Chapter 123 Shen Lin Was Admired
Although compared with the surrounding shops, Shen Lin's Lin Rong Electronics closed too early.But actually, when he got home, it was mostly dark.

The butcher shop was closed, which made Shen Lin a little disappointed.Looking at the sparse restaurants on the street, he felt nostalgic for the past.

If this was something that could be solved with a mobile phone order before time travel, it is a bit tricky now.

How about going out to eat with Lu Xiaorong!
The motorcycle tricycle brought black smoke and soon came to the family courtyard of the hardware machinery factory. At this time, most of the families had already eaten.In the cool weather, a large number of people gathered in the courtyard of the Rang family courtyard to enjoy the shade.

The children pushed the hoops under the dim street lights, played hide-and-seek, and had a great time.And some elderly people gathered together to play chess.

Although there is only one game of chess, there are a lot of enthusiastic spectators, and often a single move can cause a quarrel.


The muffler of Shen Lin's motorcycle was not good, but after using it for a period of time, the noise became louder.

In the past, people were full of interest in Shen Lin's remodeled motorcycle tricycle, but as they saw this thing every day, fewer people cared about this motorcycle tricycle.

But this time, when Shen Lin's motorcycle tricycle rang in the factory area, almost all the adults looked at Shen Lin.

The eyes of everyone are very complicated.There are surprises and doubts, but most of all, I am still envious.

"Xiao Linzi is back." It was Uncle Chen who spoke, his wrinkled face had already bloomed into a cockscomb flower: "Xiao Linzi, you made a lot of money this time!"

Listening to Uncle Chen's words, Shen Lin understood that the neighbors already knew about the tenants queuing up to pay the rent.

Shen Lin knows that there is an old saying that what people envy is often not the success of strangers, but the sudden success of those around them.

Of course, Shen Lin didn't want to let himself fall into this quagmire.After all, at this time, people with ten thousand yuan households are rare people, let alone people like Shen Lin with a fortune close to one hundred thousand yuan.

"My lord, you think too highly of me, Xiao Linzi! To put it bluntly, I just passed by to earn hard money. That place can't pay rent to the match factory, and these reformed things cost a lot of money. , In the past two years, if I can make enough money, I will really be very popular!"

Uncle Chen coughed and said, "That's right, it does cost a lot of money to transform the warehouse into this look, you really dare to think and do it."

"Your Paris style street is very well done. I went shopping. If I just look at your side, I still feel like I'm in Europe!"

"Shen Lin, you've made a fortune. If you have anything to do in the future, you have to help my brother!"

Amidst all the enthusiastic greetings, it took Shen Lin seven or eight minutes from stopping the car to going upstairs, and he didn't finish talking about this part of the people!
"I've always felt that this kid is born to do great things. Look, he has earned money that we can't earn in our entire lives in just two months."

"Yeah, although this kid was a bit delicate before, but now he has been beaten a bit, which is really unusual."

"If the white-eyed wolf knew that Shen Lin was fired like this, I don't know if he would regret it."


Amid the neighbors' discussions, Shen Lin returned home. When he opened the door, Lu Xiaorong was writing something on the table. Seeing Shen Lin, she smiled and said, "I've already prepared the meal. Go and wash your hands, let's eat now."

Shen Lin smelled the smell of chicken soup all over the room, and couldn't help but ask, "When did you buy the chicken?"

"It was brought by my dad. He said that you have worked hard these days, so let me stew a chicken bun for you." Lu Xiaorong said with a smile: "Although my dad said it was his own idea. , but I always feel that my mother asked him to send this chicken."

"Otherwise, with my dad's temper, he wouldn't give it to you!" Although Shen Lin had strong objections to Chen Hongying, Chen Hongying was Lu Xiaorong's parents after all.Now that he has surrendered, he naturally cannot pursue her.

"Then let's go back and see Mom, it won't work for two days, what do you think when my store is stabilized?"

Shen Lin's proposal moved Lu Xiaorong a little. She knew that her mother was picky about Shen Lin, and she also knew that a few days ago, when Shen Lin was very busy, Chen Hongying blocked Shen Lin in the family courtyard and scolded Shen Lin face to face. After a meal, he also said that he would pay in the end without even leaving his underpants!

Lu Xiaorong knew from a young age that his mother's mouth was not forgiving, but you satirized your son-in-law so viciously, you are not a scapegoat!

"Shen Lin, thank you." While Lu Xiaorong was speaking, he stretched out his arms to hug Shen Lin and said, "My mother did something very wrong, thank you for understanding her..."

"It's okay. Our mother came to me a few days ago. After all, it was for our own good. She was afraid that we would fall into a pit!" Shen Lin pinched Lu Xiaorong's nose and said, "What's more, this time I He is the winner, so naturally he should be more generous."

"Bada!" Lu Xiaorong stopped talking and just kissed Shen Lin's face.After these days of meticulous food supplements, Lu Xiaorong was moistened inside and out like fresh and tender tofu.

Shen Lin just felt a surge of heat in his heart, a burst of excitement, and he knew why.Two months after rebirth, the young body is full of vitality.

However, Lu Xiaorong was in the period of key protection and lived a new life, and Shen Lin couldn't make a big mistake because of his impulsiveness.

Therefore, Shen Lin has always restrained himself.

Shen Lin's kiss fell on Lu Xiaorong's face, which made Lu Xiaorong feel like sparks were flying.Shen Lin at the side only felt his blood running through the veins of his body and getting hotter and hotter, and he felt that he was almost dizzy.Quickly let go of Lu Xiaorong and ran into the kitchen.

The stewed chicken in the pot was steaming, and by looking at its color, Shen Lin knew that the old man sent a free-range chicken.

Shen Lin remembers a jingle when he was a child, "As soon as the son-in-law enters the door, the chick will be frightened away". The son-in-law is a distinguished guest when the son-in-law comes. , which shows how precious this dish is!
Hazel mushroom is a pure wild fungus, which only grows in the forest. It is rich in nutrition, has a crisp taste, and is very delicious.

Shen Lin threw in a small handful of wide noodles and a small basket of Chinese cabbage tender cabbage, and soon, a large pot of stewed chicken was served.

After a busy day, Shen Lin's stomach was already growling with hunger, and he couldn't help it at this time. Gududu ate the meat first, and when he got tired, he stuffed a mouthful of cabbage heart. The thick soup is so beautiful. Therefore, a bowl of rice is not enough.

Lu Xiaorong also put a lot of effort into this dish today. The free-range chicken has been stewed for a long enough time, so the soup is naturally thick. First, he poured a spoonful of thick soup for Shen Lin, covered it with rice, and served it with The pure chicken is mixed with the aroma of wild hazel mushrooms, and his favorite soft potatoes, even the wide noodles are full of strength.

Lu Xiaorong drank two bowls of chicken soup and stared intently at Shen Lin eating, with a soft light shining in those beautiful eyes.

"Shen Lin, my mother said that most people in the factory now know that you have made money. She said that if someone asks you to borrow money, they dare not borrow money indiscriminately."

"Okay, I see, this time I will definitely not borrow indiscriminately."

While speaking, Shen Lin took his black bag and dumped it on the table that had just been cleared, and saw a pile of ten and five yuan bills spread on the table.

"You put this 4000 passbook first." Shen Lin handed the passbook to Lu Xiaorong, and said, "This is what Lin Rong Electronics earned from selling second-hand home appliances. I haven't counted it carefully. I guess it should be There are more than [-] yuan."

Lu Xiaorong looked at the passbook in his hand, then at the pile of ten and five yuan bills on the table, and suddenly didn't know what to say.

ps: The new book sets sail, please support!

(End of this chapter)

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