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Chapter 1239 The quality of the rice shell is problematic

Chapter 1239 The quality of the rice shell is problematic
Hearing Shen Lin's voice on the other end of the phone, Zhang Yuqing felt helpless.

I was planning to give him a surprise, but I didn't expect that just after I spoke on my side, Shen Lin's side had already guessed a seven or eight.

"Mr. Shen, I really want to say something, I don't like dealing with smart people like you."

Shen Lin smiled and said, "Lawyer Zhang, I think your straightforwardness is the greatest compliment to me."

"Mr. Shen, we have already negotiated about the patented technology you want. The other party's asking price is not too high. I think if we can delay for a while, maybe they will lower the price again."

When Zhang Yuqing talked about work, his expression became serious.

Zhang Yuqing attached great importance to his current job.

She was able to grow from a small lawyer to have her own firm, and now she has independently bought a house on the Xiangjiang River. It can be said that all of this is because of Shen Lin's business.

Becoming Mi Ke's lawyer gave her an incomparably generous reward.

So for Mi Ke, she is extremely important now.Naturally, he took the matter of Mi Ke as his own.

She will never hide anything that can save Shen Lin money.

After listening to Zhang Yuqing's suggestion, Shen Lin showed a smile on his face.

He knew that Zhang Yuqing's words would definitely not be groundless.

According to Zhang Yuqing's words, the purchase cost of this patent should be able to be negotiated again.

But some opportunities, but gone forever.

So Shen Lin smiled and said, "Lawyer Zhang, is this price within our expectations?"

"Yes, Mr. Shen, this price is within our estimate, and it's still a few hundred thousand dollars less!" Zhang Yuqing said in a deep voice, "But..."

"Don't worry about that, the price is about the same, let's sign the contract first." Shen Lin said firmly: "There is no need to delay big things for some small money."

Hundreds of thousands of dollars, in his eyes, are small money!
After Zhang Yuqing was speechless for a while, he finally said: "Okay Chairman Shen, then I will sign a contract with them."

"However, a few hundred thousand is really a lot!"

Shen Lin smiled. Naturally, he would not tell Zhang Yuqing what value the patent she bought would produce in the future.

Now when the value has not been reflected, people are willing to sell it, but once the value of this thing is reflected, it is not so easy to buy it.

After chatting with Zhang Yuqing for a few words, Shen Lin put down the phone.Lu Xiaoshan, who was sitting next to Shen Lin, said, "Brother-in-law, what kind of patent did you ask Lawyer Zhang to buy? It doesn't sound cheap!"

Shen Lin smiled and said: "This is not a simple patent, the value in it will take a while to be reflected."

Speaking of this thunder, Shen Lin turned to Lu Xiaoshan and said: "After smoothing things over at the electronics factory, we will immediately start research and development of new products."

"By the way, write me a plan later, and I'll take a good look at it."

When Lu Xiaoshan heard about writing plans, he felt a little overwhelmed. He had written many plans in the past, but most of them couldn't pass Shen Lin's eyes.

Now this plan may not be easy.

After finishing the work of Mishell Electronics, Shen Lin got off work very punctually.With the rapid development of Mishell Electronics, although there are more things to do, things that require him to socialize in person have begun to decrease.

As Shen Lin's secretary, Fang Xiaomei's life was tense and boring.

Almost every day, she revolves around Shen Lin's work arrangements. Although there are many people who will help her complete some professional tasks during this period, she still does more things by herself.

Ever since she became Shen Lin's secretary, Fang Xiaomei didn't know what happened, but the number of people who usually introduced her to her partners suddenly decreased.Ordinarily, given her current situation, she is considered a successful person in the eyes of many people, so more people should introduce her to her.

However, although there are fewer and fewer objects to introduce, the requirements for boys are getting higher and higher!Such as the teachers of the University of Technology, such as the outstanding young people in the compound.

It's just that Fang Xiaomei doesn't like these things.

"Miss Xiaomei, read this newspaper."

In the early morning, when Fang Xiaomei was arranging Shen Lin's work plan and thinking about the blind date she met yesterday, a small assistant of her subordinate quickly ran over.

This is a not very well-known newspaper. Fang Xiaomei picked it up and saw it said: "Mike Electronics, where is your integrity?"

Seeing the title of this news, Fang Xiaomei didn't pay much attention to it at first.

The so-called big tree attracts the wind. According to the current size of Mishell Electronics, almost every day, there are people who want to take advantage of the popularity of Mishell Electronics.

It is also normal to have a few gossips of doubt.

But when Fang Xiaomei looked down carefully, her brows suddenly frowned, because the news said that the power cords used in the refrigerators produced by Mike Electronics were unqualified.

From the content of the photos and news, Fang Xiaomei felt that this matter might be true.

In an instant, she realized that this matter was not small.

By Shen Lin's side, what she heard the most was the saying that Shen Lin's quality comes first, but now, Mike Electronics has such a quality problem, which makes him have to pay attention to it.

So at the first moment, Fang Xiaomei felt that she should report this problem to Shen Lin.

"Who else saw this news?" Fang Xiaomei asked her assistant.

The assistant said: "I saw this message, so I took it over, and others don't know."

Fang Xiaomei quickly glanced at the newspaper in her hand, then picked up the phone in her hand, and directly dialed Shen Lin's home.

But no one answered the phone at home.

Knowing that Shen Lin was supposed to be Fang Xiaomei who was going to drop off the child, she called Shen Lin's big brother.

Soon, the big brother was connected, and Shen Lin's voice came from the receiver: "I am Shen Lin, who are you?"

"Mr. Shen, I'm Fang Xiaomei. We discovered something today, and I think it's very necessary to report it to you!" Fang Xiaomei said solemnly after the call was connected.

Soon, she reported the content of this report to Shen Lin word by word.

After hearing the news, Shen Lin pondered for two minutes and then said to Fang Xiaomei: "Xiaomei, please inform Mr. Cheng and ask him to wait for me in the office."

"Also, you can tell Mr. Cheng about this first."

While remembering Shen Lin's arrangement, Fang Xiaomei continued: "Mr. Shen, we still need to contact you about this matter..."

Shen Lin naturally understood Fang Xiaomei's meaning. After he pondered for a while, he said in a deep voice: "No need, everything will be discussed after I discuss it with Mr. Cheng."

"By the way, you don't have to worry about this matter, the sky won't fall!"

Hearing Shen Lin say these few words, Fang Xiaomei suddenly felt that her nervous heart was much relieved.

(End of this chapter)

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