Chapter 1201 I want to renege
"Let's go for a walk." Mi Yuan suddenly said to Shen Lin after seeing off Pu Yisheng and Wen Zaisong.

Shen Lin was stunned for a moment. Normally, he, as a man, should propose this kind of invitation, but now, it was Mi Yuan who took the initiative.

Shen Lin felt like he was bumping into a deer. He didn't know what would happen if he kept in touch with Mi Yuan. There was Xiao Rong and the cute and cute Xiaomi Ke. As for the collapse, but what if... Which man doesn't have a scourge in his heart?

Shen Lin didn't dare to think about it anymore, he felt that his identity was doomed, no matter what he said or did, for Mi Yuan, if he was not careful, it would be a kind of harm, so he simply opened up his words and opened up his friends Do.

Immediately smiled and said: "Alright, I have been in Beijing for such a long time, and I haven't walked much. I will go back now, and I will go out for a walk."

The two left the hotel and walked on the noisy street.

Under the not-too-bright street lights, there are many people hawking and selling, making it a very lively scene.

Although Mi Yuan proposed to take a walk, but at this moment, she felt that she had nothing to say in front of this man who was thinking about him so much.

Perhaps, this is what it feels like to fall in love with someone. When you don’t see him, you feel full of things to say, but when you see him, you feel that nothing is enough. Just stay by his side and blow the wind with him. , walking side by side, already very satisfied and happy!
Mi Yuan was immersed in her emotions, she felt that even the air was sweet, she really hoped that such a scene could be frozen!
Shen Lin looked at Mi Yuan who bowed his head silently, hesitated for a moment, then smiled and said: "Mi Yuan, do you think that I am a bit too high-handed towards Taiyu Group?"

"That's a little bit." Mi Yuan raised her head and smiled, brushed her long hair blown by the wind, and nodded curiously.

Shen Lin said seriously: "The color TV industry will be a sea of ​​blood in the future. It is true that you can make money, but what you earn is hard money."

"And very tired!"

Mi Yuan is aware of the current demand for color TVs, but now Shen Lin said that the color TV industry, which is booming now, is a sea of ​​blood, which surprised her a bit.

But she knew in her heart that the man in front of her was not the kind of person who would talk nonsense and play tricks.

On the contrary, Shen Lin's judgments on many things are extremely accurate.

Since Shen Lin said that the color TV industry will not make money in the future, then the color TV industry will not be easy to do in the future.

"Is Mishell Electronics not planning to continue making color TVs?" Mi Yuan asked concerned.

Shen Lin smiled and said: "How is it possible? Color TV is one of the most important types in the home appliance industry. If Mi Ke wants to develop in the home appliance industry, it must be a color TV."

"It's just that now is not a good time to enter color TV."

"When the color TV market is devastated, it will be a great opportunity for us to enter the color TV industry."

Shen Lin smiled and said: "So, I rejected Taiyu Electronics' color TV production line."

"And the communication industry will not lag behind in the next few decades. Believe it or not, the big brother in my hands will soon be eliminated."

"As for the various accessories of the Big Brother, the cost required is not even a fraction of the price of the Big Brother."

Speaking of this, Shen Lin couldn't help but think of the elderly phone that was many times more advanced than the big brother in the previous life, which only sold for one hundred yuan.

The profits of this can be imagined.

Mi Yuan did not expect that Shen Lin's goal was to enter wireless communication.

She has only heard of this industry, and as for the others, she is not very clear at all.

"Can Taiyu Group's electronics factory produce mobile phones?" Mi Yuan asked.

Shen Lin said with a smile: "They still lack a lot of technology in this area. But according to their accumulation, it is more than enough to produce cordless phones."

Speaking of this, Shen Lin said with a smile: "Of course, actually producing cordless phones is only our first step."

"Although the mobile phone industry will be very profitable in the future, I can't just invest in this area. We still need to make money in this area before continuing to invest."

After listening to Shen Lin's words, Mi Yuan admired this man even more.At the same time, she also felt ashamed, because she felt that she could not help Shen Lin at all in this regard.

"Shen Lin, my mother is sick this time. Thank you very much." Mi Yuan said solemnly after a moment of silence.Shen Lin looked at Mi Yuan's serious look and chuckled: "Mi Yuan, I told you that we are friends. I just lent you the money. When you have money, you can pay it back to me."

"And you, you don't need to have any psychological burden, you don't think about not paying it back, do you?"

Shen Lin's words originally wanted to break the somewhat serious atmosphere created by Mi Yuan, but he made it as a joke.

However, just after he said this, Mi Yuan paused for a moment, and suddenly said: "If I don't pay it back, can you agree?"

These words are full of meaning and contain many meanings.

Looking at Mi Yuan looking at him affectionately, for a moment, Shen Lin felt his heart beating. At this moment, he felt as if he was going to be intoxicated by the thousands of tender feelings coming to his face!
But soon, with just a daze, Shen Lin quickly calmed down.

He pretended not to understand, and said with a grinning grin, "If you really don't want to pay it back, then don't pay it back, just treat it as if I made friends carelessly and paid the tuition fee!"

Mi Yuan looked at Shen Lin who was at a loss and seemed to be unable to dodge her, and felt a pang in her heart.

She didn't know how to express her feelings, but she still forced herself to smile and said, "Hey, you're still a big boss, and when you said you wouldn't pay back your money, you were scared into such a state!"

Having said that, she coughed and said with a firm look: "Don't worry, I will definitely return the money to you."

Speaking of this, she said again: "I think, if I rely on my salary, if I want to pay off your money, and my mother's follow-up treatment, I'm afraid I'll never be able to pay it off for the rest of my life."

"Your rice shell electronics are paid very well, do you think I can join?"

"My requirements are not too high. After all, I don't know how to be too advanced, but I think I can handle internal affairs."

Mi Yuan spoke very seriously this time, and this is also a way she found for herself after careful consideration.

The mother's illness is like a mountain, weighing on Mi Yuan's heart.

She knew that relying on her own salary and her parents' salary alone was not enough for follow-up treatment.

Let her go out to start a business, she feels that she may not be able to do it for a while.

So at this time, she felt that her best choice was to join Mi Ke.

As for what other people said, she didn't care too much.

She believes that she can definitely play her role in Mishell Electronics.

I will definitely not be a person who relies on me and Shen Lin to be friends and get paid in Mi Kebai.

Shen Lin looked at Mi Yuan's expression, pondered for a moment, and finally said: "Mi Yuan, you have a degree now, plus..."

Mi Yuan listened to Shen Lin's persuasion without saying a word, her eyes were complicated, under the dim light, Shen Lin felt that these eyes were particularly shining.

As a result, the reasons he wanted to say did not go on in the end.

After pondering for a while, Shen Lin said solemnly: "Mi Yuan, since you have made a decision, you are welcome to join."

"Although you are my friend and I know that you are very capable, it is impossible for me to give you a high position as soon as I come up."

"You are a college student and have a lot of work experience in foreign trade. You belong to the high-end talents we need in the recruitment of Mishell Electronics."

"So, after entering Mishell Electronics, after you pass the probationary period, you should be able to be positioned as a p3. The monthly salary plus bonus should be around [-]."

Having said that, Shen Lin stretched out his palm and said, "Welcome to join Mi Ke."

Looking at Shen Lin's outstretched hand, Mi Yuan also stretched out her palm, and under the light, both hands shook each other with their own thoughts.

(End of this chapter)

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