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Chapter 1225: Mingren Don't Say Dark Chapters

Chapter 1225
"Mr. Shen, why did this Jiale Electric appliance come to our place?"

"Mr. Shen, why did you give them back the platform? We support Mi Ke!"

"Chairman Shen, tell us, what's going on?"

Following the first person's question, others also shouted, and for a moment, the grand opening ceremony suddenly became chaotic.

Bai Mingfu looked at Shen Lin and felt his temples throbbing violently.

I didn't invite you here, you came here purely to cause trouble for me.

Thoughts surged in his mind, but in the end, he still turned to Shen Lin and said, "Mr. Shen, I think everyone has misunderstood us. I think you should explain these misunderstandings."

Shen Lin smiled and said, "Boss Bai, then I'll borrow a few minutes."

While speaking, Shen Lin took a step forward, smiled at the person who was complaining about the rice shell electric store, and said, "Be quiet, everyone, and listen to me."

The originally noisy voice immediately quieted down after Shen Lin appeared.

Pairs of eyes were fixed on Shen Lin, waiting for his speech.

Shen Lin took the microphone and said with a smile: "Thank you very much for your support to Mishell Electronics and myself."

"In the days to come, our Mishell Electronics and Mishell Electric Store will serve each of our customers well with higher-quality products."

These two sentences of Shen Lin sounded like there was nothing wrong with them.

However, what is ridiculous is that this important moment is not the opening ceremony of the Mishell Electric Mall, but the opening ceremony of Jiale Electric Appliances.

When you said something like this at someone's ceremony, where did you let Jiale Electric's face be placed?

Could it be that Jiale Electric set up the stage at my opening today, and Mishell Electric sang?

No one can say that there is something wrong with Shen Lin's words. After all, the people below are all concerned about Mishell Electric.

There is nothing wrong with Shen Lin saying this.

"As for why I appear here, I will give you an explanation now."

"Jiale Electric is our friend business. A friend business has opened in our Dongzhou. I have to come to congratulate me no matter what. It won't make people feel that we Dongzhou's old and young men have no room for people."

Shen Lin said this, and said with a smile: "Of course, colleagues are enemies. When we should compete, we still have to compete."

"So, please support Mishell Electronics and Mishell Electric Mall."

Listening to Shen Lin's words, Luo Lisa's eyes widened.

This Director Shen is really straightforward.

The reason why I came to congratulate is to show my demeanor. We will still be opponents in the future, so everyone help me beat him.

The attitude of these words is clear and crisp, as if there is nothing wrong with it.

If Shen Lin just showed the landlord's property title certificate, Bai Mingfu felt that he had been hit in the head.

So now, he feels as if he has been poured a cup of 30-year-old stale soup, how uncomfortable it is, how uncomfortable it is.

At his own opening ceremony, such a declaration of war was simply deceiving people too much.

Shen Lin, do you do anything like this?
"Mr. Shen, don't worry, we will definitely buy things at the Mishell Electric Mall."

"We are all used to buying in Mishell Electric Mall, we will not come here."

"Mr. Shen, the reason we came here is because we saw you, haha, since they are enemies of Mishell Electronics, then we will not support them!"

Following these words, many viewers left directly.

Shen Lin looked at the person who left, sighed and said, "Boss Bai, I'm sorry, I don't have any other problems with this person, except that my words are a bit straightforward."

"Hahaha, you won't be offended!"

Bai Mingfu's face turned dark!He looked at Shen Lin and said, "Director Shen, would you be surprised if something like this happened to you?"

Shen Lin looked at Bai Mingfu, and said with a smile: "Of course I don't take offense. Take you, Boss Bai, as an old friend. You have come to Dongzhou to open all the times. As an old friend, you didn't say a word, and I didn't take offense either."

Speaking of this, the smile in Shen Lin's eyes grew a little more.

Bai Mingfu was choked up and had nothing to say. He came to Dongzhou to open a shop. There was nothing wrong with him. His fault was that he was caught by Shen Lin.

The house belongs to Shen Lin, even thinking about it makes him sick.

"Boss Bai, let's continue the opening ceremony." Wen Zaisong looked at Bai Mingfu whose face was changing constantly, and said in a deep voice.

In Bai Mingfu's hand, there was an eight-page manuscript, which was written for him by the secretary.

For this opening ceremony, Bai Mingfu made great efforts.

In the past, he didn't like this kind of long talk, but in order to show off in front of Mishell Electronics, he decided to let himself talk more.

But now, holding the manuscript, he felt his head buzzing.

He is not showing his face now, he is embarrassing now.

While waiting, it's no wonder his face looks good!

"Everyone, we, Jiale Electric, are a family..."

The people in the stands kept leaving, and these people were basically the most loyal users of the Mishell Electric Mall.

After they saw Shen Lin and listened to Shen Lin's words, they basically didn't plan to buy anything here.

In particular, the family members of some employees of Mishell Electronics even pulled their relatives and friends to let them leave.

After Bai Mingfu finished reading the eight-page manuscript, the number of people who were going to see the opening of the business had decreased by half.

Such a situation really made Bai Mingfu extremely uncomfortable.

He knew very well in his heart that the reason why such a scene appeared must have something to do with Shen Lin.

An opening ceremony seemed to end in a hasty manner. Even the celebrities who came to the platform felt that something was wrong at this moment.

Of course, some of them focused on Shen Lin.

After all, the name of Mishell Electronics has made Shen Lin's status skyrocket, and many people hope to get close to this young richest man.

Bai Mingfu looked at Shen Lin who was like a star holding the moon, and felt more and more unwilling.

This Shen Lin is obviously trying to take his honor, making people feel that it is Mike Electronics who opened the business.

"Boss Bai, calm down, now is not the time to be angry." Wen Zaisong came to Bai Mingfu's side and said in a deep voice.

Bai Mingfu knew that Wen Zaisong had good intentions, but after listening to Wen Zaisong's advice, he felt very uncomfortable.

Suppressing the resentment in his heart, he said: "Mr. Wen, this opening, because my subordinates are not capable enough to work, you are laughing at me."

Speaking of this, Bai Mingfu solemnly said: "Mr. Wen, please rest assured that we will never give up and will definitely keep this store open."

Wen Zaisong looked at Bai Mingfu with a firm expression. He was about to advise, but hesitated for a while, and finally swallowed the words of advice.

"Boss Bai, our support for Jiale Electric will never change."

"If you have any difficulties in the future, whether you tell me or Miss Luo Lisa, we will support you as always."

Speaking of this, Wen Zaisong said: "After all, we have the same enemy."

Hearing Wen Zaisong's words, Bai Mingfu's heart immediately warmed up a lot.

But at this time, there was a commotion outside.

(End of this chapter)

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