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Chapter 1212 Director Shen, I have 1 question

Chapter 1212 Director Shen, I have a question

This meal made Boss Chen very proud.

In particular, Mr. Jinhuang Qin came to support him, which made him feel that he lost all the face, and now he found it all back.

It's still Mr. Qin, who needs courage and courage, and EQ and EQ. Compared with that assistant Ma who is arrogant and arrogant, he is more generous!

From now on, I will also be the one who drank with Mr. Qin.

Amid the compliments from everyone, Boss Chen asked the driver to drive the two teachers home, while Shen Lin and Lu Xiaorong pushed the electric car and wandered around with the small fruit shell.

"Boss Shen, seeing how respectful the teacher is from Boss Chen, do you feel that we are getting too far away from the teacher?" Lu Xiaorong looked at the scenery on the street and asked Shen Lin with a smile.

Shen Lin smiled and said, "Yeah, it's true that I'm deliberately alienating the teacher."

"However, once you and I get in touch with Teacher Liu and the others, then we don't have to move from Dongzhou to the provincial capital."

Lu Xiaorong frowned.

She is also in a dilemma now, she doesn't want her son to have a too comfortable environment, but seeing the efforts of other parents, she feels like she is not doing her duty.

In fact, Shen Lin was also a little entangled in this matter, but the most difficult thing to grasp in many things was this speed.

"Forget it, I think we still have to trust our son. This guy is smart. Think about it, when we were young, it wasn't like we didn't suffer any grievances."

Shen Lin's words were mainly to comfort Lu Xiaorong.

Lu Xiaorong looked at the calm Shen Lin, snorted and said, "When I was young, I came here through hardships."

"But some people, that's definitely not the case!"

"The second young master of the factory manager's family, he is the one who even made the teacher cry! You have the nerve to say that you were wronged when you were young."

"Mr. Shen, do you want me to verify how you were wronged when you were young?"

Shen Lin was speechless for a while about his daughter-in-law's questioning.

Shen Lin attaches the most importance to the education of his precious son. The reason why he came to the provincial capital, a place where most people don't know him, and let his son go to kindergarten is more out of this consideration.

After all, his spoiled childhood was a lesson.

Listening to Lu Xiaorong's words at this time, Shen Lin waved his hands helplessly and said: "Okay, my wife, I was wrong. When I was young, I didn't even go to junior high school because of the good conditions in my family, so I started to dawdle .”

"I am different from Writer Lu."

Lu Xiaorong looked at Shen Lin who was serious about his self-criticism, hesitated for a moment and said: "I don't think my son will be like you, but if he has the same ability as you, it seems pretty good."

Although Lu Xiaorong seldom said that Shen Lin had created such a large industry in a few years, he was still very proud of his man in his heart.

Wouldn't it be better if the precious son could be as capable as his father.

Looking at the tangled Lu Xiaorong, Shen Lin smiled.

He can't always say that I failed in my previous life, and the main reason why I have achieved what I am now is because I was reborn!

After shopping for more than an hour, Shen Lin and Lu Xiaorong returned to the Rice Shell Garden by the Lake of Gongda.

Before entering the house, Shen Lin saw an ordinary Santana with Dongzhou license plate parked downstairs.

With the development of the economy in the past two years, the ordinary Santana has been accepted by more and more people.

Of course, as the big boss of MiKe Electronics, Shen Lin's current car has been changed from the Blue Bird to an Audi.As soon as Shen Lin stopped the electric car, Santana was pushed away. Shen Lin saw his second brother-in-law, Chu Feng and Li Qingbo, walking out of Santana.

Generally speaking, these two people don't have much contact with each other. How did they get mixed up?
Shen Lin looked at the two people who came side by side, and after a moment of stunned, he smiled and walked over to say hello: "Director Li, brother-in-law, why are you here?"

Li Qingbo laughed and said: "I was entrusted to come to you to talk about something. Since I don't know the location of your home, I can only bring Brother Chu here."

Having said that, he glanced at the rice shell garden and said: "Mr. Shen, your scientific research park has made many universities jealous!"

Li Qingbo didn't say who entrusted him, and Shen Lin didn't ask, after all, this is not a place to talk, so he said with a smile: "If Director Li likes it, I'll sell you a set."

"We are old friends, and I will sell it to you at the market price."

Hearing Shen Lin talk about the market price, Li Qingbo couldn't help laughing, this Shen Lin is really not ordinary smart, he knows how to avoid some things.

In fact, with Shen Lin's current worth, a house is really nothing to him.Even if he really sold it to himself, with Shen Lin's high EQ, of course it wouldn't be the market price.

And his avoidance is actually helping himself to avoid suspicion.

"Thank you Mr. Shen. I'm afraid I can only stay in Dongzhou until I retire in my life. I won't be able to use your house in Mike Garden even if I buy it."

Although Li Qingbo refused, he was very grateful in his heart.No wonder, facing such a high-quality community, how could he not be tempted?
He couldn't help but sigh with emotion: "Now in Dongzhou, many people hope that you, Mr. Shen, can develop some houses like Rice Shell Garden and put them on the market."

"Hey, your house is really enviable!"

Shen Lin knew that what Li Qingbo said was not a lie. In fact, many people had mentioned such things to him, but he did not agree.

As for the reason, Shen Lin did not explain it.

Fortunately, in Shen Lin's current position, there are fewer and fewer things for him to explain.

"Director Li, Mi Ke will not enter real estate in the future." Shen Lin said with a smile as he carried Xiao Guo Ke upstairs.

Li Qingbo looked at Shen Lin who looked solemn, and knew that Shen Lin's opinion on this matter was very firm.

As for why Shen Lin didn't enter this field, he vaguely understood.

"Mishell Electronics has developed so well, there is no big loss if we don't enter this field."

While talking, Shen Lin and others entered the house.

Looking at the three-bedroom and two-living room, which was very warmly furnished, Li Qingbo frowned slightly.

Lu Xiaorong knew that the arrival of Chu Feng and Li Qingbo should be related to work, so after pouring water for them, he took his son to the bedroom.

After chatting with Li Qingbo for a few words, Shen Lin and Li Qingbo smiled and said: "Director Li, I know you have a heavy burden now, and you will never come to me for tea and chat."

"Actually, if there is anything, you can just make a phone call, and you don't need to come here in person."

Li Qingbo rubbed his head and said: "Mr. Shen, I won't be courteous to you anymore regarding the relationship between the two of us."

"Actually, I think a phone call is enough for this kind of thing, but the higher-ups think it's better for me to make a trip, and they also specially arranged for Brother Chu to come with me. I can't do it if I don't come!"

Although Li Qingbo didn't say it clearly, Shen Lin knew who Li Qingbo was talking about. He smiled and said, "Then what's the matter with you, Director Li?"

"Mr. Shen, I came here this time mainly to ask, is Mishell Electronics planning to shift its business focus to the provincial capital?"

After saying this, Li Qingbo's expression became very solemn.

(End of this chapter)

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