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Chapter 1228 We need a sense of crisis

Chapter 1228 We need a sense of crisis

The first rice shell factory, the second rice shell factory, the third rice shell factory...

Bai Mingfu followed Luo Lisa and others, and walked through most of the Mishell Electronics' branches. Their expressions changed from shock to solemnity.

The rice shell electronics factory in front of them is a modern factory full of vigor, no matter in terms of the spirit of the workers or the overall management of the factory, it is no worse than the big factories they run.

Especially Wen Zaixong, he felt that Mi Ke was no worse than some important manufacturers of Taiyu Group, and even in some respects, it was much better.

In such a situation, the last trace of contempt in Wen Zaisong's heart disappeared completely.

"Mi Ke Electronics is really a formidable opponent." The car stopped at the gate of Mi Ke Garden. Although he didn't go in, he could still clearly see the situation inside the community through the transparent gardening wall.

A tidy neighborhood with pleasing greenery and playful children...

"Boss Bai, we basically can't beat Mike Electronics here." It was Luo Lisa who spoke, and there was a hint of exclamation in her voice.

Bai Mingfu was also lost in thought at this time.

He has been considering Mishell Electronics and Mishell Electric Mall together, and feels that if he wants to win the Mishell Electric Mall, he needs to defeat Mishell Electronics at the same time.

But now, he suddenly felt that the Rice Shell Group was not just an electronics and electrical appliance market, they also had a lot of things that he didn't know about.

Opening a shop here is a bit too naive!

"Miss Luolisa, I understand." Bai Mingfu said with a smile, "However, we still have to persevere on this point. We can't surrender without a fight, so we will withdraw like this!"

"This is not only related to my reputation, but also to the reputation of our group. In this regard, I cannot back down."

Looking at the solemn Bai Mingfu, Luo Lisa nodded.

Bai Mingfu just opened the store in Dongzhou, and then invited so many of their partners to watch it. It would be a joke if they just withdraw in such a disheveled manner.

Therefore, under the current situation, Bai Mingfu has no possibility of retreating, and they also have no possibility of retreating.

"Beating Mishell Electronics is not something that can be achieved overnight, so this requires us to seek more cooperation in the future."

Wen Zaisong said: "So I suggest that we should communicate more in the future, and it is best to form a fixed meeting time."

Luo Lisa said: "This proposal is good. Let's communicate with the following. How about we hold a regular meeting every two months?"

According to Bai Mingfu's idea, in fact, once a month is enough to discuss.

But since Luo Lisa said it for two months, he couldn't object.

Among the three people's cooperation, Bai Mingfu is more cooperative with Luo Lisa. After all, Taiyu Group takes the initiative among the three parties, so in some respects, he has to cooperate with Luo Lisa, so as to maintain his own speech right.

A black car came to the gate of Mi Ke Garden silently.As the gate of the rice shell garden opened, the car gently drove into the rice shell garden.

Looking at the car entering Mike Garden, Bai Mingfu said: "It's Shen Lin, I saw him just now, I don't know if he saw us or not?"

Luo Lisa smiled and said, "So what if we see it? We can't come to him for a visit!"

"Maybe when the time comes, we can have a meal with him!"

Wen Zaisong didn't say anything about Luo Lisa's words, but from his heart, he didn't want to have dinner with Shen Lin.

"I have always felt that the strength of Mishell Electronics is their strength in scientific research. Now it seems that their management is also very good."

After pondering for a while, Wen Zaisong said: "I think looking back, we still need to discuss it. The issue is our investment in research and development."

"Miss Luo Lisa, I hope you can convince some scientific research companies that cooperate with your company to come up with more feasible solutions and cooperate with Taiyu Electronics." Luo Lisha looked at the solemn Wen Zaisong and knew He attached great importance to this aspect and said with a smile: "Mr. Wen, I will definitely work hard on this matter."

"But to cooperate, it is generally necessary to show sincerity."

Wen Zaisong nodded, he was naturally clear about this sincerity.

But thinking of the group's support for Taiyu Electronics, Wen Zaisong frowned a little.

He has become more and more aware that the capital chain of the group company is shrinking and tight, and this state is not a good thing in his opinion.

He couldn't help thinking of Shen Lin's article. Although he didn't want to believe what Shen Lin said, he had a faint feeling that some of what Shen Lin said had already begun to appear in Taiyu Group.

in case……

Throwing aside the thoughts in his heart, Wen Zaisong and others drove away.

Shen Lin sat on the back seat of the car, his body showing the most relaxed state.

Leaving from the opening ceremony of Jiale Electric Appliances today, Shen Lin went to many places.

In fact, the main job today is to go to various factories to congratulate the employees on a happy holiday.

Although the benefits for the Mid-Autumn Festival have already been distributed, it is still necessary for him, the chairman, to go and see for himself.After all, spiritual motivation is sometimes a kind of motivation.

"Brother Shen, a few days ago, Fatty Liu from the General Iron and Steel Factory told me, can we have less benefits for the Mid-Autumn Festival? The comparison is too strong, and he can't stand it!"

When Qiangzi waited for the car to stop, he said to Shen Lin with a smile.

He ran with Shen Lin for a day today, but his spirit was also very uplifted, and he said to Shen Lin with a smile.

Shen Lin knew that Fatty Liu mentioned by Qiangzi was the person in charge of the logistics of the Iron and Steel Plant, and he had a good relationship with Qiangzi.

He smiled and said, "What did you say?"

"I said, why didn't you guys catch up with this standard, hello, hello, everyone?" Qiangzi smiled and said, "Fatty Liu was speechless by what I said, hehe, this guy is not convinced, he has a tiger face Snatched a box of oranges from my welfare and took them away!"

While the two were joking, Shen Lin suddenly said: "Our welfare standards are determined according to the company's profits."

"Also, don't hide the bonuses that should be distributed. Those that should be distributed must be distributed in a timely and full amount."

Speaking of this, Shen Lin rubbed his forehead and said: "There is still a reception tonight, you will attend instead of me."

"I have something to do, so I won't go through it."

Qiangzi agreed, "Brother Shen, I'll just go."

"By the way, when are we going to keep that annoying Jiale Electronics store?" Qiangzi smiled and said, "I feel that this store is a bit of an eyesore since today."

Shen Lin's expression suddenly became serious.

He glanced at Qiangzi and said, "I hope his store can be opened as long as possible."

"Although Bai Mingfu was humiliated by us this time, we still have to let our employees remember that we, Mi Ke, still have enemies."

"If we can't gain customer support with better service, we will be eliminated by the market sooner or later."

(End of this chapter)

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