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Chapter 1224 What's Embarrassingly Capitalized

Chapter 1224 What's Embarrassingly Capitalized

At this moment, Bai Mingfu really didn't know how to express his feelings.

He only felt that ten thousand muddy horses were galloping past his heart, and he had a feeling of being trapped. The enemy was clearly in front of him, but he was powerless to refute.

How could this be?Why is this so?

I originally thought that my sneak attack was a clever trick to hide the sky and cross the sea, but I didn't expect that I was just deceiving myself. This is really a joke!
Yes, it was a joke, a joke that made Shen Lin laugh at himself for the rest of his life.

Thinking of this, Bai Mingfu subconsciously looked at the distinguished guests around him.

Most of the distinguished guests looked very serious.

However, he still found that the corners of the mouths of several distinguished guests had already started to twitch.

The twitching of the corners of the mouth seemed very cautious, but Bai Mingfu could clearly see this subtle action.He knew that these people were laughing at him.

Are you laughing at yourself for being overwhelmed?
Waves of anger surged in Bai Mingfu's heart.

Of course, what he hates the most at this time is Shen Lin. Since you already know about my sneak attack, why do you still do this?

But although he was annoyed, there was nothing he could do.

Because of Shen Lin's actions, he couldn't say a word.

You secretly came to Dongzhou to open a store, and I helped you solve all the difficulties. The landlord didn't want to rent a house, so I bought the house directly and helped you open it.

This kind of thing, no matter how you look at it, is an act of injustice!

But Shen Lin, is your approach really outrageous?

Just when Bai Mingfu was secretly hating, Wen Zaisong, who was standing aside, coughed heavily and said, "Boss Bai, the sun is a little bright here, shall we go into the room to talk?"

Although Wen Zaisong said questionable words, his tone was unquestionable.

He was telling Bai Mingfu that now is not the time to be arrogant.

Shen Lin was superior, so he readily admitted his failure and surrendered.

If the trouble becomes unstoppable and embarrassing, it will be you, Bai Mingfu.

After all, Bai Mingfu is not an ordinary person. He was able to lay down the current foundation with bare hands, and he has passed the test in terms of will.

Hearing Wen Zaisong's words, a smile quickly appeared on his face and said, "Mr. Shen, if that's the case, I thank you."

This sentence, Bai Mingfu said through gritted teeth.

"Hahaha, everyone is a friendly businessman, and it's just a small matter, so it's not worth mentioning." Shen Lin said generously: "If you need anything, let Chu Xiaobo and Xiao Liu talk, they are very familiar with each other." of."

"I can help myself, and I will never push back."

Speaking of which, Shen Lin glanced at those distinguished guests, and said with a smile: "If you come to Dongzhou to do business in the future, if you need help, just ask me, don't hide it. !"

"After all, we are all friends."

Bai Mingfu tasted the word "friend" for a while, and then said nothing.But Chu Xiaobo, who was following Bai Mingfu, had cold hands and feet at this moment.

He is well aware of Bai Mingfu's temper, and if he made such a big mess this time, Bai Mingfu will never let him off lightly.

How could this be so?
He glanced at Lu Xiaoliu angrily, and Lu Xiaoliu looked at him with a smile, like two good friends.

After a few words, everyone returned to the reception room.

It's just that in the reception room at this time, there was no chattering and laughing like when we went out just now, almost most of the VIPs were smiling and drinking tea silently.

Although they are giving Wen Zaisong and Alyssa face, it does not mean that they are willing to offend Shen Lin.

Even in their opinion, it is better not to offend this Boss Shen if he can not be offended.

Bai Mingfu was punished by Shen Lin for this sneak attack. It can be said that he is disgraced and not human inside and out.Shen Lin sat next to Wen Zaisong and said to Wen Zaisong with a smile: "Mr. Wen, we are also cooperation partners. If you don't notify me when you come to Dongzhou, I have a problem!"

"Why, are you afraid that I can't afford to invite you to dinner?"

Wen Zaisong smiled awkwardly and said, "I came in a hurry, so I didn't have time to contact Mr. Shen, haha."

Regarding Wen Zaisong's explanation full of flaws, Shen Lin saw it through but didn't explain it through, he smiled and said: "Then tonight, why not let me be the host, please Mr. Wen to taste the food of our Dongzhou. "

"By the way, Miss Laurisa doesn't have time, does she?"

Luo Lisa looked at the smiling Shen Lin, and her teeth were itching with hatred.

She was very angry with Bai Mingfu in her heart, but facing Shen Lin's invitation at this time, she could only smile and say: "Chairman Shen treats guests, so naturally I can't refuse."

"Thank you, Director Shen!"

Bai Mingfu was still sitting in the middle of the crowd, but he found that with Shen Lin's arrival, this time the gathering had become dominated by Shen Lin.

And although he was very happy in his heart, at this time, no matter how unhappy he was, he could only endure it.

After sitting for ten minutes, it was time for the opening.

Chu Xiaobo, who was in a trance, came to Bai Mingfu with a trace of fear and said, "Boss Bai, it's time to hold the opening ceremony."

"I see." Bai Mingfu said angrily to Chu Xiaobo, and then said to Wen Zaisong and others: "Mr. Wen, everyone, the opening ceremony is about to begin, please give us Jiale Electric Let's play!"

At this time, Bai Mingfu had completely calmed down.

He knew that shame was unavoidable, but he had to persevere.

Otherwise, he will fail even harder.

Invited by Bai Mingfu, everyone walked to the wooden platform that had been prepared long ago.

At this time, there were already many people gathered around Jiale Electric Appliances.

Most of these gathered are idlers.

They talked about the sudden opening of Jiale Electric.

After all, there is a rice shell electric store in Dongzhou, and everyone feels that no one can compete with the rice shell electric store.

But now, someone actually opened a Jiale electric appliance, which made many people want to know whose brain is so strong.

"Everyone, we, Jiale Electric, are a large-scale chain enterprise. We have dozens of franchised stores, and there are..."

Chu Xiaobo is the host, he took out the prepared speech and read it aloud.

Originally, he also prepared a lot of time for this opening host, and it can be said that he was able to finish the opening speech in a cadenced manner.

However, Shen Lin's appearance directly confused him, and now the host speech can only be read according to the script, and he will follow it mechanically.

As for him, he said, most of the people watching the excitement below were looking at Shen Lin on the stage.

For these people, Shen Lin and the others are too familiar.

"Isn't that Director Shen?"

"That's right, it's Mr. Shen from the Rice Shell Electric Store. He's here anyway."

"It is said that colleagues are enemies, how can Mr. Shen stand up for his opponents!"

"Which song is Director Shen singing?"

With Chu Xiaobo's speech to the end, when he just said that we should invite Mr. Bai Mingfu, the general manager of Jiale Electric, to give a speech, someone shouted loudly at the stage: "Mr. Shen, this Jiale Electric Is it also from rice shells?"

(End of this chapter)

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