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Chapter 118 I don't want to know so much

Chapter 118 I don't want to know so much

Seeing Fang Boyuan greeting him, Chen Hongying was taken aback for a moment, then smiled and said, "Xiao Fang, you are here too."

Fang Boyuan politely said to Lu Haihai behind Chen Hongying: "Hello, Uncle Lu!"

Lu Dahai wore a denim shirt and a sun hat on his head, which looked a bit fashionable. To Fang Boyuan who greeted him, Lu Dahai didn't have any good looks, but just nodded lightly.

Although Chen Hongying is the master of the family, Lu Dahai has experienced many things, and he has his own opinions on some things.

In Lu Dahai's view, this Fang Boyuan was purely motivated by impure motives.

You can see that he followed Lu Xiaorong's footsteps and didn't directly please him, but he showed off everywhere in front of Chen Hongying.What is it called?This is called a winding path!

A young man like this with as many minds as a hornet's nest is just cheating on an old woman like Chen Hongying. You still want to get away with me, Lu Dahai?I am half buried, what happened?Just rely on your little tricks, hum!
It was because of this mentality that although Lu Dahai couldn't persuade Chen Hongying, he had always been very indifferent to Fang Boyuan.

Chen Hongying saw that Lu Dahai refused to even respond to greetings, so she gave Lu Dahai a dissatisfied look, and then said, "Xiao Fang, have you gone in and checked out, how is it?"

"Auntie, I'm just here too. Judging from the situation, the popularity of Paris Style Street is quite strong!"

Although Fang Boyuan really wanted to slander Shen Lin in front of Chen Hongying, he didn't dare to speak nonsense.

In that case, what he wasted was Chen Hongying's trust in him.

Chen Hongying looked at the bustling crowd with a smile on her face.But on the surface, she snorted and said: "There are so many people here, what's the use of it, renting out the warehouse is the real skill!"

Fang Boyuan really wanted to say something, Auntie, what you said is so right!But in the end, he still suppressed the urge to have a good time.

After all, the character he created for himself is an upright and credible person.Now if he followed Chen Hongying to talk nonsense, it would damage his own reputation.

"Auntie, you can't say that. Although people can't make money now, at least they are popular. What is popularity? Popularity is potential customers!"

"At least judging from the current scene, Shen Lin has already succeeded halfway!"

"Right now, the crux of the problem is whether Shen Lin can keep these people."

Listening to Fang Boyuan's analysis, Chen Hongying couldn't help sighing: "Oh, Xiao Fang, after all, you have a high degree, are accurate in seeing things, and know a lot!"

"Your uncle and I, we are just blind. Regarding this situation, we don't know whether to be happy or worried."

Fang Boyuan smiled, but did not speak.

Xiao Zhang followed Fang Boyuan, listening to what Fang Boyuan said just now, he couldn't help being more vigilant.

Although Xiao Zhang has low qualifications, he is not a young child who has just stepped into the society after all. He has been working hard for several years and has some experience in knowing people.The behavior of Fang Boyuan just now made Xiao Zhang feel that this person is too scheming!
The outside is not the same, talking about people when you see people, talking nonsense when you see people, like this kind of guy with a hidden knife in his smile, I have to be careful, otherwise, he will stab me with a smile on his mouth!
"Xiao Fang, wait a moment and check the situation in Shen Lin's warehouses. If there is any problem, you must point it out to him."

Chen Hongying urged: "Xiao Fang, you are not doing this for Shen Lin, but for Xiao Rong. You two are classmates, so you can't just sit and watch Xiao Rong live a miserable life!"

Fang Boyuan agreed with his lips, but he slandered Chen Hongying in his heart. This old woman was really close to him, but the meaning behind the words was to help Shen Lin.

It's abominable!Aren't you eating in the bowl and thinking about the pot?
Could it be that she has accepted Shen Lin as her son-in-law in her heart?

Just when Fang Boyuan was feeling extremely uncomfortable, they had already walked into this Paris style street created by Shen Lin.

The first thing that catches their eyes is Lunan, the location of Lunan, there is nothing, it is still a bare wall.

They are no strangers to these walls, after all, everyone has passed through them.From these walls, they could also see familiar smells.But when their eyes saw the other side of the wall, their expressions were suddenly filled with surprise.

Even Fang Boyuan, who has gone to college, still has a feeling at this time that he is not in Dongzhou, but in a small town in Western Europe.

The glass door, the beautiful bay window, and the fence made of white wood at the door of the store, this eye-catching scene makes people feel as if they are in a garden.

At this moment, Fang Boyuan even felt a feeling that a person with taste and style like him should live in this kind of environment!

A black tower with a strange shape, only two meters high, erected on the roof, a door that looks a bit low but full of French style, and a...

"Xiao Fang, you have seen a lot, what do you think of this place?" After looking around in surprise, Chen Hongying asked Fang Boyuan.

As a female worker, what she has dealt with the most in her life is the cold machine. The main way for her to receive information from the outside world is the TV, but for the current situation, her vision is still too limited.

Fang Boyuan coughed and said, "Very good, very European style."

"Do you think this place can attract people to come here often?" Chen Hongying asked eagerly without waiting for Fang Boyuan to finish speaking.

Looking at the anxious Chen Hongying, Fang Boyuan really wanted to say, can you attract people? Are those big eyes of yours just for display? You can't see for yourself!

So many pedestrians take pictures here, can it not be attractive!

Such a slander in his heart, but Fang Boyuan couldn't say it yet, and he felt extremely uncomfortable at this moment.Just when he was upset and wanted to organize his words, Lu Dahai said bluntly: "Bo Yuan, your aunt is asking you!"

"Ah, I think this place should be able to attract people to come here often, haha, I don't know about others, but I think at least I will come here often."

After Fang Boyuan finished speaking, he felt that his mouth was a little dry.At this moment, Xiao Zhang, who was standing next to Fang Boyuan, said, "I will also come here often."

A smile appeared on Chen Hongying's face.But soon, he suppressed the smile.

"What's the use of just coming here? If the warehouse can't be rented out, isn't it a waste of money in the end? The better he makes it, the more money he wastes."

When Chen Hongying said this, she pointed at the signboard of Lin Rong Electronics: "Look, the shelves in this store seem to be empty."

Fang Boyuan was not as dull as Chen Hongying. When he saw Lin Rong Electronics, he immediately thought of Shen Lin and Lu Xiaorong.

Regarding this store name, he felt dissatisfied from the bottom of his heart, and said to himself, it is really a flower stuck in cow dung.
Don't you think it's more appropriate to call it Yuanrong Electronics?

Just when Fang Boyuan was thinking about how to provoke Chen Hongying, someone said: "Oh, I'm late. If I had known that Lin Rong Electronics sells second-hand TV sets, I would have come here at five o'clock in the morning!"

"This little boss, not only has good technology, but also provides warranty... Yes, it's a warranty card. As long as you buy something in their store, they will give you a one-year warranty. This is really good service!"

It was an old man in his 50s who was talking, and just when he felt a little regretful, his companion softly persuaded him: "Don't worry, there will be no more this time, let's leave a message for others, let's come next time When it’s time, come back and buy it.”

"That's the only way to do it! After all, it's his reputation that matters!"

Listening to the conversation between the two, Chen Hongying didn't know what to say for a while.Why do I see that my son-in-law is full of problems? In the eyes of outsiders, this son-in-law is a treasure everywhere.

At this moment, Lu Haihai said: "Shen Lin is in the store, why don't we go say hello."

ps: The new book sets sail, please support me
(End of this chapter)

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