Chapter 1238 Good News

Cheng Zhenyuan is now the big housekeeper of Mishell Electronics!

Although he looked energetic, in fact, he was a little tired.

And this feeling of fatigue mainly comes from the rapid expansion of rice shell electronics.

According to Cheng Zhenyuan's feeling, he felt that he still couldn't grasp the rice shell electronics.

In the hands of Shen Lin, Mishell Electronics developed so fast that he, the person in charge of one side, didn't know how to control it.

Of course, his fatigue is tired and happy.

"Mr. Shen, we should indeed build an office building, but isn't the sixteenth floor a bit too high?" Cheng Zhenyuan sat down on the sofa in Shen Lin's office and said bluntly.

Shen Lin waited for Fang Xiaomei to bring two cups of tea, and then said: "Mr. Cheng, according to our current situation, the small office space is not enough."

"Now that the higher authorities support us in building an office building, let's build one."

"This is much easier than our building in Donghai."

Hearing Shen Lin mention the building in the East China Sea, Cheng Zhenyuan smiled and said: "Mr. Shen, I just came back from the East China Sea."

"The exterior decoration of that building has been completed, and many owners have already called, saying that they want to move in this year."

Shen Lin smiled and said, "We naturally welcome the owner with both hands."

Speaking of this, he said to Fang Xiaomei who was about to leave: "Xiaomei, please remember to ask the HR department to prepare a property management team of 50 people."

"Tell them that the place of work is in Donghai."

"If someone is willing to go there, they can take a proper vacation."

Listening to Shen Lin's arrangement, Fang Xiaomei agreed, and quickly took out a notebook from her pocket and wrote it down.

Cheng Zhenyuan was already used to Shen Lin's work style. He waited for Shen Lin to finish making arrangements before saying, "We only have a few floors left for short-term use in the building in the East China Sea."

"Actually, when I came, Donghai also contacted us. They proposed that they hope that the headquarters of Mishell Electronics can be moved to Donghai."

"For this, they can offer great deals."

Shen Lin frowned slightly, and the headquarters moved to the East China Sea, which is naturally impossible.

Dongzhou is the place where Mi Ke started, and now there are a large number of employees in Dongzhou. Once the headquarters is moved there, there will definitely be a lot of trouble.

What's more, as Dongzhou Pizza Hut, Shen Lin has no intention of moving out yet.

"Dongzhou is our foundation, and the headquarters is still here." Shen Lin said in a deep voice; "But on the other side of the East China Sea, we can also build a research and development center."

"After all, that's where talent gathers."

Listening to Shen Lin's words, Cheng Zhenyuan nodded slightly.As the company grows bigger, his vision is getting more and more long-term.

It is very clear how much a talent has for the development of an enterprise.

Although Mi Ke seems to be very powerful now, in fact, Mi Ke is really short of core talents.

Half an hour passed between the two of them before they knew it. Shen Lin said to Cheng Zhenyuan: "Although the learning machine project has been very busy recently, today's start is a good start. I always want to celebrate them."

"Mr. Cheng, please make arrangements. I will also participate tonight." Cheng Zhenyuan said with a smile: "Okay, I will make arrangements right away. Shaofeng Lian is really busy these days. I heard that during his summer vacation, Basically I never went home.”

Shen Lin smiled and said: "We should reward those who deserve to be rewarded. This month, we can't let people be as busy as a spinning top. Let's pretend not to see it here."

After sending Cheng Zhenyuan away, Shen Lin called Liao Yuansheng to his office.

Although Liao Yuansheng is usually very high-minded, it depends on who he is facing. When Shen Lin only had a light bulb factory in Liyuan Village, Liao Yuansheng was very convinced by Shen Lin, let alone now.

"Mr. Shen, let me report on the situation of our refrigerator business department."

When Liao Yuansheng spoke, he spoke out a series of numbers very naturally.

Some of these numbers are very long, but Liao Yuansheng can say them accurately. Obviously, he knows these numbers well.

"Mr. Shen, with the help of the influence of Mishell Electronics, our sales volume has entered the top five, and we have become one of the five golden flowers in the refrigerator industry."

"However, we have encountered some bottlenecks now, such as the sales channels are not smooth, and our follow-up market development is also a bit slow."

Shen Lin slowly memorized everything Liao Yuansheng said, and he could feel that Liao Yuansheng had worked hard on these things.

"Mr. Liao, you have to make overall plans for the development of the refrigerator division. I only have two requirements here. One is product upgrades. We must not relax. If we lag behind in this area, then we will lose our core competitiveness. "

When Shen Lin said this, he took a sip of water and said: "Of course, there is one more important point, that is quality. I don't need to repeat the importance of quality. Remember, we always keep one principle in mind, Quality is the life of an enterprise!"

Listening to Shen Lin's talk about quality, Liao Yuansheng's eyes flashed a shadow, but soon, his shadow disappeared without a trace.

He felt that Chairman Shen was too careful and harsh about some things.

But on the surface, he still said solemnly: "Mr. Shen, don't worry, we will definitely pay close attention to quality issues, and there will never be any problems."

"Okay, Yuan Sheng works hard, I believe our refrigerator business department will definitely get better and better."

After sending Liao Yuansheng away, Shen Lin dealt with several urgent matters before calling Lu Xiaoshan over.

"Brother-in-law, everything has been settled in the electronics factory. I have also contacted some of their researchers, but they hesitated about our invitation."

"Because joining us means coming to work with us." Lu Xiaoshan whispered: "They are a little reluctant."

Shen Lin waved his hand and said: "For this problem, we still have to train our own people in the end. Let's screen it and find a few technicians who are proficient in technology and need money."

"Directly offer them conditions to help us cultivate talents, and we can pay their salaries on an annual basis."

"That is to say, they have trained technical personnel for us, and we also give them the money they need, so that both parties benefit."

Lu Xiaoshan pondered for a while, and felt that this matter was feasible, so he smiled and said, "Okay, I'll go back and get in touch with them."


At this moment, the phone rang, Shen Lin answered the phone, and heard the voice of lawyer Zhang from the other end of the phone.

"Mr. Shen, can you guess where I am calling you now?"

Shen Lin was stunned for a moment, and then said, "If my guess is correct, are you in the country of America?"

"Judging from Lawyer Zhang's tone, there must be something good to tell me this time."

(End of this chapter)

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