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Chapter 1206 Shen Lin Face to Face

Chapter 1206 Shen Lin Face to Face

After Shen Lin accepted the interview, he was about to leave!

But when he was about to leave, he found that the surroundings had been surrounded by water, and everyone looked at him with enthusiastic eyes.

In such a situation, there is really a feeling of scalp numbness.

After pondering for a while, Shen Lin said with a smile: "Students, my main job now is school recruitment. If you want to join Mi Ke, you can send me your resume."

Hearing Shen Lin's words, no one said anything.

After all, even if many people admire Shen Lin very much, it still takes courage for them to graduate and go to an individual company, so they must think carefully.

After all, they all have bright futures.

"Chairman Shen, can I ask you a few questions?" Amid the commotion, a girl in her 20s with short hair suddenly stood up and asked.

This girl's appearance is not too beautiful, but it gives people a kind of heroism.

Shen Lin looked at the girl who stood up directly, and said with a smile: "Ask me questions, of course you can, but I only have one mouth. If the students have questions, I'm afraid I can't answer them."

"How about this, classmate, please summarize the questions that the students want to ask me, and then I will answer them one by one."

"Of course, it's best not to exceed five."

The female classmate who was going to ask Shen Lin a question couldn't help but nodded when she heard what Shen Lin said: "Okay Chairman Shen, I'll go right away..."

While speaking, she suddenly realized that she had unknowingly started to do things according to Shen Lin's arrangement.

However, although she felt that it was a bit awkward for her to do this, she began to quickly turn around and said: "Students, if you have any questions, please write them to me, and then I will give them to Chairman Shen."

Just as they were talking, a few boys walked over carrying a few tables, setting up a table for Shen Lin temporarily.

The two staff members who followed Shen Lin finally came to their senses at this time. One of the staff members said, "Mr. Shen, do you want me to call and send someone over to pick you up?"

"No, it's just a small matter to exchange with the students." Shen Lin waved his hand and said with a smile.

In just a few minutes, the leading girl had already collected a bunch of notes, and she smiled and said, "Mr. Shen, we have too many classmates, so we set up a temporary table for you. Are you able to get promoted?" One step, let us all see our idols clearly."

The girl's words made Shen Lin couldn't help laughing and said: "Students, everyone's proposals don't leave me the slightest room to object, so I will readily agree."

Shen Lin's self-mockery elicited a wave of good-natured laughter, and he climbed onto the high platform with the help of a chair while talking.

Looking at the passionate eyes, Shen Lin felt a little emotion in his heart.

He came to recruit this time, mainly to visit the top university that he dreamed of in his previous life.

But I didn't expect to meet so many enthusiastic students.

"Mr. Shen, please listen to our first question:..."

"I said students, let's not talk about the problem first, since everyone is cheering me up so much, it is such a hot day, we can't let everyone come in vain."

"It's a chance for me to see everyone who is the pride of the sky today! Tell everyone secretly that I also have a little private money, haha, I can't afford anything else, but it's okay to invite everyone to drink some water. "

Shen Lin said with a smile: "A few gentlemanly male students, please help, and follow our Mi Ke staff to bring you some ice dew purified water."

While speaking, Shen Lin looked at the staff beside him.

The staff naturally did not dare to delay the big boss's instructions, and as the staff walked out, a dozen boys immediately followed him to the canteen.Shen Lin looked at the people leaving and said with a smile: "Students, we have to wait for the water to come before asking questions. We can't let these students work in vain and not hear the questions they asked."

Hearing what Shen Lin said, the female student who asked the question could only say: "Mr. Shen, you are so caring!"

Shen Lin smiled and said, "This classmate, we know each other well, can you let me know your name?"

"My name is Jiang Yanhui, and I study civil engineering."

Listening to the girl's words, Shen Lin felt a surge of emotion in his heart. The major this girl studies is really extraordinary.

"Student Jiang, after hearing about your major, I can conclude that you will have a bright future in the future!"

Jiang Yanhui was stunned for a moment, she never thought that Shen Lin would say that she had a bright future when she heard about her major.

"Mr. Shen, I don't understand what you're saying. Why do I have a bright future?" Although Jiang Yan was smiling, she asked directly without hesitation.

Shen Lin smiled and said, "Real estate will develop greatly in the future, so your major will allow you to show your talents."

"Of course, the future of my future is money."

Hearing Shen Lin's ridicule, there was another burst of laughter from all around.Although Jiang Yanhui felt that Shen Lin's words were a bit premature, she was very useful and happy in her heart.

After all, everyone hopes to have a good job after graduation.

At this moment, the person who moved the purified water had already returned.As bottles of water were handed out, many people drank them on the spot.

After all, after running all the way here, my mouth is really dry.

"Mr. Shen, can we ask the first question now?" Jiang Yanhui asked Shen Lin with a smile after taking a sip of water.

Shen Lin smiled and said, "You can ask."

"Mr. Shen, many people say that you started your business before graduating from junior high school and founded Mi Ke, and the richest man in the United States dropped out of college before finishing university and became the richest man in the world. So there is nothing wrong with going to school. Useful, what do you think?"

After Jiang Yanhui finished her question, she stared at Shen Lin closely.

This first question was quite sharp.

Faced with such a question, Shen Lin did not panic. He smiled and said, "There is actually no need to answer this question."

"If studying was really useless, I wouldn't have come here. With high salary and favorable treatment, I would invite everyone to join Mi Ke."

"Am I right?"

Shen Lin's answer obviously did not satisfy the questioners, so Jiang Yanhui smiled and said, "Mr. Shen, on this matter, don't avoid the important and take the light!"

Shen Lin smiled and said: "Okay, then I will answer directly."

"Actually, I think any point of view that reading is useless is wrong. Whether it is a company or a person, maybe he may have seized a certain opportunity for development and was able to skyrocket and flourish. However, any company In the final analysis, if an enterprise wants to develop soundly, it depends on its own strength. Talents are the key to the development of an enterprise, so we must continue to recruit talents..."

Shen Lin spoke for four to five minutes in one breath. In fact, in his previous life, Shen Lin read a lot of these contents in newspapers.

So when he answered, it was naturally easy to grasp.

After Jiang Yanhui was satisfied with Shen Lin's first question, she asked Shen Lin again: "Mr. Shen, many people are saying that the products of Mishell Electronics have no other advantages except for their good looks. , what do you think about this point?"

(End of this chapter)

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