be in his 20s, with a hint of childishness on his face, but more of a sense of superiority, smiled and said: "We are going to see what we have learned on the spot, and see how it differs from reality."

Well, the defense team member knew that he would never be the opponent of these college students in terms of talking, so he could only be depressed and let these people continue to line up.

At this time, Fang Boyuan felt that there were tens of thousands of mud horses roaring past his heart. He was a little depressed. He wanted to ask those juniors, where is the pride of your college students, where is the pride of your college students?
Shouldn't you look at new things with a critical eye?How can you watch it over and over again, purely embarrassing to college students!

But in the end, Fang Boyuan could only keep these words in his heart. Firstly, he knew them at all; secondly, he felt that what he said was useless.

The waiting time is always long, especially this waiting, which suddenly becomes an hour.

Fang Boyuan was ready to leave several times, but in the end he waited patiently.

Hearing is believing, seeing is believing, he wanted to see if Shen Lin, a Parisian style street, could succeed.

With the order from the person in charge of batching, Fang Boyuan actually felt a burst of excitement in his heart.

This kind of excitement made him feel ashamed, he felt that he had fallen to such a point.

"Brother Fang, hurry up, there are only 10 minutes, don't waste time." Just as Fang Boyuan was thinking about how to show his uniqueness, Xiao Zhang had already pulled him and ran quickly.

Turning a corner, Fang Boyuan was about to take a closer look at Fengfeng Street, but saw a familiar figure head on.

Although at this moment, he didn't want to say hello, but in the end, he still said to Chen Hongying: "Auntie, you are here too!"

ps: The new book sets sail, please support!
(End of this chapter)

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