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Chapter 1211 Let me toast everyone

Chapter 1211 Let me toast you all

The bathroom in the Red Lantern Hotel is not too big, but the sink is very clean.

Shen Lin was washing his hands when he heard someone shout happily: "Mr. Shen, I didn't expect to meet you here!"

Shen Lin was stunned for a moment, he didn't expect to meet acquaintances here.

Turning my head to look, I found that although the person who spoke looked familiar, I couldn't remember it for a while.

Fortunately, the person on the opposite side has already introduced himself: "Chairman Shen, I am Lao Qin, Lao Qin from Jinhuang Bicycle Factory!"

After hearing this person's introduction, Shen Lin suddenly remembered.

This Jinhuang Bicycle Factory is one of the suppliers of Mishell Electronics, and their main supply is the frame of electric bicycles.

Some time ago, Shen Lin met him at a supplier meeting.

"Haha, so it's Mr. Qin, hello, hello."

After Shen Lin and Mr. Qin shook hands, Mr. Qin said with a smile: "Mr. Shen, you are here today..."

"The child is going to report at school, and have a meal with the teacher." While speaking, Shen Lin waved his hand and said, "Mr. Qin, go and do your work first, let's talk later."

Shen Lin didn't take the matter of meeting acquaintances at dinner, after all, he had quite a lot of acquaintances.

After returning to the hall, the staple food has already been served.

However, because there were many children eating, the noise of children's fights in the hall quickly became lively.

Boss Chen was sitting at the dinner table, looking a little uncomfortable.

He really wanted to tell everyone to be quiet for a while, but it's a child's nature to play, so how could so many children be willing to listen?Interfering too much will definitely make everyone unhappy, but just now Assistant Ma...

Come on, let's get this meal over!

While Boss Chen was waiting silently, he saw a group of people walking in.

Seeing this group of people, especially Assistant Ma who was walking in front, Boss Chen's expression changed.

He hesitated for a moment, then hurriedly stood up, wanting to apologize to Assistant Ma quickly, just when he was about to speak, Assistant Ma said in a deep voice: "Boss Chen, what's going on with you, I no……"

Before Assistant Ma finished speaking, Mr. Qin, who was walking beside him, said, "When the children are together, we should have some fun!"

Speaking of this, Mr. Qin picked up the wine glass and said, "Old Chen, are these all your guests? Okay, okay, since we met here, I will toast everyone."

Boss Chen felt that there was something wrong with his ears.

Of course, Assistant Ma was the one who felt that there was something wrong with his ears.

He knew that his general manager didn't like noise the least, but now, he even toasted Boss Chen's friend.

Boss Chen's factory relies on their Jinhuang Bicycle Factory for a living. In the past, even if Boss Chen wanted to invite his general manager to dinner, he had to queue up.

But now, what happened?
Assistant Ma, who looked puzzled, didn't react for a while.

However, Mr. Qin has already picked up the wine bottle and an empty wine glass, and said to Mr. Chen with a smile: "Mr. Chen, where do we start?"

"Boss Qin, it's all... teachers and parents I just met today, how about you... let's have a drink together."

"Haha, this is the best."

Mr. Chen, who didn't understand what happened, wiped off his sweat and suggested to Mr. Qin.

Although I don't know why Boss Qin wants to give himself face, but he can't let Boss Qin have a drink alone!

There are more than 20 parents here!
Mr. Qin glanced at the parents around him, paused for a moment on Shen Lin and said, "Hey, since we are friends, we must be sincere when pouring wine."

"I can't drink enough, so I'll have a drink with everyone."

"I am a person who makes noises and hits holes when I fall, so let's do it." After listening to Mr. Qin's words, Boss Chen helplessly led Mr. Qin to the two teachers and said: "Two teachers, Let me introduce, this is General Manager Qin of Jinhuang Bicycle Factory."

In the provincial capital, Jinhuang Bicycle is also a well-known factory, so when the two teachers heard that the general manager came to pour wine for themselves and others, they immediately felt that Mr. Chen was extraordinary.

So they were all smiling, and had a drink with Mr. Qin.

President Qin praised the two teachers with a smile, and then walked towards the other parents.

When Mr. Qin came, Shen Lin understood what Mr. Qin meant.

But what made him feel relaxed was that this President Qin didn't drink with him alone, but asked to take a walk around.

Shen Lin still likes this wave of unobtrusive operations.

"Boss Chen's face is really big. I heard that Mr. Qin of Jinhuang Bicycle Factory is a very tempered person."

"Now they are drinking with us one by one, it's a great face for Boss Chen!"

It was the husband of the young couple who spoke. He works in a certain unit in the district and has a very rich perception of gossip.

Shen Lin didn't say a word about this remark.

And Lu Xiaorong, who was looking at his son, said to Shen Lin in a low voice: "You don't know this person, do you?"

"The suppliers in our supply chain met once at the supplier conference, and just happened to meet them."

Shen Lin also said in a low voice: "He knows how to measure. He thinks that I don't like to be disturbed, so he just came here."

Lu Xiaorong looked at the calm and breezy Shen Lin, and said helplessly, "You want to have another drink later."

While the two were talking, Boss Qin's toast was going on all the time, and as he drank cup after cup, the smile on Boss Qin's face became even brighter.

Assistant Ma and Boss Chen, who were following Mr. Qin, were a little silly at this moment.

The two of them never expected that Boss Qin would actually have a drink with him alone.

Soon, Mr. Qin came to Shen Lin's table. After pouring a glass of wine for the middle-aged professor present, he said to Shen Lin, "Mr. Shen, I toast you!"

"I wish Shen...Shen Yao a happy start to school."

Seeing Mr. Qin's solemn expression, Shen Lin also raised his glass and said, "Mr. Qin, you are welcome. I also wish Mr. Qin's business will be more and more prosperous in the future."

"Thank you Mr. Shen...Mr. Shen!" Boss Qin held his wine glass in both hands and touched Shen Lin lightly.

Boss Chen, who was standing next to Mr. Qin, felt that Mr. Qin's behavior seemed a little strange at this moment, but he couldn't tell what was wrong.

After the two had a drink, Shen Lin picked up the bottle and said, "Boss Qin, it's fate that we meet today. I'll offer you a glass with flowers."

Although Assistant Ma was a little confused by his boss' actions, he was very clear about one thing, that is, he must not let his boss Qin drink too much.

Boss Qin walked around alone, and at least three ounces of wine would be needed. If he was asked to drink one more drink, then...

But just when he was about to stop him, Mr. Qin said with a smile: "Thank you, Mr. Shen, you can drink whatever you want, I'll do it first as a respect!"

While speaking, he saw that Mr. Qin had already raised his neck and drank a full glass of wine.

Shen Lin also drank the wine in the glass, and then sat down slowly.

And Boss Qin didn't stay long, and after a full lap, he left with a smile.

But before leaving, he patted Boss Chen on the shoulder and said, "Old Chen, we brothers will keep in touch in the future, hahaha, if you have nothing to do, come and have a drink with me."

Looking at Mr. Qin who left with a smile, Boss Chen felt that his head was a bit big. He was a little confused and couldn't understand what the bosses were thinking.

When did President Qin become so approachable?
(End of this chapter)

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