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Chapter 1213 It's really not a fuss

Chapter 1213 It's really not a fuss

After Chu Feng came to Shen Lin's house, he acted casually.

He came here this time as an escort, and Li Qingbo did most of the work.

But when Li Qingbo mentioned this matter, Chu Feng couldn't help but become more serious.

Although he has not had much contact with Mishell Electronics, he is still very aware of the influence of Mishell Electronics.

Among other things, the jobs provided by several factories of Rice Shell, as well as those downstream suppliers relying on Rice Shell Electronics, are inseparable from the support of Rice Shell Electronics.

But once Mishell Electronics moves to the provincial capital, the impact will be great.

"Director Li, the reason why I moved here is entirely because of my child's education. I really don't have any other ideas."

Shen Lin smiled wryly and said: "Such a trivial matter, it's worth making you come and mobilize the crowd!"

"Don't worry, the foundation of Rice Shell Electronics is in Dongzhou. I never thought about moving Rice Shell Electronics out."

Although Li Qingbo had estimated that Shen Lin would not be able to transfer Mi Ke Electronics to the provincial capital when he came, but he was relieved to hear Shen Lin's assurance at this time.

Compared with Chu Feng, he is more aware of the role of rice shell electronics.

Rice shell electronics not only develops very well, but also has a huge driving effect on many small and medium-sized factories.

It can be said that there are quite a few small factories that make a living by receiving orders from Mishell Electronics.

If Mishell Electronics moves away, the cost of these small factories will increase, and some of them will not be able to operate directly.

This is also the reason why he ran over to see Shen Lin in a hurry.

"Hahaha, Chairman Shen, I knew you wouldn't take Mishell Electronics away easily, but, I know it's useless, the key is that the higher-ups are worried!"

Speaking of this, Li Qingbo felt relieved a lot, took a sip from his teacup and said, "You don't know, these days I heard that you moved to the provincial capital, and many people asked me, where is your rice shell?" Not to move away."

Shen Lin smiled and said: "I mainly do this to give my children a good school environment. After all, there are too many people who know me in Dongzhou."

"Here, not only are the educational resources good, but there are very few people who know me and Xiaorong, which is conducive to the all-round development of the child."

A stone in Li Qingbo's heart fell to the ground, and when he spoke, he felt relieved, appearing relaxed and casual.

He turned to Shen Lin and said, "Mr. Shen, I heard that your rice shell building in Donghai is almost finished?"

"Yes, according to the plan, it will be put into use in September." Because this is not a secret, Shen Lin said very frankly.

Li Qingbo smiled and said: "Mi Ke is now a top-level big company, I think you should have a resident that matches Mi Ke's identity!"

"Mr. Shen, when I came here, the above said that if Mi Ke builds the headquarters, we must fully support it unconditionally."

Shen Lin looked at the smile on Li Qingbo's face, and his thoughts turned quickly.

The current Mishell Electronics still works in the office building of the original hardware machinery factory. With the increasing business of Mishell Electronics, this office building is a bit stretched.

Moreover, it is sometimes very inconvenient to put production and office together.

According to the current cash flow of Mishell Electronics, it is not too difficult to build an office building.

He pondered for a moment, then smiled and said: "Director Li is right. Mi Ke Group is indeed no longer suitable for working in a hardware machinery factory."

Speaking of this, Shen Lin pondered for a while and said: "If construction starts this year, it may be too late. Otherwise, we will do the preparatory work well this year and start construction next year."

At this moment, Li Qingbo was completely relieved.

Shen Lin is willing to build the office building of MiKe Electronics, which means that he has no idea of ​​​​moving MiKe Electronics to the provincial capital for a while.By finalizing this matter, he almost overfulfilled the task.

"Okay, after I go back, I will report the good news." Li Qingbo said with a smile: "When will you return to Dongzhou, Mr. Shen, I will accompany you around, find a suitable place, and send the rice to Dongzhou as soon as possible." The office building of Shell Electronics has been finalized."

Shen Lin smiled and said: "In a few days, the child has just entered kindergarten, and I must accompany him these days."

During the conversation, Shen Lin and Chu Feng chatted about some family matters, and the conversation between the three of them seemed extremely harmonious for a moment.

And just when the three of them were chatting happily, there was a knock on the door.

Shen Lin frowned. His address was kept secret, and he knew that this place was basically his family.

Walking over to open the door, Shen Lin saw Lian Shaofeng standing outside the door.

Lian Shaofeng was sweating profusely at this moment, and behind him, a young man was holding a big box.

Shen Lin has always attached great importance to Lian Shaofeng. Seeing his appearance now, he smiled and said, "Shaofeng, why are you here in such a hot day?"

"Mr. Shen, our game console is almost finished."

"I came here this time just to ask you to check it out." While speaking, Lian Shaofeng waved to the staff behind him.

When Shen Lin was in Beijing, he knew that the project that Lian Shaofeng was in charge of had already made a breakthrough.

He also promised Lian Shaofeng to take a look at their works when he returned to Dongzhou in a few days, but he didn't expect that Lian Shaofeng would come to him.

"Okay, then come in."

When Lian Shaofeng entered the house, he found out that Shen Lin had guests here.He smiled shyly and said, "Mr. Shen, I didn't know you had guests. How about I come back later?"

Shen Lin smiled and said: "Director Li is not an outsider, if there is anything, you can just talk about it."

While speaking, Shen Lin introduced Lian Shaofeng and Li Qingbo again.

Li Qingbo originally thought that Lian Shaofeng was an ordinary employee of Mishell Electronics, but when he heard that Lian Shaofeng was actually in charge of a business department, he immediately paid attention to it.

After all, the various business divisions of Mishell Electronics are now in a state of vigorous development, and being able to become the person in charge of a business department is an important figure in Mishell Electronics.

So after a few words of politeness, he smiled and said: "If there is anything wrong with Lian Zong, you can just say it, and just pretend that we don't exist."

Lian Shaofeng glanced at Shen Lin, and seeing that Shen Lin had no objection, he said in a deep voice: "Mr. Shen, our game consoles are almost ready. I would like to invite you to try it out and see if you have any opinions."

Having said that, he glanced at the TV and said, "Mr. Shen, this needs the support of the TV."

Shen Lin smiled and said, "Okay, you guys can connect to the TV."

The staff who came with Lian Shaofeng, although technically a master of the department, were inevitably a little nervous when meeting the legendary chairman for the first time.

When installing, I just felt a little clumsy.

However, installing the game console is very simple after all, so the game console will be installed soon.

Lian Shaofeng looked at the turned on TV, his eyes full of anticipation.

He has enough confidence in the product he led.

Once they pass this evaluation, their business department will definitely blind the eyes of many people!

(End of this chapter)

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