Chapter 1221 Surprise
Wearing a white suit and an orange bow tie, Bai Mingfu looked very energetic.

At this moment, he was immersed in a kind of extreme excitement.

The reason why he is so excited is, of course, that his store in Dongzhou is about to open. This time, he wants to break into the hinterland of the rice shell electrical shopping mall in one fell swoop!

He wants everyone to know that Jiale Electric is not without the slightest ability to fight back when facing Mi Ke.

He, Bai Mingfu, does his part in the business field of the electrical appliance market, even when facing Shen Lin, he is evenly matched.

"Boss Bai, Mr. Wen Zaisong has arrived." Chu Xiaobo came over and said respectfully.

At this time, Chu Xiaobo was wearing a brown suit. Although compared with Bai Mingfu's white suit, he was like a star among the stars holding the moon, exuding a faint light, but he was undoubtedly one of the stars. The brightest one.

Because this store was opened by him alone.

Although during the meeting today, several friends joked that he was the No.1 who broke into the hinterland of Mi Ke, but he could feel that everyone was more jealous of him.

A kind of jealousy that arises because he is not as good as him.

He never cared about this kind of jealousy, let alone got angry because of it.

He even enjoyed the feeling of being envied very much.Why envy people?The premise must be that I am better than them!
"Boss Wen is very punctual!" Bai Mingfu looked at the gold watch inlaid with diamonds on his wrist, stood up with a smile, and said, "Come on, let's go and greet him."

Those who chatted with Bai Mingfu saw that Bai Mingfu stood up, and they also stood up one by one.

For them, what Bai Mingfu decides is what they want to implement, and their purpose is to do everything possible to implement Bai Mingfu's decision well.

Ten black cars, like a straight line, stopped at the door of the new store.The new store, which was already decorated with lights and festoons, looked more upscale the moment the ten black cars stopped.

Bai Mingfu looked at the black cars that could be called luxury cars, and thought to himself, the general manager Wen is really a fastidious person.

Knowing that he is opening here, among other things, he helped himself to set up the venue first, ten identical luxury cars, this is also a head start!
Bai Mingfu quickly walked to the back seat of the first car, and before he opened the door, Wen Zaisong walked out with a smile on his face.

He was wearing a black suit, standing next to Bai Mingfu who was wearing a white suit, for a moment it seemed like a perfect match, with an imposing manner.

"Hahaha, Mr. Bai, congratulations!" As soon as Wen Zaisong walked out of the car door, he held Bai Mingfu's hand with a bright smile.

Bai Mingfu and Wen Zaisong shook hands and said, "Mr. Wen, this is the first branch we opened in Dongzhou."

"Although this branch looks a bit small, it is [-] square meters larger than the first store we opened in Beijing."

Speaking of this, Bai Mingfu waved his arms imposingly and said: "Back then, we Jiale Electric Appliances achieved our current situation with a storefront of less than [-] square meters, so we have enough confidence that we will be able to do so in two years. In the city, our Jiale Electric Appliances branches will bloom everywhere in the surrounding cities."

Wen Zaisong looked at the high-spirited Bai Mingfu, and the smile on his face became even brighter.

In the fight with Shen Lin, Taiyu suffered a disadvantage, and it is not easy to get it back in a short time.

In particular, the emergence of Mishell electric bicycles directly disrupted their layout.

Although relying on the brand of Taiyu Group, they still barely gained a firm foothold, but the distance from the plan to suppress Mishell Electronics is getting wider and wider.

Bai Ming is capable, confident, and more ambitious. In Wen Zaisong's view, this is a very good thing, because as long as his partner is confident, he will worry less about many things.

"Hahaha, Mr. Bai, I believe there will be that day, and I look forward to that day even more."

Wen Zaisong said: "Let me say something here, within two years, as long as Jiale Electric achieves the goal you said."

"No matter where I am, I will come here immediately, rain or shine, to toast Mr. Bai and celebrate the victory!"

Bai Mingfu laughed loudly and said: "General Manager Wen, let's make an agreement." As the two people joked, many people came out of the motorcade. Wen Zaisong pulled Bai Mingfu to the car he had just left. In front of everyone who came down, Bai Mingfu began to be introduced.

"Mr. Bai, this is Mr. Feng, Mr. Feng is always our important partner, from their factory..."

one, two, three...

Bai Mingfu felt a little dazzled. Although he had a good memory, introducing twenty or thirty people at once really made him a little unbearable.

Fortunately, everyone has a business card now. If there is anything in the future, they can contact each other individually according to the content on the business card.

Just after welcoming Wen Zaisong and others to the VIP room, Chu Xiaobo ran over again and said, "Boss Bai, Miss Luo Lisa's motorcade is also here."

Bai Mingfu hurriedly said to Wen Zaisong: "President Wen, Miss Luolisa is here, I'll go and greet you."

Wen Zaisong said: "Boss Bai, you can go to work, we are good friends, and I will help you in your opening ceremony no matter what."

"Let's go, don't keep Miss Lorisa waiting."

I don't know if it was negotiated or not, but Luo Lisa's ostentation is even more impressive. She got ten long white limousines from somewhere, and they are not inferior to the convoy brought by Wen Zaisong.

As soon as the black and white convoy stopped, it immediately attracted countless attentions.

"Thank you, Miss Luo Lisa." Bai Mingfu came to Luo Lisa and said excitedly in his voice.

Luo Lisa smiled and said: "Boss Bai is too polite, we are partners, your business is our business."

"We naturally hope that this matter of yours can be done in a splendid manner, and you can gain a firm foothold in Dongzhou in one fell swoop."

Speaking of this, Luo Lisa smiled and said: "Among the friends I invited, there are a few stars from Xiangjiang."

"I hope their performance can satisfy Mr. Bai."

While Luo Lisa was talking, she saw several familiar figures getting out of the car. Seeing these figures, Bai Mingfu's eyes turned red.

It was so good!

Luo Lisa's help this time can be said to be all-round.

With the help of Luo Lisa, their opening ceremony will definitely be able to reach a higher level.

"Thank you, Ms. Luo Lisa, everyone, please come inside." Bai Mingfu said excitedly to the gathered crowd.

At this moment, someone suddenly shouted: "Oh, isn't this... Isn't this Chen Su?"

"It's Chen Su, I saw it, it's Chen Su!"

Accompanied by the scream of surprise, a woman who was following Luo Lisa waved her hands around with a happy face.

Such a situation caused many people to cheer, and many people began to gather from all directions.

Such a situation made Bai Mingfu's confidence suddenly stronger!
The apprehension in his heart also turned into self-confidence at this moment.

A kind of self-confidence that can compete with Shen Lin!

(End of this chapter)

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