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Chapter 1202 Mi Yuan who is not weaker than others

Chapter 1202 Mi Yuan who is not weaker than others

It was already eleven o'clock in the evening when Mi Yuan returned to the temporary residence.

When she got home, Mi Yuan saw her father sitting and smoking in the living room.

"Dad, you should try to smoke as little as possible. The doctor said that smoking is not good." Mi Yuan looked at the smoky room and complained to Mi Qingzhou.

After Mi Qingzhou extinguished the cigarette in his hand, he wanted to speak, but in the end, he still didn't say anything.

Seeing Mi Qingzhou hesitate to speak, Mi Yuan smiled and said: "Dad, why, do you feel wronged? I just told you to smoke less, but I didn't say that I wouldn't let you finish this cigarette."

Having said that, Mi Yuan opened the thermos bottle and poured a glass of water for Mi Qingzhou.

After taking the water poured by his daughter, Mi Qingzhou sighed softly, and finally he took a sip and said, "How did Shen Lin talk today?"

Mi Yuan smiled and said, "It's pretty good. Shen Lin took the initiative. After the two sides had a friendly conversation, according to Shen Lin's intention, the two sides reached an agreement."

Speaking of this, Mi Yuan asked strangely: "Dad, why do you care about Mi Ke?"

Mi Qingzhou hesitated for a moment and said: "Yuanyuan, I have already called your second uncle and asked him to help us sell our house."

"Although Shen Lin doesn't ask us for the bill, I don't think we can always default on this money."

Seeing that Mi Yuan was about to speak, Mi Qingzhou waved her hand and said, "You have to listen to me about this matter."

Mi Yuan looked at her father with a firm expression, but didn't speak immediately. She took a sip of water and said, "Dad, I asked Shen Lin today, I think I won't pay back the debt, guess what he said?"

Seeing her daughter's appearance, Mi Qingzhou was taken aback, and her lips trembled uncontrollably.

He knows his daughter too well, knowing that her daughter's repudiation is probably not really a repudiation.

Before he could speak, Mi Yuan had already said: "Shen Lin told me that he can only think that he made friends carelessly, and the money should be considered as tuition fees."

"This guy has neither heart nor courage!"

After hearing these words, Mi Qingzhou felt relaxed, but also a little angry. He said angrily: "This guy is still blind."

"Yes, I think so too."

Mi Yuan said solemnly: "So, I decided to join Mishell Electronics."

"Dad, you don't have to persuade me. In fact, I wanted to join Mishell Electronics in the first two years."

"The reason why I didn't join was because I was afraid that you and my mother would disagree."

"But now, I think, I should join."

"In the unit, although I have a good life, I feel that my talents have not been truly utilized."

"I don't think highly of myself, but I think that many people who are not as qualified as me in various aspects can do well in Mishell Electronics. I can't be useless. What do you think?"

Looking at her daughter's expression, Mi Qingzhou said: "What position does Shen Lin think you are qualified for?"

"He said that according to MiKe's talent introduction plan, I am a college student and someone with practical work experience. After my internship period, I will be able to serve as P3."

Mi Yuan smiled and said: "I don't know where Shen Lin introduced this kind of management physique. Their Mi Ke level is from P1 to P9!"

"The salary given is [-] per month. Of course, there are bonuses in it. During the Chinese New Year, there should be rewards and share."

Speaking of this, Mi Yuan said to Mi Qingzhou: "The money owed to Shen Lin, we can pay him off in four or five years!"

Mi Qingzhou looked at her face with joy and disappointment, but generally speaking, her ambitious daughter really didn't know what to say for a while.

He could tell that his daughter was filled with joy at the prospect of working in Mihu, but as for the rest, he couldn't tell.After pondering for a while, Mi Qingzhou couldn't help but said: "This Shen Lin has a blind eye but doesn't recognize talent. My daughter has to be given a P5 no matter what if she goes to Mi Ke."

Mi Yuan smiled and said: "Dad, I plan to be promoted to P5 within two years. The salary they give P5 is [-] a year."

"And here, there are share rewards."

"So, keep your house and live with my mother!"

Mi Qingzhou didn't speak, he didn't know what to say, he didn't even know what to say about Shen Lin, a stinky man.

If Shen Lin, an extremely clever pig, stole their cabbage, he would have a lot to say, but Shen Lin...

Naturally, Shen Lin didn't know what happened after Mi Yuan returned home. After he returned to his residence, he was actually full of emotions in his heart.

However, for Mi Yuan's joining, Shen Lin did not have any rejection in his heart.

After all, Mi Yuan needs to earn money now, and in Shen Lin's opinion, her ability is also outstanding.

As long as you polish it for two years, you will become your right-hand man.

Putting aside all the thoughts in his mind, Shen Lin returned to the hotel and began to arrange the acquisition of Taiyu Group's electronics factory.

Although the general framework has been determined, there are still many things that need to be negotiated between the two parties.

With the arrangement of various things, Shen Lin felt more and more that Mishell Electronics really lacked talents at this time.

Although Shen Lin has been trying every means to attract talents, generally speaking, there are still very few college students from Mike Electronics.

After all, at this time, every college student, as long as he is willing, can get his own iron rice bowl.

Putting down the phone, Shen Lin poured himself a cup of tea. He knew very well in his heart that attracting talents did not happen overnight.

However, as the company's business is getting bigger and bigger, if it cannot gather enough talent reserves, it will affect or even delay the next development of Mishell Electronics.

Amidst the flashing of thoughts, a thought suddenly popped up in Shen Lin's heart.

He pondered for a moment, then picked up the phone, and the first one he dialed was Lan Weidong's.

At this time, Lan Weidong was still sitting in the newly opened rice shell electrical shopping mall. When he received a call from Shen Chenlin, he had just settled everything for the day and was about to leave work.

"Mr. Shen, I calculated the turnover of the past few days. I found that the profit of our store in Beijing is constantly rising. There are even many people waiting at the bus station to come to our shop. Woolen cloth!"

"I think our current results have fully proved that our branch has gained a firm foothold!"

Shen Lin was not surprised by this result.The Mishell Electric Mall itself has a good reputation, and with the free shuttle service, it is still very attractive to customers.

"Mr. Lan, it's easy to gain a firm foothold, but what we need to do now is not only to gain a firm foothold, but also to increase our market share."

"Jia Le Electric is a strong opponent."

Lan Weidong nodded and said: "In the past few days, Jiale Electric has also adopted a lot of promotional methods. Although some methods are learned by us, I think they also have a lot of innovations in them."

"Bai Mingfu is indeed a resourceful opponent that cannot be ignored."

"By the way, Mr. Shen, what are your arrangements for calling me?"

Shen Lin smiled and said, "I don't have any plans, but it's the graduation season, and I want to hold a school recruitment in college."

(End of this chapter)

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