Chapter 1222
Four red hydrogen balloons with banners flew straight into the sky.

Congratulations to Jiale Electric for opening!
Jiale Electric Dongzhou Store will serve all customers with the biggest discount!
Customer first, reputation first...

A huge rainbow door, carried by four blowers, looks extraordinarily dazzling under the sunlight.

Above the Rainbow Gate is the top floor of the store, and the four big golden characters of Jiale Electric are even more shining.

Luxury cars, celebrities, plus tall business partners...

Today's opening ceremony has become a grand event for Bai Mingfu.

He felt that at this moment, he definitely had the confidence and ability to compete with Mishell Electric Mall.

"Everyone, for this opening, I am very grateful to Mr. Wen Zaisong and Ms. Luo Lisa for coming..."

In the reception room, Bai Mingfu once again emphasized his words of thanks.

And just when he was halfway through these words, someone said: "Boss Bai, Chairman Shen of Mike Electronics is here!"

Bai Mingfu was not surprised by Shen Lin's arrival.

He has already made all the preparations for opening a store in Dongzhou.

In this situation, even if Shen Lin came, he would not be able to stop him.

What's more, he knew very well in his heart that when he was preparing the store, he could sneak around, but now, he can no longer sneak around.

But at this moment, he looked very calm, smiled at the person reporting and said, "Chairman Shen is here, I'll go and greet him."

Speaking of this, he turned to Wen Zaisong and Luo Lisa and said: "President Wen, Miss Luo Lisa, Chairman Shen of Mike Electronics is here, look, shall we go and greet him?"

"After all, they are also coming here!"

Bai Mingfu said the words "come here" in a serious manner, even with a faint smile on his face.

Luo Lisa didn't make a sound, but the contempt for Bai Mingfu in her eyes was a bit more.

No matter how capable Bai Mingfu is, at this moment, he seems a bit petty.As a business genius, why doesn't he even have this bit of generosity and tolerance?

Of course, this may have something to do with him being suppressed by Shen Lin for a long time.

Wen Zaisong very much agrees with this proposal.He said with a smile: "Mr. Shen is a boss I admire very much. He can personally come to congratulate Mr. Bai on the opening of his new store. I think we should all go to greet Mr. Shen."

Having said that, he turned his gaze to Rorisa.

Luo Lisa pondered for a while, then stood up with a smile and said, "I haven't seen Mr. Shen for a while, so I should meet Mr. Shen and have a good chat."

With these two people taking the lead, all the distinguished guests they invited stood up.

These distinguished guests knew very well in their hearts who invited them and who they wanted to show face to.

Surrounded by Wen Zaisong, Bai Mingfu walked in the middle, looking at Wen Zaisong and others around him, what Bai Mingfu thought of was the martial arts leader in a TV series he watched a few days ago .

The leader of the martial arts alliance at that time was like this, so powerful and mighty.

At this time, does he look like a martial arts leader?

Walking out of the gate of the shopping mall, Bai Mingfu saw Shen Linzheng looking at Jiale Electric with a smile on his face.He thought to himself, Shen Lin's smile is really too fake.

"Hahaha, Mr. Shen, I'm a bit hasty in opening this business, so that I didn't even prepare the invitation card. Please, Mr. Shen, don't be offended!"

Bai Mingfu said with a smile: "Originally, I planned to arrange all these trivial matters before going to invite you, but I didn't expect that you came in person!"

Shen Lin looked at Bai Mingfu with a smile on his face and said calmly: "Mr. Bai, we are old friends. If you open a store in Dongzhou, of course I will come to support you." As he spoke, Shen Lin looked towards Wen Zai Song and Luo Lisha said: "Mr. Wen, Miss Luo Lisha, you two are here. Welcome!"

Luo Lisa and Wen Zaisong also had smiles on their faces at this time, and there was no trace of embarrassment at all from their expressions.

Wen Zaisong said with a smile: "Mr. Shen, I have always felt that a place where someone like you can be born is definitely not an ordinary place."

"Now that I have come to Chairman Shen's hometown, it really has a unique scenery and outstanding people!"

In Wen Zaisong's words, he emphasized that this is Shen Lin's hometown.

Hearing Wen Zaisong's praise, Shen Lin smiled and said: "We have some nice scenery here, I'll take Mr. Wen to have a look later."

Looking at Shen Lin who was smiling all over his face, a trace of hesitation rose in Wen Zaisong's heart.

At this moment, Shen Lin acted too calmly.

It seems that he didn't take the matter of opening a shop of Jiale Electric Appliances at all.Just as thoughts were surging in Wen Zaisong's mind, Pu Yisheng walked out.

"Mr. Shen, we are also old friends. The so-called non-speaking in front of the wise, are you not happy about Boss Bai and the others opening a shop here?"

What Pu Yisheng said was without any concealment. In Pu Yisheng's view, there was no need to conceal anything between him and Shen Lin.

After all, the two sides were not friends in the first place.

Shen Lin looked at Pu Yisheng who was straight-forward, and said lightly: "Mr. Park, I like to talk about things. As for you, you are good at everything, but the structure is too small."

"For President Bai to open a store in Dongzhou, I welcome him with both hands."

"Hehe, Mr. Shen is really good at joking." Pu Yisheng smiled and said to Bai Mingfu, "Mr. Bai, do you believe this sentence?"

Bai Mingfu was very angry at Pu Yisheng's questioning. What this guy with a pointed head and a hollow belly said was really substandard and embarrassing!There's a fart for showing off your quick tongue!

Although he had already offended Shen Lin, he didn't want to continue to provoke Shen Lin on the surface.

He deliberately ignored Park Yisheng, but this guy is also the main character of Taiyu Electronics.

Under the watchful eyes of everyone, it's hard for him not to respond. If he didn't answer, wouldn't it appear that he was afraid of Shen Lin!

Although he is very afraid of Shen Lin, he must not let people think that he is afraid of Shen Lin.

So after hesitating for a moment, he still said in a deep voice: "Chairman Shen, I respect you very much, so there are some things that I prefer to tell you the truth."

"I think, for us to open a store here, you should not be very welcome."

"Hehe, what do you think, Mr. Shen?"

Bai Mingfu's words immediately made everyone's hearts twitch, because it almost directly expressed the breakup between the two sides.

Be a human being and stay on the front line, see you in the future.

This is the principle by which everyone does things in many cases. Now Bai Mingfu's words already have the meaning of breaking with Shen Lin.

Shen Lin looked at Bai Mingfu's expression, smiled faintly and said, "Mr. Bai, your statement is a bit superficial."

"What I just said is the truth, I really welcome you to open this store."

"If I don't welcome you, I'm afraid your store won't be able to open, let alone hold the opening ceremony here today!"

(End of this chapter)

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