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Chapter 1227 Know yourself and know the enemy, let's go and see the rice shell

Chapter 1227: Know yourself and your enemy, let’s go see Mi Ke

Come with joy, return with disappointment!

This is Bai Mingfu's mood at this moment!
Although he drank a lot of wine at the noon banquet, but at this moment, he was extremely sober.

Sitting in the room, while smoking, while trying to figure out what to do next.

Although the opening ceremony this time did not even achieve the slightest purpose, it was played by Shen Lin, a scheming guy, into the applause.

But there is one thing that cannot be changed.

That is, now that his shop has opened in Dongzhou, if Jiale Electric left in Dongzhou in a desperate manner, it would be a big blow to his reputation.

But, if you don't go, can you stick to it?
"Boom boom boom!"

Just when Bai Mingfu couldn't think of any good solution in his mind, there was a knock on the door suddenly.When Bai Mingfu opened the door, he saw Wen Zaisong, Alyssa, Pu Yisheng and others standing outside his room door.

It seems that these two people have something to find themselves.

They don't want to divest Jiale Electric, right? If that's the case, you must be careful when negotiating with them, and you must not be fooled by them.

With thoughts flashing in his mind, Bai Mingfu turned to Wen Zaisong and said: "General Manager Wen, Ms. Alisa, if you have anything to do, just call. Why did you come here in person?"

"Sit down, both of you. I still have some good tea here. I just invite you to taste it and give me your opinion."

Alyssa and Wen Zaisong looked at each other, and finally Alyssa smiled and said, "Mr. Bai, we are here this time to invite you to visit the factory of Mishell Electronics together."

"If you have nothing else to do, why not let's go now."

When he went to see the factory of Mishell Electronics, Bai Mingfu didn't have such an idea in his mind, after all, his opponent was the Mishell Electronics Mall.

After pondering for a moment, he finally said: "Okay, then let's go to the factory of Mishell Electronics and see why Chairman Shen is so arrogant."

Although he told himself in his heart not to fight Shen Lin, but when he mentioned Shen Lin, he couldn't help but get angry.

Both Wen Zaisong and Alyssa understood what was going on, so naturally they would not persuade them about such a small matter. After all, Bai Mingfu is an adult and can be responsible for his actions.

The car was already waiting below. When Bai Mingfu saw that the waiting car was not the luxury car brought by Alisa or Wen Zaisong, he was taken aback.

"This is..." He pointed to the semi-old Poussin and asked in surprise.

"Boss Bai, we want to see the most authentic shell electronics, so naturally we should keep a low profile."

Wen Zaisong smiled and said, "I'm the co-pilot, and Alisa and Mr. Bai sit in the back."

Bai Mingfu is no longer the young man who knew nothing back then. He knows that although the co-pilot seat is separate, in fact, it is for the entourage.

If he sat in the back seat, it would be embarrassing in front of Wen Zaisong.

"General Manager Wen, you, Lu Liangwei, will sit at the back, and I'll be the co-pilot."

While speaking, Bai Mingfu came to Fu's co-pilot's seat, and got in directly by himself.

Wen Zaisong and Alyssa looked at each other, and didn't say much. After all, this kind of thing is not a big deal.

The car started slowly and soon came to a lively neighborhood.Looking at the crowded street, Bai Mingfu couldn't help but sigh: "This place is pretty good, if anyone can rent out the shops here, he will make a lot of money every day!"

Just as Bai Mingfu finished his emotion, the driver said: "This is the most famous Paris Street in Dongzhou. I heard that all the shops on this street have been bought by Shen Lin." "And this Paris Street, It was Shen Lin who promoted it."

At this moment, Bai Mingfu didn't know what to say, but looking at the bustling Paris Street, he felt more and more admiration for Shen Lin in his heart.

Wen Zaisong asked the driver to drive the car slower, and after passing through Paris Street, he said with emotion: "Not only is the building clean and tidy, but also the design style is very advanced. Shen Lin must have spent a lot of thought back then."

Alisa smiled and said, "Shen Lin is a capable person."

While speaking, the car has slowly arrived at the factory area of ​​the hardware machinery factory. At this time, the gate of the hardware machinery factory has changed a lot.

Not only is there a gate commanded by remote control, but the surroundings of the gate are also newly decorated.

"This used to be a hardware machinery factory, but now it's a branch of Mishell Electronics. Let's take a look here first." Wen Zaisong said, "I heard that this is the factory where Shen Lin was fired."

Hearing that Shen Lin was fired here, Bai Mingfu immediately became interested.

What he is most concerned about now is actually Shen Lin.

He was very curious about everything about Shen Lin.

At this moment, the gate of the factory was opened, and hundreds of workers wearing rice shell electronic work clothes came out of the factory.

These workers were happily talking about something, and many of them were humming as they walked.

Obviously, judging from the looks of these people, they looked very happy.

Looking at the situation, Bai Mingfu couldn't help but think of the waiters in his store getting off work.Although the employees of their own family are not frowning when they get off work, they are rarely in high spirits like Mishell Electronics.

"Most of the employees of Rice Shell Electronics are full of energy. It seems that they are very satisfied with the treatment given by Rice Shell Electronics." Alisa looked at the workers and said with a hint of emotion in her voice.

Wen Zaisong said: "Generally speaking, the commodity situation around the factory actually represents the operation status of the whole factory."

"Look at the stores around this hardware machinery factory. Not only are there several good clothing stores, but there are also many restaurants."

"Obviously, the source of customers for these stores is the workers of the Mishell Electronics Factory."

"Being able to stimulate the consumption of so many stores, the treatment of Mishell Electronics Factory must be very satisfying to these workers."

Seeing more and more workers coming out of the hardware machinery factory, another sense of powerlessness suddenly rose in Bai Mingfu's heart.

This is just one of the many factories of Mishell Electronics. Judging by the appearance, it is impossible for him to catch up with Shen Lin or surpass Shen Lin in a short time.

"At present, the old products of Mishell Electronics are mainly produced here, but I heard that Mishell Electronics is going to rebuild a production line of electric bicycles here."

When Wen Zaisong talked about electronic bicycles, his expression was a little ugly.

After all, the production of this electric bicycle gave Mishell Electronics a feeling of soaring into the sky.Taiyu Electronics also wants to produce electric vehicles, but until now, they have not fully understood the technology, let alone put it into production.

Especially the battery is a weakness that makes them afraid.

When Bai Mingfu heard about the electric bicycle, he was also very cautious and closed his mouth.

"Let's go, let's go to other places." Alisa said with a light smile: "There are many factories of Mishell Electronics, I don't believe it, every one of them is the same as here."

(End of this chapter)

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