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Chapter 1234 One-hit fatal chance

Chapter 1234 A fatal blow
There is a problem with the quality of rice shell products!

Wen Zaisong looked at the information that Bai Mingfu brought, and a trace of unconcealable ecstasy flashed in his eyes.

During this period of time, with the production of Taiyu Electronics, the scenario that the supply exceeded demand that was estimated when he started to cooperate with the Locke Consortium did not appear as he hoped.

There are even markets for some commodities that are slow to sell due to the existence of Mishell Electronics.

Many times, the products of Taiyu Electronics are compared with Mishell Electronics, a big company in the eyes of consumers.

This kind of situation is certainly not what Wen Zaisong likes to hear.

However, no matter how anxious Wen Zaisong was in his heart, it didn't help.

As one of the top executives of Taiyu Group, to preside over such a branch of Taiyu Electronics, in Wen Zaisong's view, is simply a kind of relegation.

At the beginning, when he was decentralized, the chairman told him that as long as the situation was stabilized, he would be transferred back immediately.

But now, this situation has not been able to stabilize!Even, there is a shaky posture...

Of course, there was no mention of letting him come back.

This made Wen Zaisong very anxious, but there was nothing he could do!

Regarding how to defeat Rice Shell Electronics, Wen Zaisong thought of many ways, but although their alliance is very strong and very aggressive, this matter is not easy to do.

And now, he finally saw the opportunity!

"Boss Bai, you really did a great job this time!" Wen Zaisong looked at Bai Mingfu and said with a smile.

Bai Mingfu said modestly: "Mr. Wen, I also get this occasionally. In fact, even if I don't tell you about this kind of thing, you can still find it."

"It's just that you are busy with big things, and there are too many things now, so you can't take care of them for the time being."

Hearing Bai Mingfu put a high hat on his head, Wen Zaisong laughed and said: "Boss Bai, we cooperate, that is sincerity, it is your credit, you don't have to add it to me, I am not the one who is trying to gain fame." man."

"Hahaha, with this evidence, we can have a good fight with Mishell Electronics."

"It should also let those who support Mi Ke know that the products they trust are also deceptive."

Speaking of this, Wen Zaisong waved his hand and said, "Mr. Bai, we can't do this matter in one step. We have to do it step by step for him."

"Shen Lin likes serial dramas, so let's make a serial drama for him!"

Bai Mingfu narrowed his eyes slightly when he heard the words "series".

Since he got the news yesterday, he has been thinking about how to maximize the benefits, which will cause fatal damage to Mishell Electronics.

And the conclusion he came to was to come up with a serial drama to make things happen little by little.Now, Wen Zaisong just read the information and came to such a decision. It seems that there is still a big gap between himself and Wen Zaisong!

Feeling emotion in his heart, Bai Mingfu said with a smile: "Mr. Wen is brilliant! Then I will wait and see and watch the series you prepared."

Wen Zaisong waved his hand and said, "Boss Bai, I believe that after half a month, you will definitely see a perfect series."

"Hahaha, it's almost dinner time, I invite you to dinner."

After drinking sake and eating barbecue, Bai Mingfu returned to the main store of Jiale Electric Appliances in a somewhat wobbly manner.

Looking at the flood of customers outside the main store, Bai Mingfu's smile grew a little more.

He was actually not living a very good life these days.With the arrival of MiKe Electric Shopping Mall, especially the construction of MiKe City, even if there is no free bus, more and more people go to MiKe Electric Shopping Mall.

Naturally, the turnover of their Jiale Electric Appliances began to decline.

Although the magnitude of this decline is not too large, this decline has been continuing, and it has been gradually increasing bit by bit.

Such a situation made Bai Mingfu feel extremely uncomfortable.

Although their expansion in the surrounding area was smooth due to the financial support of the Locke Consortium, even so, it still could not restore the decline of Jiale Electric.

"Why are there so many people?" Entering the store, Bai Mingfu casually asked the waiter standing aside.

When the waiter saw Bai Mingfu, the boss, he was stunned for a moment, and then said with a hint of anxiety in his voice: "They...they are all here to buy learning machines."

leaning machine?Bai Mingfu patted his head.

He doesn't remember what kind of learning machine he sells here!
Just when he was puzzled, a middle-aged woman came out with her eight or nine-year-old son. As she walked, the middle-aged woman murmured, "You still call yourself a big home appliance store! Why can't you connect the rice shell learning machine?" None, so I made a trip in vain."

Rice shell learning machine!
Bai Mingfu is basically very familiar with the products of Mishell Electronics. When he heard the words "learning machine", he couldn't think of the product for a while.

"Boss Bai, this is a new product that Mishell just launched yesterday, and we have its advertising video here."

The staff asked Bai Mingfu, "Would you like to take a look?"

Bai Mingfu nodded, and soon came to the office. After he read the advertisement of the rice shell learning machine, his face became gloomy.

Although he hasn't seen the real appearance of the learning machine, just by looking at the advertisement, he can understand that this is another explosive product launched by Mishell Electronics.

It is very attractive for parents to let children learn computers and entertain them!
What's more, it is entertaining and educational, which is easy for children to admire and yearn for.

After all, this learning machine has a game function!
"Is this learning machine very popular?" After hesitating for a while, Bai Mingfu asked the staff beside him.

"It's very hot. This morning, hundreds of customers have already come to our mall to ask about the rice shell learning machine."

The staff member whispered: "Boss Bai, many customers were dissatisfied when they heard that we don't have any here."

"I think, even if we can't get the learning machine from Mishell Electronics, we should get some learning machines from other brands."

"Otherwise, we will lose more customers in the future. After all, the goods are not complete, so we don't sell them for money!"

Hearing the staff's careful reminder, Bai Mingfu frowned.He thought of all these things, but this left him with no place to find a substitute in a short time.

What's more, this advertisement is so sharp, by the time I get everything ready, I'm afraid this big cake has already been swallowed up by Mike Electronics!

Thinking of the popularity of this learning machine, the sake and barbecue that I just ate suddenly became a bit unsavory.There was also a trace of coldness in his eyes.

"Okay, you go and do your work. I will handle this matter."

After dismissing the chattering staff, Bai Mingfu pondered for a moment, then picked up the phone and called Wen Zaisong.

After connecting on the phone, he turned to Wen Zaisong and said, "Mr. Wen, have you noticed that Mishell Electronics has released a new product."

"Very popular!"

"If we can't kill with one blow, it will be difficult to find such an opportunity next time!"

(End of this chapter)

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