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Chapter 1214 Let me make some small comments

Chapter 1214 I have some small suggestions
After everything was connected, on the 34-inch color TV, there appeared four large red characters of Mike Electronics.

Seeing the scarlet letter, Shen Lin's mouth twitched slightly.

Then, there is the choice of the game. Holding the square handle, Shen Lin feels a little uncomfortable.

But at this time, when Contra's voice sounded, Shen Lin still showed a smile.

He didn't need Lian Shaofeng's help, he manipulated his character very easily, and soon started a fierce battle on the TV screen.

Regarding things like games, Li Qingbo thought that he would not be interested in this aspect.

However, when the villain representing Shen Lin kept jumping forward on the TV screen, he couldn't help becoming nervous.

"Be careful, there are bullets over there!"

"Shen Lin, pay attention to this side, you can change the gun here..."

Chu Feng originally watched it with relish, but now he could not help feeling a little bit when he heard Li Qingbo's shout.

Is this the Li Qingbo I know?

Soon, Shen Lin finished one round. Instead of proceeding to the next level, he said to Li Qingbo: "Director Li, how about playing one round?"

"How can this be done?" Li Qingbo waved his hands and refused.

Although his heart is actually as uncomfortable as a cat's paw, he still has to maintain the image that should be maintained.

Shen Lin couldn't help but handed the game controller to Li Qingbo, then smiled and watched Li Qingbo play the game.

Although Li Qingbo gave Shen Lin a lot of advice, it turned out that he really didn't have much talent in this regard.

The typical one is high-sightedness and low-handedness, that is, within a few minutes, the villain he manipulated has died several times.

When the words "End" appeared on the TV again, he had no choice but to put down the gamepad in his hand and said, "This thing is really fascinating when you play it."

"Shen Lin, when will you start production, I will buy one."

Shen Lin smiled and said, "Just give you a set, what should I buy?"

"By the way, Director Li, can you give me some valuable advice? Let us go back and make some corrections."

Li Qingbo pondered carefully and said: "I think this thing is very good, there is nothing that can be changed."

Lian Shaofeng said modestly: "Director Li is really too flattering."

Although Lian Shaofeng said so, his heart was still full of excitement and pride.

When he came to Mishell Electronics, he was entrusted with a heavy responsibility by Shen Lin, which made him happy, but also felt a lot of pressure in his heart.

After all, he did not make any contribution to Mishell Electronics.

Although his education was not low, and his appointment was decided by Shen Lin, no one dared to say anything unconvinced in front of him, but he could feel that many people were waiting to see his jokes.

So this time, he wants to make his product a blockbuster.

Only in this way can he be worthy of Shen Lin's trust in him, and only in this way can people look at him differently.

Li Qingbo's evaluation filled him with confidence.

After being humble, he turned his gaze to Shen Lin.

After all, Shen Lin is the big boss of Mi Ke and has the final decision on this product.

Shen Lin smiled and said to Lian Shaofeng: "Shaofeng, you have done a very good job this time, especially in terms of games, the transplantation is quite perfect." At this point, Shen Lin said: "But we still have to There are some aspects that need to be improved, such as the English in the game, we still have to find ways to Chineseize it."

"After all, not all of our customers understand English."

Lian Shaofeng said: "Mr. Shen, don't worry, we will definitely finish this aspect as soon as possible."

"Mr. Shen, do you have any other requirements for the design of this game console?"

Shen Lin looked at Lian Shaofeng's urgent look, pondered for a while and said, "For this game console, I think there are still some aspects that can be improved."

"I'll also make some small comments."

Speaking of this, Shen Lin smiled and said: "You are like this game controller. The square one looks better, but I think it looks better when it is tilted."

While speaking, Shen Lin picked up a piece of paper and drew the most popular game controller in the future for Lian Shaofeng.

Even Shaofeng and the young man who came with him were stunned for a moment when they saw the game controller drawn by Shen Lin.

They are the people who are most familiar with game consoles. It can be said that they are very familiar with every aspect of game consoles.

Now looking at the handle drawn by Shen Lin, they immediately understood where the handle was so good.

Compared with my square handle, this handle is not only more convenient to hold, but also more comfortable to operate!
Also, holding this handle seems to be able to reduce fatigue, and...

For a moment, Lian Shaofeng thought of more than a dozen advantages.When he designed the game controller, he thought about many types, and finally decided to use the square type.

Now, the image drawn by Shen Lin made him feel that the handle was very good almost immediately.

"Mr. Shen, after I go back, let them improve the handle according to your design."

Shen Lin smiled and said: "This handle, we can't rest on our laurels, we need to solicit more users' opinions in order to give customers the best experience."

Speaking of this, Shen Lin turned to the game console and said, "We need to sell this game console for at least 200 yuan."

For Shen Lin's price, both Lian Shaofeng and Li Qingbo, who was watching the excitement, felt that it was a bit too low.

After all, this game console is really fun, and there is a lot of investment.

In Lian Shaofeng's opinion, it can be sold for 500 yuan.

"So, no matter who buys such a video game console, they hope to use it for a long time. Instead of playing it for a while, throwing it aside without interest."

"This requires us to design a game socket, as long as the box carrying the new game is inserted into the socket, the game console can directly run the new game."

When Shen Lin said this, he nodded and said: "Also, our game console can be promoted from another aspect."

When Shen Lin said this, he played with the handle and said: "Although the handle is good, we can also integrate the handle and the game console into one keyboard."

Lian Shaofeng's eyes widened after hearing Shen Lin's proposal.

When he just heard the words of putting the game console and the handle in the keyboard, he couldn't believe his ears, wondering if he heard it wrong.

After all, the two seem to have nothing in common.

But Shen Lin talked eloquently: "It's easy to integrate. For example, we can use these keys to represent forward and backward, and use these keyboards to represent...

In one breath, Shen Lin talked about a lot of uses of keyboard keys in later generations, which made Lian Shaofeng nod his head, but he was a little confused.

He didn't know what the purpose of Shen Lin's change was?
However, he vaguely felt that Shen Lin's change seemed to give him a greater improvement in the game console project.

(End of this chapter)

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