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Chapter 1207 It turns out that Shen Lin is so powerful

Chapter 1207 It turns out that Shen Lin is so powerful
For the products of Mi Ke, a lot of fans have actually been formed.

At this time, in front of Shen Lin, someone directly pointed out that rice shell products have no technical advantages. This seems to be more sharp than the question just now, pointing to the vital point.

Because this time, it is aimed at the electronic products of Mishell.

The reason why Jiang Yanhui asked such sharp questions was because she felt that such questions were representative. After all, she was entrusted by her classmates to ask Shen Lin, so she couldn't always be tender.

When she asked the question, she began to look at Shen Lin.I'm afraid that this idol will make a frantic move.

But what Jiang Yanhui didn't expect was that Shen Lin was still smiling at this time.

He smiled and said, "Student Jiang, I don't know who raised this question."

"However, what I want to say is that the person who raised the question raised such a question because he doesn't know anything about our rice shell electronics."

"If he knew the situation of our rice shell electronics, I am afraid he would not have asked such a question."

When Shen Lin said this, there was a hint of ridicule in his voice: "Of course, many things are not surprising to those who don't know."

"Here, I will give you a popular science, the development of our Mishell Electronics."

"Our rice shell electronics are selling hot and getting started quickly." Shen Lin said with a smile: "It's the kind that everyone often uses in the dormitory."

"But do you know where the hottest intellectual property rights are?"

"All the property rights of the fast-growing products are in the hands of Mishell Electronics. Now in foreign countries, especially in Europe and the United States, every fast-growing production has to pay a dime of patent royalties to Rice Shell Electronics."

As soon as Shen Lin said these words, there was a burst of exclamation.

After all, although the people present knew that it would heat up quickly, they really didn't know much about the patent rights of this fast heat.

"The second product we launched is the water dispenser. The patents of the water dispenser are also in the hands of our Mishell Electronics."

"There is also an air fryer, which is also the patent of our rice shell electronics."

"Someone asked me before, why do those big shopping malls in Kerry Fu always import our air fryers instead of air fryers made by other manufacturers?"

"Is it because our quality is better? I told them that if they sell air fryers made by other manufacturers, they risk being sued by us."

"Because this patent property right is also in the hands of our Mishell Electronics."

"Now the most valuable patent in the hands of MiKe Electronics is LED energy-saving lamps. I believe everyone is more familiar with this..."

As soon as Shen Lin opened his mouth, he directly listed a series of products launched by Mishell Electronics.All of a sudden, the people who came to listen to Shen Lin's answer were dumbfounded.

They did not expect that Mishell Electronics had so many patents.

Moreover, these patents are still continuously making profits for Mishell Electronics.

All of a sudden, all eyes looked at Shen Lin eagerly.

"We have recently launched a new repeater, I believe everyone has seen it. The repeater has become a powerful assistant for many people in learning foreign languages."

"While I thank everyone for using the repeater, I also want to remind everyone that the repeater is also launched by Mishell."

"The importance a company attaches to scientific research can be measured by its investment in scientific research." "As far as I know, Dongmen Electric's investment in this area is about 17.00% of its revenue; Kamisatsu Electric's investment in this area , should be [-]%; and our investment in this area by MiKe Electronics is [-]% of revenue..."

After Shen Lin reported the numbers one by one, he continued: "From the very beginning, we have cooperated with major universities in our country. For example, we have built a rice shell scientific research park in the University of Technology, mainly for..."

With Shen Lin's eloquent talk, even Jiang Yanhui was holding her breath.

Only then did many of them feel that Mishell Electronics has been so powerful along the way.

When Shen Lin finished answering this question, there was silence all around, but after half a minute of silence, the audience applauded thunderously and the crowd was raging.

These applause, protracted, continuous and warm!
One minute later, Jiang Yanhui stood in front of Shen Lin again.

"Mr. Shen, I can only say that I really admire the development of Mishell Electronics. I also hope that the future of Mishell Electronics will get better and better in the future."

Shen Lin looked at Jiang Yanhui, who was full of solemnity, and said with a smile, "Thank you, classmate Jiang, for your blessing."

"I also believe that the rice shell electronics in the future will get better and better."

"Mr. Shen, this is our third question. It is about your wife. Are you the first reader of Ms. Lu Xiaorong's works?"

When Jiang Yanhui asked this question, she smiled and said, "Although I didn't ask this question, I want to say that, like this classmate, I am very eager to know the answer."

When Shen Lin heard this question, he thought that I was not only the first reader, but also the one who provided ideas.

However, Lu Xiaorong has been set up as a sci-fi writer, and it is naturally impossible for Shen Lin to disturb it, so he said with a smile: "I can tell everyone with confidence that I am not only the first reader, but also a participant The person who discusses the creative aspects of the story.”

"Of course, most of the suggestions I made were ruthlessly rejected! I emphasized being down-to-earth, but as for Lu writers, what they need is unconstrained imagination, no wonder they don't like my suggestions!"

In fact, it only took more than ten minutes to raise the five questions. After Shen Lin answered all the questions, many people still seemed to be unsatisfied.

Like Li Yuemeng, like her best friend Xiaoyu.

"Damn it, none of the questions I asked were answered to me. This Jiang Yanhui, I have to reason with her carefully later."

Xiaoyu waved his fist and complained angrily.

Li Yuemeng was actually very annoyed, after all, she didn't ask her question.But at this time, she admired Shen Lin even more.

"I think that with Shen Lin's knowledge, he doesn't look like a junior high school student at all. Look at his conversation and knowledge, I think he is better than most of our seniors!"

"Especially the numbers he said, even we didn't pay attention."

Xiaoyu looked at Li Yuemeng who looked admiring, and said with a smile: "Didn't Shen Lin say that talents are the key to the development of an enterprise."

"Now that Mishell Electronics has invested so much money in scientific research, as the big boss of Mishell, they naturally have to learn more!"

While the two were talking, Shen Lin had already stepped down from the high platform.

Just when Jiang Yanhui and other students wanted to gather around and discuss something with Shen Lin, a man who looked like a counselor came over and said, "Hello, Chairman Shen, our leader heard that you are coming, please stay longer Let's go, he has some questions and wants to discuss with you."

Shen Lin smiled and said, "Okay, then let's go there together."

(End of this chapter)

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