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Chapter 1205 The New Entrepreneurial Idol

Chapter 1205 The New Entrepreneurial Idol
During the school recruitment all morning, Shen Lin did not receive any resumes.

Obviously, the school recruitment this time was a failure.

Although many people came to inquire about Mi Ke's conditions, in the end, no one was able to take this step bravely.

After all, everyone has a very bright future, and a private company like Mi Ke gives people a lot of uncertainty.

Naturally, it is difficult to recruit people.

"Mr. Shen, let's go back." The two staff who came with Shen Lin felt that Mr. Shen was very approachable.

So when talking to Shen Lin, he relaxed a lot.

Shen Lin smiled and said, "Since you've already come, why don't you stick to today's school recruitment to the end."

"What's more, whether we can recruit people is not that important. Our purpose is to form a school recruitment system into a talent introduction system for Mishell Electronics."

"Everything is difficult at the beginning, but everything must have a beginning."

For such a result, Shen Lin was not surprised, so he was not disappointed. He established such a school recruitment model for the future development of Mishell Electronics.

After all, there are not many now, but in the future, there will be many.

The two staff members naturally wouldn't object to Shen Lin's words, after all, there was a big gap between them and Shen Lin's level.

Just as the two of them sat at the side and helped Shen Lin, and were about to end the school recruitment, they saw a group of people carrying cameras walking over.

This is an interview about school recruitment.

A young female reporter, with a microphone in her hand, interviews the students coming and going, as well as the companies recruited by the school.

After interviewing the two companies, the female reporter found the booth of Mishell Electronics.

She was stunned for a moment, because she had just looked around, and what she saw were basically school recruiters from foreign companies such as Dongmenzi and Shangmatsu Electric.

But I didn't expect to see a domestic company here.

And this company is a very famous company.

Rice Shell Electronics!

After being stunned for a moment, she still quickly walked towards Shen Lin's position.

"Hello, I would like to ask, Mishell Electronics..." The woman was only halfway through, then she was stunned for a moment, and asked in surprise: "Excuse me... are you Director Shen?"

As a reporter, I am very concerned about news figures.And Shen Lin, the chairman of Mi Ke, has his own traffic.

So the female reporter was very clear about Shen Lin's image.

Seeing Shen Lin at this time, she was really surprised and happy, unbelievable.

Shen Lin came to the school to recruit this time, not only to establish the school recruitment system of the Rice Shell Group, but also to enjoy the fun of school recruitment on the campus in Qingbei.

In order not to be recognized by others, he also changed his attire. Not only was he dressed very formally, but he also wore a pair of gold-rimmed glasses to make himself look a bit more refined.

No one recognized him, so Shen Lin could naturally fish, but now that he was recognized, he couldn't deny it.

After all, if he denies it, it will have some bad influence on his image, so he said with a cheerful smile: "I am Shen Lin."

A bright smile appeared on the face of the female reporter and she said, "Mr. Shen, you are here..."

"I am here to participate in school recruitment. The development of our MiKe Electronics is inseparable from talent reserves, so I hope to recruit talents to join our MiKe Electronics." Shen Lin said with a smile: "Our MiKe Group today, not We only conducted school recruitment here in Qingbei, and we conducted school recruitment in Donghai and Dongzhou."

"In the future, school recruitment will become a kind of talent introduction system for Mi Ke."

After chatting with Shen Lin for a few words, the female reporter asked sharply: "Mr. Shen, compared with the companies around you that are recruiting together, what advantages do you think Mishell Electronics has?"

"Advantages, I think our future is even brighter. We can provide jobs that are more suitable for capable talents. The sky is high for birds to fly, and the sea is wide for fish to leap..."

For such an interview, Shen Lin didn't have any fear, so he talked calmly and eloquently.

Some people who were watching the excitement at the school recruitment side were shocked when they heard that the person who was sitting in the recruitment booth and chatting with them with a smile was Shen Lin.

Although they are the proud sons of heaven, Shen Lin, who founded Mishell Electronics, is a legendary figure full of dreams.

Three or four years ago, Shen Lin was just an ordinary worker, but now, he has soared into the sky, and has become the director of two large enterprises, Mikr Electronics and Mikr Electric.

More importantly, the development of Mishell Electronics is not just ordinary product processing. Mishell Electronics also has its own technology that people talk about.

For example, in the technology of LED energy-saving lamps, many foreign companies are constantly paying patent fees for this technology.

Therefore, some young people have already regarded Shen Lin as an idol for youth entrepreneurship.

"Yuemeng, don't read books, hurry up and go to the school recruiter!" In the library, when Li Yuemeng was reading a book, her best friend rushed over.

"What's wrong with the school recruitment?" Li Yuemeng put down the book and asked lazily.

She has already been to the place where the school recruits, so she really has no intention of going there at this time.

"We... the recruiter of Mishell Electronics we saw this morning turned out to be... the big boss of Mishell, Shen Lin."

"The reporter who just came to interview the school recruiter recognized him."

"Shen Lin is here!"

The voice of my girlfriend Xiaoyu was full of excitement!
Li Yuemeng stood up all of a sudden. She had a good impression of Mi Ke, and even admired the founder of Mi Ke Electronics who dared to develop a press conference by herself.

This is also the reason why, as soon as you see the recruitment platform of Mishell Electronics, you will go there.

It's just that, although she looked familiar at Shen Lin at that time, she never expected that the big boss of Mike Electronics would come to the school to organize school recruitment in person.

This made her excited all of a sudden.

Throwing the book in his hand, Li Yuemeng ran out.

And many students in the library also stood up, and some asked loudly: "Student, is what you said true? Has Shen Lin really come to our school to recruit?"

Before Xiaoyu had time to answer, someone rushed over and said, "Students, it's really Shen Lin, hurry up and take a look at the school recruitment path!"

Hearing this voice, many people dropped the books in their hands and rushed towards the door.

Li Yuemeng and Xiaoyu are girls, although they were the first to stand up, they fell last.

When the two of them rushed to the small road for school recruitment, the small road was already crowded with people, and they couldn't squeeze in. They looked around and saw that there were people all around, and they couldn't see Shen Lin at all.

"Oh, why didn't you tell me earlier, even Shen Lin's people can't see it now." Li Yuemeng couldn't help complaining to Xiaoyu.

Hearing such complaints, the girl named Xiaoyu said: "I shouldn't have called you, otherwise, I would have seen Shen Lin a long time ago!"

(End of this chapter)

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