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Chapter 1208: Rice Shell, a Big International Company

Chapter 1208: Rice Shell, a Big International Company

Unlike Shen Lin who can go to the school to recruit leisurely, Bai Mingfu is very busy.

It is no exaggeration to say that these days, because of the opening of the rice shell electric store, Bai Mingfu is so busy that his feet do not touch the ground, and he has trouble sleeping and eating.

For this reason, he negotiated with suppliers one by one, with uninterrupted discounts and promotions, and in order to attract customers, he introduced various ideas, continuously...

Although these things have been used to a certain extent, the final result is that the Mishell Electric Store has gained a firm foothold.

Their Jiale Electric Appliances and Mishell Electric Appliances malls began to divide the world.

This made Bai Mingfu feel a deep sense of frustration. After all, this is his home field, but in the end, he didn't take advantage of it.

"Boss Bai, this is today's business situation." Sun Kang carefully handed the compiled report to Bai Mingfu.

Paying attention to the daily operation of each branch and the sales of various electrical appliances is Bai Mingfu's unshakable job every day.

Through this report, he can control the production and sales of his own products.

Flipping through the report that Sun Kang handed over, Bai Mingfu frowned subconsciously.

Although it is generally the same as the day before yesterday, some parts are still declining.

Most of these declines are similar products, which are produced by Mishell Electronics.

If things go on like this, their market share will still be divided by the Mishell Electric Store.

So at this moment, Bai Mingfu felt a little manic in his heart.

"Brother Sun, should we open a branch at the Mike Electric Store as well?" Bai Mingfu asked in a deep voice as he tapped his fingers on the table.

Sun Kang knew that what Bai Mingfu did was basically fighting spirit.

He is more aware that although he has a good relationship with Bai Mingfu, and Bai Mingfu has always called him his grandson, but as himself, he still has to recognize his own role: in fact, he is just a subordinate.

In this case, if one sentence is wrong, the relationship between him and Bai Mingfu will be cracked.

So after a little hesitation, he still said: "Boss Bai, I think we can't be impatient about this kind of thing."

Speaking of this, he paused and said: "If we open a store opposite the Mishell Electric Mall, then our investment will be too high."

"We can only attract business with them if we invest as much free buses as Mishell Electric."

"This is a completely unnecessary investment for us."

In fact, after Bai Mingfu raised this question, he already regretted it in his heart. He knew that what he proposed actually made him lose money clearly.

Although sometimes, some things can be done even if you lose money, but the key point is that even if you lose money, you may not win some things.

It was the last thing he wanted to see.

After taking a breath, Bai Mingfu threw the report directly on the ground, and said to Sun Kang, "Brother Sun, turn around and urge Lao Liu to arrange for him as soon as possible."

"Now the money from the Locke consortium is coming, [-] million US dollars, and we will open hundreds of our stores."

"At least in the area around us, a large chain will be formed, and the Mishell electrical market will be surrounded by us."

Sun Kang very much agreed with this arrangement.

In the past, they had the idea of ​​developing in this way, but it has been limited by funds, so they couldn't do it.

It's different now, they have the funds now.

As long as this layout is done well, there will be enough room for maneuver, and it will also be able to fight head-on against the rice shell electric appliance market.

"Mr. Bai, I have already arranged the people. There are currently several teams that have selected the locations for the new store." Bai Mingfu nodded and said, "For those who have not been selected, you can ask someone to urge them. .”

"What others can do, why can't they do it? If they can't do it, I will let someone who can do it."

Bai Mingfu's arrangement was a bit domineering, but Sun Kang understood his feelings and nodded repeatedly.

In order to ease the resentment in Bai Mingfu's heart, Sun Kang said: "Boss Bai, I just heard that Shen Lin went to Qingbei School to recruit today!"

Bai Mingfu paid the most attention to Shen Lin's every move.

Hearing Sun Kang's words at this time, he said, "Shen Lin is recruiting from Qingbei School? Hehe, Boss Shen is really high-end!"

"School recruitment, he can recruit people in that place!"

Having said that, Bai Mingfu couldn't help laughing.

Sun Kang said with a smile: "I haven't heard that Mi Ke can recruit people, but I heard that Shen Lin was chased by many students to ask questions, which is very cool."

Bai Mingfu waved his hand, but didn't say a word. After pondering for a while, he picked up the remote control and turned on the color TV in the office.

It was seven o'clock, and he wanted to watch the news.

Bai Mingfu watched the news very seriously, but just as his expression slowly slowed down, he saw a picture of the campus appearing on the TV.

"The annual graduation season is coming again. At this time, many large companies have begun to pour into colleges and universities and start their annual school recruitment."

"...The reporter saw that on...the campus, there are booths set up by big companies such as Dongmen Electric, Shangsong Electric, Locke Consortium, and Mishell Electronics..."

"...We interviewed the staff of Mishell Electronics responsible for school recruitment..."

Listening to the content on the news, looking at that seemingly handsome but actually full of ruffian face, Bai Mingfu's head felt buzzing.

However, there is only one sentence surging in his heart at this moment, that is, big companies such as Mishell Electronics...

When did Mishell Electronics become a big company like the Locke Consortium?
There's still a huge gap between the two, okay?

However, there seems to be nothing wrong with this sentence. Mishell Electronics spans three fields at this time. If it is not a big enterprise, what is it?This wave of presence is overwhelming!

Every seemingly inadvertent arrangement of Shen Lin will make people feel that he is ingenious and prepared. Such a resourceful, brave guy, where do you get the energy to deal with him?

Even if you fight him with all your strength, how can you guarantee that you can win against him?For a moment, Bai Mingfu was so anxious that he didn't know what to say.

Bai Mingfu is very clear that the current Mishell Electronics, in the eyes of many people, has begun to rank alongside companies such as the Locke Consortium.

My own Jiale Electric Appliances, at this moment, seems to have an advantage over the Mishell Electric Store, but it will disappear a lot.

Sun Kang didn't expect that an ordinary school recruit would have such an effect.He wanted to talk to Bai Mingfu, but he didn't know what to say at this time.

Just when he was a little tangled in his heart, he heard Bai Mingfu say: "Brother Sun, do you think we should join in the fun now and go to the school to recruit?"

Sun Kang didn't know how to answer, because he really didn't know whether Bai Mingfu's suggestion was right or not.

But soon, he didn't have to worry about this problem anymore, Bai Mingfu instantly denied his idea.

"Hehe, let me just say that the opportunity has passed. If we continue to do it, it will be of no use, and we will end up with a shameful result."

"Brother Sun, you call the person in charge of opening up the branch and tell me what I said. Within three days, they must find the location of the branch."

"Within three months, all these branches will be opened for me."

"If you don't change your mind, you can change people. If you can't complete the task, just leave Jiale Electric."

(End of this chapter)

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