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Chapter 1209 Little Guoke Goes to School

Chapter 1209 Little Guoke Goes to School
Although September has entered autumn, the weather is still very hot.

When Shen Lin returned to the provincial capital after dealing with the affairs in Beijing, it was just in time for Xiaomi Ke to register for kindergarten.

Living in a house in the scientific research park of the University of Technology, it is only a few minutes away to pick up and drop off Xiao Guoke to the kindergarten affiliated to the University of Technology.

But even so, Lu Xiaorong bought a rice shell electric bicycle for the convenience of picking up and dropping off his children.

Shen Lin was riding an electric bicycle, Xiao Guoke was standing in front, and Lu Xiaorong was sitting in the back. A family of three went to sign up.

Xiao Guoke stood proudly on the front seat of the electric car and looked around curiously. This doll rarely travels in this way of transportation. With the breeze blowing, he can also take a close look at the street scene.

The most important thing is that if you meet something delicious and fun, you can ask your mother to stop anytime, anywhere, which is much more convenient than sitting in a car!
This alone made this spoiled and spoiled rich man much more satisfied!So much so that since he bought an electric car, this kid never wants to ride in his father's car anymore!

Although Lu Xiaorong was afraid of the sun, he could only follow him helplessly and dotingly.

"Husband, do you know? My mother has a lot of opinions about letting Xiao Guoke go to kindergarten in the provincial capital. She said that the kindergarten attached to our factory is good."

Lu Xiaorong smiled and said, "I haven't said yet, when the kindergarten attached to the University of Technology is better, tsk tsk, guess what my mother said?"

Shen Lin smiled and said, "What did you say?"

"You and I both graduated from this kindergarten. The popularity of this kindergarten is really extraordinary. If it's not the children of our factory, it's hard to get in even if you squeeze your head."

Lu Xiaorong joked, dumbfounded: "Many parents now hope that their children can be alumni with the richest man."

Hearing his wife's ridicule, Shen Lin said with a smile: "The word "richest man" is fine for others to talk about, but we must never say it ourselves."

"Nowadays many people are afraid that others will think that they have no money, so they wish to write the word "rich" on their faces, but I think you don't want people to think that you are the richest man!"

Lu Xiaorong sat on the back seat of the electric car and asked about the confusion in his heart.

"It's not easy to be the richest man!" Shen Lin said with a smile, "That's why I don't like being the richest man."

"Compared with the richest man, I am more willing to be regarded as a young man who has successfully started a business."

Hearing Shen Lin's words, Lu Xiaorong let out a hey and said, "Understood, we are all youth entrepreneurial idols."

Shen Lin smiled and said, "Don't tell me, I really like this title."

While the husband and wife were chatting and laughing, the family of three soon arrived at the gate of the kindergarten affiliated to the University of Technology.Because of Shen Lin's donation, the Kindergarten Affiliated to Gongda was not only newly decorated, but also had a wider venue.

The newly built teaching building has added a bit of momentum to this kindergarten.

Because other procedures have been completed, today's enrollment is a meeting between parents and teachers, and then pick up some admission items.

Shen Lin and the others came not too early or too late. When they parked their electric cars, they found that there were dozens of electric cars in the place where the bicycles were parked.

"Your electric cars are selling well!" Lu Xiaorong looked at the rows of rice shell electric cars and asked with a smile.

Shen Lin said seriously: "It's not good, but the supply is in short supply. Now we are researching and building a second branch factory for electric vehicle production."

"Just one factory in Dongzhou can't meet the needs of the citizens at all!"

Seeing Shen Lin's smug face, Lu Xiaorong couldn't help rolling his big eyes: "I'm so embarrassed! Hurry up, or you'll be late."

Having said that, she patted her son's head and said: "Son, when you arrive at the kindergarten, you must remember to get along well with the children, play together, and remember what mother said, okay?"

"I remembered my mother, by the way, you can't call me Xiao Guoke in kindergarten, you have to call me Shen Yao." Xiao Guoke said solemnly while avoiding her mother's head rubbing.

The name Shen Yao was given by Lu Dahai.

Shen Lin and Lu Xiaorong put a lot of thought into naming the little guoke and thought of many ingenious names.Zhao Honglian even found a naming master to give her precious grandson a good name.

But in the end, the name Shen Yao was still easy to understand and catchy, and won the approval of most people.

Usually everyone is called Xiaoguoke Xiaoguok, but when it comes to kindergarten, it still needs to be named.

"Understood, Shen Yao!" Lu Xiaorong pinched his son's little nose and said with a loving smile.

A family of three entered the kindergarten, and soon came to Class Nine.Originally, according to the arrangement of Principal Li of the University of Technology, he wanted to build an excellent class alone, but in the end, Shen Lin denied it.

The reason why he decided to let his son come to school in the provincial capital was because he didn't want Xiao Guoke to have too much sense of superiority.

Although the child is excellent, Shen Lin still hopes that his son can grow up happily in a normal environment, and he must experience grievances and setbacks.

When Shen Lin and Lu Xiaorong walked into Class 20, they found that there were already many people in the class. More than 30 children were playing in the room. Two female teachers in their [-]s were surrounded by their parents. middle.

The whole classroom looked messy.

However, the toys and supplies here are all new, and there is even a large 34-inch color TV set in the middle of the classroom.

I took the child to meet the teacher, had a brief chat with the teacher about the child's situation, and held a short parent meeting.

All these procedures are carried out very well. It can be seen that the two female teachers are still very capable in teaching.

Shen Lin was very satisfied with this situation.He looked at the little fruit shell that had been playing with a few children, and his heart was full of joy.

In the previous life, because Shen Lin was always alone, there was no parent meeting at all.But at this time, holding a parent meeting for his son made Shen Lin, who often holds meetings for his subordinates, feel very interested.

After the family committee was elected and we got to know each other for a while, Teacher Liu announced that the registration was over.

Parents should go home and make preparations, and their children can officially enter the kindergarten next Monday.

Just when Shen Lin and Lu Xiaorong stood up and were about to leave with their son, a rather muscular man in his 40s, with shiny hair and a leather bag, stood up.

"Hahaha, parents, listen to me, our children are fortunate to gather together in the ninth class and start three years of kindergarten life, that is fate."

The middle-aged man's voice was loud. After he laughed twice, he continued, "I am very relieved to be able to send the child to Teacher Liu and Teacher Fan."

"Haha, today is the day when the children go to school, and we are together again. I would like to invite the two teachers to have a light meal, which can be considered as a thank you to the two teachers."

"Everyone has nothing to do, so we will go there together. We will inevitably meet in the future, and it can be regarded as getting to know each other in advance."

"I'm treating guests to this meal, and I booked it at the Red Lantern Hotel not far away."

The proposal of the middle-aged man has attracted a lot of discussion among the parents.

"Brother Chen is really a big boss. Since you say that, then we will follow you!" A quiet middle-aged man wearing glasses said with a smile.

Someone takes the lead, and someone will naturally respond.

As parents, most of them want to strengthen communication with the teacher, not to mention this matter, you don't have to treat yourself.

Although Shen Lin didn't want to eat, he could only shake his head helplessly when he saw the parents responding one by one.

"Let's go, let's get some credit too." Lu Xiaorong held Shen Lin's hand and said in a low voice.

(End of this chapter)

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