Chapter 1235 The Worrying Wait

Dongzhou, the office of Lian Shaofeng!

As the person in charge of the Mi Ke Learning Machine project, Lian Shaofeng owns a house in Mi Ke Garden, but he basically lives in the office most of the time.

Living in the office, in Lian Shaofeng's view, not only saves commuting time, but also allows him to quickly deal with various emergencies.

He is full of confidence in the learning machine plan proposed by Shen Lin.

But the more this happened, the more nervous he became after the ad went live.

After all, Shen Lin is almost doing his best to support whatever he wants. When this learning machine was launched, the advertisement for the rice shell refrigerator was even moved back.

Let the advertisement of the learning machine and the electric bicycle be juxtaposed.

This kind of heart-to-heart support is not unique in the entire company, but it is also one of the few.

Under such circumstances, if he can't achieve some results in practicing Shaofeng, then he will feel that he has no face to meet Shen Dong, and there is no need for him to stay here with Mi Ke anymore!
After all, he has received too much support from Mi Ke.

Almost from the very beginning, Shen Lin had always asked him for money, and for people to give to him.

Although many people didn't say anything in front of him, he knew that these people had objections to his superior treatment, let alone how many people were waiting to see his jokes.

For those who wanted to see his jokes, he didn't take it too seriously.

What he was afraid of was that if the tasks he undertook made people feel that Chairman Shen was ignorant of people, then it would have a bad influence on Shen Lin.

His conscience will be condemned, after all, he is entrusted by others, and in matters of loyalty, he still needs to know how to be kind when he is practicing Shaofeng!

Looking at the Seagull watch on his wrist, he found that the time had not reached ten in the morning, which made Lian Shaofeng feel a little anxious.

The rice shell electric store usually opens at 08:30 in the morning.

The first batch of sales reports will basically come out at twelve o'clock in the morning.He really wanted to know the sales of his learning machine.

Although the advertisement has just started, he feels that the impact should continue to follow up.

Naturally, there will be people who want to buy it.

I hope the data on the first day will not be too low!

After walking out of the office, Lian Shaofeng was going to take a walk by the river. Next to their business department was a small river. Not only was the water clear, but there were also many lively fish.

Although Lian Shaofeng doesn't know how to catch fish, he usually goes here to relax when he has troubles.Take a look at the sparkling water of the river, and your mood will be much more peaceful.

"President Lian, do we need to increase our production?" The assistant held a report and ran into Lian Shaofeng who was about to go downstairs.

Lian Shaofeng glanced at the assistant, then nodded heavily and said: "Continue to increase."

The assistant hesitated for a moment, and finally said: "Mr. Lian, after you came to Mi Ke, everyone is watching your work."

"Now... now our stocking has reached 20 sets. If we continue to stock up, once there is a lack of sales, it will cause losses to the company."

"When you are in the company..."

The assistant didn't finish what he said, but the meaning was very clear, that is, at this time, there is no need to stock up first, just look at the sales before talking.

Lian Shaofeng glanced at the young assistant, from the assistant's eyes, he saw concern.

So after a little hesitation, he waved his hand and said, "Xiao Qin, since Chairman Shen has entrusted this piece to me, then you can follow my arrangement."

"If something goes wrong, everything is up to me, and I will be responsible to the end."

Xiao Qin looked at Lian Shaofeng with a firm expression, finally nodded and said: "Okay, I will pass on your arrangement."

"But Mr. Lian, there's really no need to be in a hurry."

Lian Shaofeng patted his assistant on the shoulder, and strode towards the small river beside the factory.

When he came to the small river, he found that a group of teenagers had already blocked part of the small river with soil, and then two people were carrying basins and scooping water out there.

These are children from around the village catching fish!In the past, Lian Shaofeng didn't pay attention to the children's play, but now, he watched it with gusto.

With the hard work of several half-grown children, that is, in more than 20 minutes, the water level of the enclosed section of the stream dropped by more than half, and fish began to emerge from it.

"Oh, there is a big fish, just touched my foot!"

It was a thirteen or fourteen-year-old boy who spoke loudly: "Let's work harder, maybe we can eat roasted fish today!"

After listening to his words, the other children seemed to be more motivated.

Lian Shaofeng looked at it with a smile, and at this moment, he heard a child who was on the shore say: "Brother Dashan, did you read yesterday's advertisement?"

"Mishell Electronics has produced a learning machine!"

"My mother said, go and buy me one today so that I can learn how to type on a computer."

"Hey, there will be fewer opportunities to come out to play in the future!"

Hearing the child's emotion, Lian Shaofeng felt inexplicably much better. He really wanted to tell the child that the learning machine is not what you imagined.

But looking at the worried children, the mischievous thoughts in his heart suddenly increased a lot.

Hee hee, it's not bad to make them worry.

At this moment, the child called Dashan suddenly put down the basin in his hand, and grabbed it towards his feet with both hands.

Seeing the water splash, soon a carp more than a foot long was caught by the child.

"There are really big fish!"

"This fish is quite fat!"

"Haha, the stewed fish soup is enough for the rest of us!"

Just when these children were full of joy and anticipation, someone ran over from a distance.

Seeing the person coming, Lian Shaofeng realized that it was his assistant.

"Mr. Lian, good news! Both the capital and the provincial capital called us just now, asking us to stock up urgently. Um... the goods they prepared were almost sold out! More than half of them have been sold out now."

"They called and said let's prepare and send another [-] pieces."

Lian Shaofeng's eyes suddenly lit up. Although he has always been confident in his products, he is a mule or a horse, and he always has to pull it out for a walk.

Now in this situation, what we look at is the sales situation.

"Very good, so the goods we have prepared should be sold out soon."

The assistant also had an excited smile on his face.

He is Lian Shaofeng's assistant, as long as Lian Shaofeng can skyrocket in the group, his future will definitely shine brightly!

Therefore, he had no choice but to support Lian Shaofeng.

"Let's go back immediately." As Lian Shaofeng spoke, he looked at the wild carp thrown into the basin by the child called Dashan and couldn't help but said: "Little brother, can you sell this fish?"

"What do you want this fish for?" asked the boy named Dashan.

"Ten yuan, I'll get it back and make soup." Lian Shaofeng was so happy that he couldn't help but said to the child.

At that time, ten yuan could buy a lot of things. Even in the market, such a big fish cost only one or two yuan at most.

Now, Lian Shaofeng paid ten yuan at once, and the children were naturally overjoyed and extremely happy.

"Our fish is for sale." Almost without hesitation, the child named Dashan said straightforwardly.

So, Lian Shaofeng walked in front, and the assistant carried a big live fish with two straws, striding towards the factory.

(End of this chapter)

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