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Chapter 1226 It's Really Not Too Much Deception

Chapter 1226 It's Really Not Too Much Deception

When Bai Mingfu saw the noisy scene, his heart suddenly turned cold.

What happened today has already made him lose face in front of his allies. If it continues, he really doesn't know how to explain it to his old friends.

"What happened?" Bai Mingfu walked over quickly.

In fact, it is said that a boss of his level should not come out to solve small matters in person, as long as Chu Xiaobo is there.

It's just that Chu Xiaobo was not in the state at this time, and he was a little scared by Shen Linkeng, so he walked over directly.

Before waiting for anyone to answer, Bai Mingfu saw a few young women wearing clothes from the rice shell electric store, walking over with a smile.

When these people saw it, they were the waiters in the rice shell electric store.

Seeing these people coming, Bai Mingfu frowned, Shen Lin is not finished yet!
He glanced at Chu Xiaobo who was standing aside and said, "Xiaobo, go and see what's going on?"

At this time, Chu Xiaobo's mind was full of thoughts that Bai Mingfu would not spare him this time, so he was a little slow to understand Bai Mingfu's instructions.

Seeing Chu Xiaobo who was not moving, Bai Mingfu coughed heavily and said, "Xiaobo, I'll let you go and have a look."

Only then did Chu Xiaobo come to his senses, he quickly walked over and said, " you guys have anything to do with Jiale Electric?"

Among the several waitresses who came to the rice shell electrical store, the one who walked in the front was a middle-aged woman in her 30s. She smiled heartily and said, "We just got off work. I heard that there is a store opening. Let's see if there is any." The things I love."

"Why, are you not allowed to go in here?"

Hearing this rhetorical question, Chu Xiaobo didn't know what to say for a while, but soon, he reacted and said: "It's not that you are not allowed to go shopping, but that you are wearing clothes from the rice shell electric store, which are not very good-looking. "

"There's nothing wrong with it. The few of us commuting to and from get off work are basically wearing work clothes. We think it's pretty good."

"If you don't believe me, look, there are quite a few people wearing Mi Ke's overalls when they get off work every day."

The middle-aged woman waved her hand and said: "By the way, if you open a store here, then I will give you a piece of advice. When you see people wearing clothes from the Mishell Electronics and Mishell Electric stores, you must not think that they are employees of our Mishell .”

"Many of them are fakes."

"Hey, you said this person, it's not good to do something, he insists on wearing our work clothes."

Hearing what the middle-aged woman said, Chu Xiaobo didn't know what to do.Although he didn't think it was such a coincidence, people said he was here for a stroll.

If people are not allowed in because they are wearing rice shell work clothes, then...

He quickly came to Bai Mingfu's side and said, "Boss Bai, they are employees of the Mike Electric Store after get off work, and they want to come to visit us."

"When people get off work, they also like to wear rice shell work clothes."

Hearing this, Bai Mingfu's nose hangs in the air. He glanced at Shen Lin and said, "Mr. Shen, it seems a bit too much for you to do this, right?"

Shen Lin smiled and said, "Boss Bai, it's actually not our fault. As long as it's on our side, there are quite a few people wearing our rice shell work clothes."

"Look over there. They are all employees of Mishell Electronics. Because they alternate shifts, they usually wear our work clothes when they come out."

Shen Lin said here: "If it's working hours, I can still control them, but now it's off-duty time, if I interfere with them again, it seems a bit too lenient."

"What's more, the visitors are customers, maybe they will contribute some turnover to Boss Bai's new store because our products are cheap!
Bai Mingfu's eyes were a little red, this fellow Shen Lin was simply too deceitful.

But what Shen Lin said was correct. Those who come are guests. Since people are here, they are guests. There is no reason to drive guests away. "Invite them in." Bai Mingfu said through gritted teeth.

As a few waitresses from the Mishell Electric Mall walked into the mall, many people greeted them.

Some people even smiled and said, "There are quite a lot of things here, but some brands don't work."

"Take this refrigerator as an example. Taiyu is a miscellaneous brand. How can it be compared with Mi Ke, and it is more expensive than our Mi Ke?"

The voice of these words was not low, and the person who said these words was not for Wen Zaisong, but Wen Zaisong's nose was a little crooked.

Taiyu Electronics, which I am proud of, has become a small brand.

This is unreasonable.

Although he thought so in his heart, Wen Zaisong finally suppressed his desire to debate.

After all, I really can't afford to lose this person.

A good opening ceremony was turned into a raw meal by Shen Lin, and the shop that was supposed to be crowded with people soon became deserted.

Even for some products, they have achieved very cheap prices, but there are many inquiries, but not many buyers.

Looking at the somewhat empty new store, Bai Mingfu quietly called Chu Xiaobo over and said, "What's the current turnover?"

Chu Xiaobo was very afraid of Bai Mingfu, when he heard Bai Mingfu's question, he hurriedly said: "Boss Bai, the current business is 810 yuan, this..."

Chu Xiaobo wanted to explain, but Bai Mingfu waved his hand to stop him.

With a turnover of [-], this is an insult to Jiale Electric's new store.

If it gets out, there is no place to put his Bai Mingfu's face.

"Chu Xiaobo, I always thought that you are an old hand, but look at the things you did."

Speaking of this, he said with a trace of anger: "Can you still make me believe you!"

Chu Xiaobo lowered his head. He also knew that what he had done was really a bit out of reach.But he didn't want it to happen like this!
"Boss Bai, I'm not shirking responsibility, it's... I really didn't think of it."

"I think it is too difficult for us to open this store in Dongzhou."

"Mr. Bai, no matter how you deal with me in the future, I still have to say one thing, that is, let's close this store as soon as possible."

"With this store closed, we will suffer less losses."

Bai Mingfu's eyes were a little red. He was the one who made the plan to open a store in Dongzhou. Now that the opening ceremony has just been completed, his competent subordinate even suggested that he close the store.

This is not slapping yourself in the face, what is it.

Shen Lin was already so angry that his seven orifices were full of smoke, and now his capable subordinates also made him very angry.After taking a deep breath, he said in a deep voice: "This store, no matter what, we must persevere."

"You are based on the person in charge here. When you make achievements, when can you move your position."

"If you can't open the situation, you can retire in this store."

(End of this chapter)

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