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Chapter 122 I just want to get off work, why is it so difficult

Chapter 122 I just want to get off work, why is it so difficult

As the sun set, Xu Ruibing let out a long sigh of relief as he watched the gradually shrinking crowd.

Although they were on duty in rotation, there was an endless stream of visitors coming and going, and some even came three or four times just to take pictures, which really broke people down!

I can finally get off work!
"Brother Xu, everyone has worked hard today, let's have a meal together." Shen Lin came out and handed Xu Ruibing a bottle of iced soda.

Xu Ruibing was not polite, opened the soda and poured it into his stomach, then freed his fist, stepped forward and punched Shen Lin: "I thought you only had money left in your eyes, do you still remember your brother?" what!"

"If you want to treat guests, you are not wronged. It's just that today is too tired, so let's find another chance!"

Shen Lin smiled and said: "Okay, then I owe brother first!"

While the two were chatting and laughing, the sky began to dim, and rows of lights installed outside the store were silently turned on.

Under the light, the snow-white walls and glass windows, although imitated, try to resemble the original Arc de Triomphe and the Eiffel Tower, making the surrounding environment full of strange amorous feelings.

Although Xu Ruibing watched it all day, he still couldn't help but feel a little fascinated when he saw this kind of scenery.

Taking a sideways look at Shen Lin, he couldn't help crying and laughing: "You boy, you obviously don't want me to get off work!"

Xu Ruibing's complaint was justified. When the lights were turned on, some people who were about to leave turned back excitedly.

Obviously, the night scene shrouded in this kind of light is also pleasing to the eye.

Shen Lin smiled and said, "Brother Xu, don't worry, although this night scene can recruit people, there won't be so many."

"What's more, many people still have to go to work and school tomorrow."

Seeing more and more people gathered around, Xu Ruibing snorted and said, "I believe you, you ghost, you just said that I will be off work in a while!"

"From what I've seen, at least I have to be on duty until nine o'clock."

Looking at the angry Xu Ruibing, Shen Lin smiled, turned and walked away.

In less than a quarter of an hour, it was brought over with two bags of buns.

"Brother, let's replenish energy first!"

The buns just out of the cage are neat in size, white in color and soft in color. They look like budding autumn chrysanthemums in the mist. After a while, the three buns have already been eaten.

After Xu Ruibing and the others settled down, Shen Lin returned to the shop.At this time, only Qiangzi and Lu Dongsheng were left in the second-hand home appliance store.

After Shen Xingye, Chen Hongying and others accompanied Shen Lin to deposit the money in the bank, they went home full of joy.

For Shen Xingye and Zhao Honglian and his wife, they really felt relieved this time, and the big rock hanging in their hearts finally fell to the ground.

As for Chen Hongying, she was completely worried that Shen Lin owed foreign debts and her daughter would not be able to live. Now that Shen Lin had earned 7 yuan all at once, this made her feel happy, and she felt a lot easier when walking.

Although some words are still awkward, Shen Xingye and Zhao Honglian's deliberate friendship has already made her embarrassed and disappeared completely.

"Brother Shen, I recovered twelve second-hand radios and a black and white TV this afternoon." Seeing Shen Lin approaching, Qiangzi said with a smile.

Qiangzi and Lu Dongsheng were both devoted and loyal to Shen Lin.

When this street first opened for business, the two were worried that the expected results would not be achieved.Now it is only one day, and there is such a large flow of people, all the tenants voluntarily pay the rent on the first day.

Such a good start made the two of them feel refreshed.

"Yes, I will repair it tomorrow." After Shen Lin said this, he glanced around and said, "Qiangzi, Dongsheng, you two should take some time to learn how to repair electrical appliances with me." At this point , Shen Lin's eyes fell on Lu Dongsheng and said: "Dongsheng, are there many students in your school who want to work-study?"

"A lot." Lu Dongsheng thought for a while and said, "Although the meal tickets issued by the school are enough to eat, for students like me from the countryside, they are still very short of money."

"Some students even don't plan to go home during the Chinese New Year because of saving travel expenses."

Shen Lin nodded and said: "You can organize those students who want to make money and come to me to learn maintenance technology."

"I can pay them according to the number of repairs."

Lu Dongsheng's eyes lit up when he thought of the amount of goods sold in the store!
This is a good idea!Brother Shen Lin's brain is flexible!
In this way, the practical difficulties of the students are solved, and at the same time, they can also establish their own prestige in the school.

"Thank you Brother Shen, I'll go back and make preparations to see how many students are willing to sign up."

Qiangzi scratched his head and said, "Brother Shen, I'm not talented in repairing things, otherwise, you should let me do some other work."

Shen Lin looked helplessly at Qiangzi, Qiangzi was a good hand at work, but he couldn't do such fine work because he didn't warm the bench.

He patted Qiangzi on the shoulder and said, "If you don't have talent, just work harder. I believe you can do well."

While talking, Shen Lin waved his hand and said, "Okay, we've had a hard day too, and now we're closing. Normally, I should treat you to a meal, but your sister-in-law is waiting at home, so I have no choice but to value sex over friends." !"

Looking at Shen Lin who was smiling confidently, Lu Dongsheng felt a burst of admiration in his heart. It is really admirable that Brother Shen can say such words as emphasizing sex and despising friends so frankly.

And what he said, not only does not make people hate, but also gives himself a sense of intimacy.

As for Qiangzi, he waved his hand and said, "Brother Shen, you don't value sex over friends, you really value sex over friends! It's been almost two months, and you seldom drink with us brothers."

Having said that, he smacked his lips and said, "Brother Shen, when will you send my sister-in-law home, let's have a drink."

Shen Lin looked at the upright Qiangzi, feeling helpless for a while, he casually took out a stack of big unity from his pocket, took out ten pieces and handed them to Qiangzi, saying: "This is the bonus for today's opening, let's see if we can block it." Your mouth!"

Qiangzi looked at the Great Unity handed over and felt his throat dry.

100 yuan, which is equivalent to three or four months' wages when he worked as a temporary worker in the third production of the machinery factory!

Although he knew that Shen Lin earned a lot of money today, he also knew that the money had little to do with him, it was earned by Shen Lin through a lot of investment.

He has a salary on weekdays, but now that Shen Lin offered him 100 yuan all at once, he felt embarrassed to reach out to take it.

"Brother Shen, this... this is too much!" Qiang Zi's voice was a little dry.

"I said it's a bonus, if you think it's too much, you don't have to!" Shen Lin seemed to put away the money as he spoke.

"Haha, idiots don't want it!" Qiangzi took the money over and said with a smile, "Thank you Brother Shen."

Shen Lin patted Qiangzi and said, "Qiangzi, work hard. When our store is up, besides dividends at the end of the year, I will give you a big red envelope."

While speaking, Shen Lin took out ten more cards of Great Unity and handed them to Lu Dongsheng, saying, "Dongsheng, this is yours."

"Thank you, Brother Shen." Lu Dongsheng took the money, and his expression was also full of excitement.

100 yuan, if you save money, it will be enough for him for a year!

ps: The new book sets sail, please support!

(End of this chapter)

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