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Chapter 1203 The only one in the school recruitment

Chapter 1203 The only one in school recruitment
School recruitment, what is school recruitment?

For Shen Lin, Lan Weidong, who has been in the business field for many years, really admires him from the bottom of his heart. Don't look at the young Shen, who comes up with fresh ideas from time to time, always unexpected, but it makes people secretly admire it .

But, what is this school recruit?Lan Weidong was a little confused.

"Mr. Shen, what is school recruitment?"

Lan Weidong hesitated for a while, and finally asked honestly.

Although it's not very good to be a little ignorant in front of your boss, but there are some things that are better to be told the truth.

Shen Lin looked at Lan Weidong in a daze, and then realized that he really found the wrong person this time.

Although Lan Weidong is in his 40s, he can be regarded as a forward-thinking person in the Rice Shell Group, but such an existence does not even know about school recruitment.

"School recruitment is to take advantage of the graduation season of the university to recruit talents in various campuses."

Shen Lin smiled and said: "Whether it is our Mishell Electronics or the Mishell Electric Mall, there is currently a problem: talent is scarce."

"So, I think we can take advantage of this graduation season to recruit for a batch of positions."

Lan Weidong carefully chewed Shen Lin's explanation, and soon remembered the meaning of the school's recruitment.

But although he knew it in his heart, he was not too optimistic about this matter.

After all, let alone college students, even technical secondary school graduates basically arrange jobs, which is commonly known as the iron rice bowl.

What is the iron rice bowl arranged by the public?It is not only a salary guaranteed by drought and flood, but also a status symbol of "public family" to a certain extent.

How could someone take the initiative to come to work at the Rice Shell Group?

However, in the case of school recruitment, in Lan Weidong's feeling, even if he failed, it would not have much impact.

After all, this thing has nothing to lose.

There's no need for me to have trouble with the big boss for such a small matter.

So after hesitating for a while, he still said, "Then I'll let someone arrange it and go to a few schools to recruit."

"See if anyone is willing to join."

Looking at Lan Weidong's attitude, Shen Lin knew that this guy didn't take school recruitment seriously at all.

He pondered for a moment and said: "How about this, Mr. Lan, wait a moment and ask the personnel department to confirm the talent conditions we need, and we will conduct a school recruitment here and Dongzhou."

"The time will be the day after tomorrow."

Speaking of this, Shen Lin smiled and said: "I haven't been to Qingbei yet, why don't you arrange the seat recruited by this school for me."

Seeing that Shen Lin had made up his mind, Lan Weidong naturally couldn't say anything. After all, Shen Lin was the big boss, and there was no need to report to Lan Weidong what he wanted to do.

Because of the decision on school recruitment, Shen Lin postponed his trip.

Although Rice Shell Electronics is currently very short of talents, Rice Shell Electronics has already taken shape, so Shen Lin's arrangement was soon implemented.

After various contacts in the rice shell electrical shopping mall, Shen Lin brought two employees and a table to the campus full of strong academic atmosphere in Qingbei early the next morning.

And when their tables were set up, Shen Lin found that there were quite a few tables beside him.

It's just that the people sitting next to these tables are basically blond foreigners.

And the recruitment advertisements on those people's desks were basically written in English. Although Shen Lin had been studying hard these years, he found that he still didn't recognize some of these school recruitment advertisements.

"Mr. Shen, our recruitment advertisement..." A young subordinate, after looking around a few times, asked Shen Lin in a low voice, "Is it the same as theirs?"

Made the same meaning, naturally all in English, it looks tall.

Shen Lin waved his hand and said, "Just put our advertisement on it. Our company doesn't speak English, so why use that kind of thing?"

The subordinate looked at Shen Lin who looked calm, hesitated for a moment, and quickly pulled up his recruitment banner.Among a group of recruitment advertisements in English, the recruitment advertisement of MiKe Electronics was pulled up and instantly attracted the attention of many people.

After all, such a difference is itself a kind of advertisement, so eye-catching!

Shen Lin didn't care too much about this situation. You are here to recruit people, and we are here to recruit people. We are all opponents, so why should we care about it?

He came here to enjoy the school recruitment, and to see if he could recruit one or two talents by the way, he didn't come here to see other people's strange eyes.

Some graduate students are already wandering on the path of school recruitment.At this time, most of the people looked at the positions they were recruiting with a leisurely look.

For them, these school recruitments are just a choice.

Most of them will basically go to work in their respective units according to the assignment.

Came here just to see it.

Li Yuemeng and her best friend were walking on the path, feeling full of reluctance.Four years in college, until graduation came, I felt that time had passed, and I really didn't want to leave.

However, she, who doesn't want to take the postgraduate entrance examination, can only follow the set path and participate in work.

"Xiaoyu, I think Donghai is also good, after all, there are more opportunities there." Li Yuemeng softly persuaded the best friend who was about to be assigned to Donghai.

There was a hint of loss and sadness on the face of the best friend.

She was determined to stay in Beijing, and she felt very sure before, but she didn't expect that the unit suddenly became Donghai.

Although Donghai is also very good, she still hopes that she can stay in Beijing.

"Hey, I still want to stay in Beijing. How about going to a foreign company? Even if it's a company that sells Coke, the annual salary is very high!"

There was an element of anger in the best friend's words.

Li Yuemeng smiled and said: "I have no objection, but you have to think about it, whether you want to go home or not during the Chinese New Year."

"Your father loses his temper, which is not ordinary."

While the two were talking, my best friend suddenly said, "Look, here is a job advertisement in Chinese. Oh, it's Mishell Electronics."

Hearing about Mishell Electronics, Li Yuemeng immediately became interested.

Her Walkman is made by Mishell, and some small electronic products bought at home are also made by Mishell. They are easy to use, inexpensive, affordable, and the appearance design is also superb, so she is full of good feelings for Mishell Electronics. .

"Let's go, let's go and have a look. Unexpectedly, our school recruitment, Mike Electronics, has also come."

While talking, Li Yuemeng dragged her best friend towards the booth of Mike Electronics.

At this time, more than a dozen college students had gathered in front of the booth of Mishell Electronics, and most of them were out of curiosity.

After all, in the past, the recruiters here were all big foreign companies.

But now, not only a domestic company came over, but also the Mishell Electronics Factory they are familiar with.

Li Yuemeng approached Mi Ke's booth and saw the recruiting position at first sight.

"Deputy Director of Rice Shell Electronics Workshop, position p2, monthly salary [-], working location..."

"Reserve store manager of Rice Shell Electric Store, position p2, monthly salary [-], good performance..."


Mi Ke took out more than 20 positions this time, which were clearly written on a piece of advertising paper, giving people a feeling of being clear at a glance.

The monthly salary of [-] is much higher than the current salary of the assigned work, but it seems that there is still a big gap with the salary given by those large foreign companies.

Just when Li Yuemeng felt that these conditions were not very attractive, someone said: "Hello, I want to ask, Mi Ke came to our school to recruit, but the conditions he gave were not very attractive. What do you think? Can you recruit people?"

(End of this chapter)

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