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Chapter 1204 We not only need dreams, but also abilities

Chapter 1204 We not only need dreams, but also abilities

Li Yuemeng knew the person who asked the question, he was a man of the year in their class, and she even had a vague feeling for this senior during her freshman year.

It's just that with the growth of age, this good feeling has slowly dissipated.

But now, the senior stood up again, and his words were still so sharp, it hit the point.

The two staff members who followed Shen Lin didn't have any recruitment experience. They came this time just to follow Mr. Shen.

Now that they encountered such a sharp problem, the two of them naturally couldn't provide any help to Shen Lin, the boss.

Shen Lin looked at the aggressive questioner, smiled and said, "I think the conditions offered by Mi Ke are the best."

"You can look at other companies that are hiring, and they're either administrative assistants, sales assistants, or just office clerks."

"That is to say, their positioning of the recruits is that of ordinary employees."

"As for our Rice Shell Group, the position given is a management position."

"Of course, this management is only the management of the apprenticeship period. If you can adapt to the rhythm of our Mishell Electronics and give full play to your role in the development of Mishell Electronics, you will get a rapid rise."

"Of course, if your ability is insufficient, then I'm very sorry. I'm afraid it will be difficult to change your position."

Speaking of this, Shen Lin spread his hands and said: "As for the treatment you said is worse than others, it should be a matter of salary."

"The salary of our Rice Shell Group is set according to the level. Whatever position you are in, you will get what kind of salary."

"For example, if you have enough ability, you can become the P7 responsible for one party within three years. If you are in this position, you will not only have a monthly salary of tens of thousands, but also virtual shares and sales commissions. ,besides……"

Shen Lin said casually, his voice was not high, but it was sonorous and powerful, giving people a feeling of convincing.

Hearing that the monthly salary was over [-], those who stood aside were the pride of heaven, and they couldn't help showing expressions of horror on their faces.

After all, even if they go to the positions they like according to their own distribution plan, the final salary is only a few hundred yuan per month.

In the era when a few hundred yuan was considered a high salary, a monthly salary of tens of thousands was like a dream.But Shen Lin put this condition before his eyes.

"So, students, when you choose, I still hope that you will be more cautious. If you think that you have no advantages in business management, and you can't bear hardships, you should not choose our Mishell Electronics."

"Because if you choose this way, your future will be delayed in the end."

Li Yuemeng was stunned at this moment, the person in charge of the school's recruitment was really honest enough, he actually advised himself and others to be cautious.

It is not a good thing to come to Mishell Electronics without certain abilities.

If you are incapable, you'd better not come.

"This rice shell electronics is really..." Li Yuemeng's companion frowned, and quietly complained to Li Yuemeng.

However, in the end, she was a little speechless.

In the end, when Li Yuemeng looked at her, she said, "Proud! Yes, this Mishell Electronics is really proud!"

Hearing the word "proud", Li Yuemeng nodded slightly.

She has stayed in this first-class university in the country for four years, and has seen several school recruitments. Every time the school recruits, those big companies treat them like pearls.

As long as they are willing, no matter which company they apply for, they will basically be accepted immediately.Because they are students from the top universities, they themselves have better and more superior job options.

But Mishell Electronics proudly said that their place may not be suitable for everyone.When you come, you must be self-aware.

"It's quite proud." Li Yuemeng hesitated and said, "But I feel that they may really be the most sincere as the recruiter said just now."

"After all, the positions they offer are really management positions, and those big companies are basically recruiting clerks."

The girl known as Xiaoyu glanced at Shen Lin who was talking, and suddenly said: "This recruiter from the school doesn't look as old as us, so he came to recruit us, hum!"

"I think Mi Ke has no talent."

When Xiaoyu was speaking, the questioner who was counterattacked by Shen Lin's sharp words was also a little bit annoyed at this moment.

He looked at Shen Lin and said, "Hehe, according to what you said, there are a lot of talents in Mike Electronics? I just don't know the supervisor, what degree do you have?"

The two subordinates who followed Shen Lin to recruit did not know the education background of the boss, but they knew that the education background of their boss was not too high.

Facing the question of academic qualifications, Shen Lin smiled.

He has already seen the young man's angry thoughts, but he has passed the age of being angry with this kind of young man who has not yet entered the society and has a high self-esteem.

So he smiled and said, "I didn't graduate from junior high school."

"You didn't graduate from junior high school, but you dare to come to us for school recruitment. Don't you think that Mishell Electronics doesn't pay much attention to us?" The young man who asked couldn't help being overjoyed when he heard about Shen Lin's education.

He was speechless after what Shen Lin said just now, and he seemed to have found a breakthrough to save his face.

And those classmates who followed him also burst out laughing, after all, they are dignified college students.

He is the proud son of heaven.

Shen Lin smiled and said: "You are really wrong. I came here because I value everyone. I can come here because I want to tell all the students."

"When Mishell Electronics was first established, it was the time to thrive and use talents in an eclectic manner."

"As long as you have the ability, as long as you can afford this job, we, Mi Ke, can give you the most generous treatment, provide you with a platform to display your abilities, and let you show off your skills. In a word, Anyone who has the ability, just come!"

"Of course, you don't have the ability. I'm afraid you can only do the most ordinary work under people like me who are not as educated as you, and there is a possibility of being eliminated!"

"So, I have always believed that recruitment is actually a two-way choice. You can choose us, and we can also choose you."

What Shen Lin said made Li Yuemeng feel emotional. She felt that this young man who hadn't even finished junior high school seemed to perform as well as this famous senior in every aspect.

So he said to his companion: "Senior Brother Xue, there is no need to argue anymore. After all, people have said that Mishell Electronics recruits talents, not people with only academic qualifications."

"It's useless for him to continue arguing like this."

"However, the person who came to recruit is quite capable. Listening to him, he really doesn't look like a person who hasn't even graduated from junior high school."

Xiaoyu nodded and said, "Mengmeng, how about I go to Mike to apply for a job?"

"Don't think about it, with your ability, what are you going to do with rice shells? Do you want to be a junior high school student for the rest of your life?" Li Yuemeng understood the ability of her best friend, rolled her eyes and said.

(End of this chapter)

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