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Chapter 1215 1 Fish, 2 Eats, Understand 1

Chapter 1215: One fish, two meals to understand

Integrate your gaming console into your keyboard!

According to Shen Lin, this kind of thing is not too difficult.

However, Ma Xiaonan, who came with Lian Shaofeng, did not understand why a good gamepad should be integrated into the keyboard instead of using it.

What's the use of integrating into the keyboard!
Isn't this a waste of emotion?

Originally, there was no place for him to speak here, after all, he was just a small person.

But in the end he couldn't help but said: "Mr. Shen, I don't understand why we integrated the game controller into the keyboard?"

"Isn't this increasing the difficulty?"

Shen Lin looked at Ma Xiaonan who was puzzled, and said with a smile: "Computers are very popular now, but computers are very expensive."

"If we launch a learning machine that allows children to learn computer operations in advance, such as practicing typing, sales should be very good."

Speaking of this, Shen Lin didn't continue, but even Shaofeng and Ma Xiaonan understood.

Especially Ma Xiaonan, at this time, has already thought of the sensation that this learning machine will cause when it is promoted.

For a moment, his original doubts turned into spontaneous admiration for Shen Lin.

As for Lian Shaofeng, he also looked at Shen Lin with admiration at this time.Regarding the transition between game consoles and learning consoles, he thought better than Ma Xiaonan.

It is not easy to promote game consoles, but learning machines are definitely something that many parents are willing to help their children invest in.

After all, no one wants to let their children lose at the starting line.

"Mr. Shen, I understand. After we go back, we will improve these two aspects."

"Don't worry, we will be able to start production in October this year." Lian Shaofeng's voice was full of confidence at this time.

Shen Lindao: "Shaofeng, learning machines can form an industry, but our next focus is still in the field of electronic communication."

"Our agreement with Taiyu Electronics has already begun to be implemented."

"When the equipment and technology of this electronics factory are purchased, I hope you can get out of the game console project and be responsible for the development and promotion of new projects such as cordless phones."

Lian Shaofeng was stunned for a moment, although the cordless phone project hadn't started yet, the learning machine project was about to be harvested.

But he is still very clear about the importance of the cordless phone project.

After all, this project has broad prospects, and Shen Lin attaches great importance to it.

"Chairman Shen, don't worry, I will definitely do my best." Lian Shaofeng looked at Shen Lin and said reassuringly.

Shen Lin smiled and said, "Okay, let's make a deal."

Lian Shaofeng saw that Li Qingbo and Chu Feng were there, so he got up and left after finishing his work.

Shen Lin knew that Lian Shaofeng didn't like to hang out, not to mention that Li Qingbo might have other things this time, so he didn't hold back too much.

After sending Lian Shaofeng away, Li Qingbo said to Shen Lin: "Mr. Shen, I always thought that you are good at business, but after what happened just now, you let me know you to a higher level."

"Fantastic two words, and how dare you describe your level."

Shen Lin smiled and said: "Brother Li, if you want me to treat you to dinner, just say so, and you don't have to give me a high hat here."

Li Qingbo laughed and said: "Mr. Shen, someone has already invited you for dinner tonight, but you must go over."

Looking at the smile on Li Qingbo's face, Shen Lin guessed who the guest was.

He smiled and said: "Okay, I still have two bottles of good wine here, and we haven't been together for a while." "Okay, let's drink your good wine, Mr. Shen." Li Qingbo said without hesitation.

The person Li Qingbo was talking about was his old classmate Lu Daqing.

At this time, Lu Daqing was telling his wife that he would not go home for dinner at night. When he said that he was going to invite someone to dinner at night, he felt his wife's expression turned dark.

He hurriedly explained: "Daughter-in-law, this time I invited Li Qingbo. Old Li came to the provincial capital with great difficulty, so I have to treat him to dinner no matter what."

"You two come to the house, and I'll cook two dishes for you. It's not like he hasn't been here before." Lu Daqing's wife said with a hint of pretense.

For a moment, Lu Daqing really didn't know what to say.

What his wife said was very reasonable. When Li Qingbo came to the provincial capital, he used to live in his house.

So Li Qingbo and Lu Daqing's family members are very familiar.

Lu Daqing shook his head and said, "Daughter-in-law, it's easy to talk about just the two of us, is there anyone else here?"

"Other people, who, do I know?" Lu Daqing's wife looked at Lu Daqing with a trace of scrutiny.

Lu Daqing said: "You don't know him, but Lao Li and I are familiar with him. Let him come to our house for dinner, this..."

"What's wrong with this? I still can't get used to it. Tell me, who has such a big face." Lu Daqing's daughter-in-law suddenly stood up and said.

Lu Daqing was originally a bit afraid of his wife, but now he heard what his wife said, and knew that if he didn't say one, two, three today, it would be difficult to explain.

"Daughter-in-law, this time we are dating Shen Lin." Lu Daqing rubbed his hands together and said, "Let him eat at home, in case he won't get used to it."

Lu Daqing's wife was stunned for a moment, and then said: "Which Shen Lin?"

"It should be the Shen Lin you thought of." Lu Daqing said with a hint of complacency.

Lu Daqing's wife knew that her man had friendship with Shen Lin, but in the provincial capital, the two families hadn't had much contact.

At this time, when Lu Daqing said that he invited Shen Lin to dinner, she was stunned for a moment and said, "A boss as big as Shen Lin, does he still let you treat him?"

"In the past, he was the one to treat guests. Didn't it happen that this time he brought his children to the provincial capital to go to school, and Li Qingbo came?" Lu Daqing rubbed his hands and said, "We have to express it anyway, don't we?" ?”

Lu Daqing's wife took out ten cards from a wallet and handed them to Lu Daqing.

Just when Lu Daqing was full of joy, his wife took out another ten cards and handed them to him.

"100 yuan is enough, you don't need that much, Shen Lin doesn't pick food." Lu Daqing waved his hand.

"Whether people are picky or not is their business, but since we want to invite this guest, we should be sincere." Lu Daqing's wife said: "What's more, it's not something that everyone can do to treat Shen Lin to dinner. .”

"Spend money when you spend it."

At this moment, Lu Daqing felt a burst of emotion in his heart.

Li Qingbo, an old classmate, came, and his daughter-in-law asked him to eat at home. When she heard that there was Shen Lin, she gave him an extra 100 yuan.

It's better not to tell Li Qingbo about this matter, otherwise, if Lao Li hears it, he might feel uncomfortable.

Just when Lu Daqing was about to leave, his wife said again: "After you go, don't patronize drinking."

"Our eldest is about to graduate from high school. With her grades, I'm afraid it will be difficult for her to get into college. See if you can mention it to Shen Lin. After graduation, she can go to him for an internship."

Although Lu Daqing was a little unwilling at this time, but looking at the expression of his self-conscious wife, he could only say: "I will mention it to Shen Lin and see if he still lacks people."

(End of this chapter)

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