Chapter 1240
Sitting in the car, what Shen Lin thought in his mind was that there are indeed no groundless things in the world.

Since the newspaper said that there is a problem with the power cord of the rice shell refrigerator, then there is really a problem with the power cord produced by its own factory.

And this news is reported now, I'm afraid it's not just what the newspapers said, it's occasionally learned from people who reported the problem.

Here, I am afraid there are other problems.

"Shen Lin, is the problem a bit serious?" Lu Xiaorong looked at Shen Lin's gloomy face and asked Shen Lin with concern.

Shen Lin waved his hand and said, "It's a bit bad, but it's not too serious."

Speaking of this, he hugged the little Guoke who was sitting on the side, and said with a smile: "Guoke, Dad has some work to do, I'm afraid I will be back to the provincial capital a few days later, how about Guoke and mother going there first?"

"Okay, I will study hard!"

Xiao Guoke touched Shen Lin's face with his chubby hands and said, "Father, you must come back as soon as possible after finishing your work!"

"No problem, I'll go back to the provincial capital soon after I've dealt with the matter."

While Shen Lin was speaking, he said to Cheng Zi who was driving: "Cheng Zi, please send your sister-in-law back to the provincial capital first, and I will let others pick me up."

Cheng Zi wanted to say something, but seeing Shen Lin's serious expression, he hurriedly agreed.

As Cheng Zi drove away, Shen Lin's mind once again recalled the scene where he and Liao Yuansheng met yesterday.

Liao Yuansheng told himself that the sales of rice shell refrigerators are good, and the profits have increased.

It's just that the profit increase was not too much at that time, so I didn't care too much.

At that time, when I mentioned the quality problem to him routinely, there seemed to be a little bit of discomfort in his words.

At that time, I only thought that I was wrong. It seems that there are still things hidden in it that I don't know.

However, those who have exposed the quality problems of rice shell refrigerators will never let it go.Their moves are likely to follow one after another.

Thoughts flashed one by one, Shen Lin became calmer and calmer.

He is very clear that the existence of rice shell electronics is a thorn in the flesh for many people, and he really wants to pull out the rice shell electronics.

Just as Shen Lin was thinking, a black car stopped beside Shen Lin.

Qiangzi was concerned about opening the car door, he said with concern: "Brother Shen, is there really a problem with the power cord of our refrigerator?"

Shen Lin looked at the worried Qiangzi and said with a smile: "I don't know yet, I can only find out after investigating."

Having said that, he smiled and said, "Let's go, let's go back to the company."

Qiangzi looked at Shen Lin with a calm expression, he was still a little worried, but he let it go.

He has been with Shen Lin for a long time. In his opinion, there is nothing in this world that is difficult to get Brother Shen.

The car drove smoothly on the road and soon arrived at the office.

I don't know if it was because many people got the news, so after seeing Shen Lin, many people's expressions became extremely serious.

"Mr. Shen, that newspaper is already on your desk. In addition, I have notified Mr. Cheng, who will be here soon."

Fang Xiaomei came to Shen Lin and said in a deep voice.

Shen Lin nodded and said, "I haven't had breakfast yet, please ask the cafeteria to prepare one for me."

Speaking of this, Shen Lin looked at Qiangzi and said, "Have you had breakfast, do you want some?"

Qiangzi froze for a moment!
He knew Shen Lin's habits. Usually, he would not eat during work.

This time, Shen Lin took the initiative to ask for food, which surprised him.However, he quickly said to his unexpected colleague: "Brother Shen, I haven't eaten either, please give me one."

In fact, Qiangzi ate a big belly of deep-fried dough sticks this morning.

Shen Lin didn't say anything, and after arranging the meeting, he came to his office with great strides.

The newspaper was neatly placed on his desk.He picked up the newspaper with a gloomy look on his face.

The issue of unqualified power cords of rice shell refrigerators in the newspapers was written very clearly, that is, the power cords of some rice shell electronics used copper clad aluminum instead of the promised copper wires.

More eloquently wrote more than 1000 words, analyzing the disadvantages of copper-clad aluminum power cords.

When the newspaper was placed on the table, Shen Lin's expression had completely calmed down.

At this moment, there was a light knock on the door, and Cheng Zhenyuan walked in with great strides.

"Mr. Shen, I want to review this matter." Cheng Zhenyuan, who had already received the news, solemnly said to Shen Lin.

"Mr. Cheng, whether you want to use this review or not, who is responsible and who will bear it." While speaking, Shen Lin said to Qiangzi who was sitting on the side: "Pour a cup of tea for Mr. Cheng."

Cheng Zhenyuan was in a very unhappy mood at this time.

Originally, the Mid-Autumn Festival had just passed, and he was still in the joy of being reunited with his family, but he never thought that such a thing would happen.

When he came, he had already talked on the phone with an old subordinate at the refrigerator factory. After a while of questioning, he already knew that Liao Yuansheng had ordered the copper wires to be replaced with Copper clad aluminum.

He was very angry about this, but also felt helpless.

Liao Yuansheng's approach was for the company's profit, but he violated the quality issues that Shen Lin had always asked for.

And the most important thing is that his stealing has been caught by the competitors of Mishell Electronics, and he has become a tool for them to attack Mishell Electronics.

Although we only talked about rice shell refrigerators, if this kind of thing breaks out, it is likely to affect the future of the entire rice shell electronics.

And Shen Lin's words made Cheng Zhenyuan feel that Shen Lin was really angry this time.

Shen Lin, who was angry at this time, would never lift it up high and put it down gently as before.

In a flash, he began to worry about Liao Yuansheng in his heart.

When Qiangzi poured the tea, Cheng Zhenyuan said solemnly: "Mr. Shen, I am responsible for this matter. It is because I am not strict with the quality of the product that the current situation occurs."

Shen Lin smiled and said: "Mr. Cheng, since we have determined the business department's approach, then the quality matters should be undertaken by each business department."

"As for you, this matter has nothing to do with you."

"I came here this time mainly to study how to deal with this matter."

While Shen Lin was speaking, Fang Xiaomei came over and said, "Mr. Shen, Mr. Liao is here."

Shen Lin said: "Please come in."

When Cheng Zhenyuan heard Shen Lin say please, not only did he not relax, but he was sweating for Liao Yuansheng.

When encountering this kind of thing, Shen Lin still behaved so politely, which is definitely not a reassuring performance.

Although Shen Lin was usually very gentle, when he did it, he would definitely not show any kindness.

This time Liao Yuansheng might be in trouble.

(End of this chapter)

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