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Chapter 1241 Chairman Shen, I do everything for the company

Chapter 1241 Director Shen, I do everything for the company

If Liao Yuansheng's mood when he came to Shen Lin's office yesterday was full of joy and anticipation, then standing outside Shen Lin's office at this time, he was more apprehensive.

That's right, his heart was full of panic and fear at this time.

Replace the power cord with copper-clad aluminum wire to save costs in this area, thereby increasing the profit of the refrigerator and making its performance more dazzling.

This was what Liao Yuansheng had in mind.

He originally thought that this kind of thing would not be noticed by anyone, and he would not talk about it either.

After all, the power cords of many electronic manufacturers' products are copper-clad aluminum wires.

And he has also verified that although the quality of the copper-clad aluminum wire is not as good as that of the copper wire, it can basically guarantee safety.

However, just when he felt that what he had done was flawless, this matter was exposed.

At this moment, he felt a chill down his back.

After the Mid-Autumn Festival, the weather has begun to cool down, but at this time, his forehead is constantly sweating.

When meeting Shen Lin yesterday, Shen Lin also talked about the quality issue.

It's just that I didn't pay much attention to it at the time.

But now, it's too late to regret anything.

He felt that someone must be messing with him, but although he had thoughts in his heart, he didn't know who it was who was causing trouble for him.

This made him also feel aggrieved.

"Mr. Shen, I was wrong. In order to increase the profit of our refrigerator business department, I decided to use copper-clad aluminum wire instead of copper wire."

The first time he walked into Shen Lin's office, Liao Yuansheng criticized in a deep voice.

Shen Lin looked at Liao Yuansheng who was ashamed, and said calmly: "Yuan Sheng, do you know why copper wire is more expensive than copper-clad aluminum?"

This question made Liao Yuansheng sweat more on his forehead.

But he knew very well that Shen Ling was not so easy to be fooled. If he talked nonsense, he would definitely fail.

So after a little hesitation, he finally decided to tell the truth.

After all, in this situation, he seems to have no other choice but to tell the truth.

"Mr. Shen, the copper wire is expensive because it has better performance." Liao Yuansheng hesitated for a while, and then argued: "But Mr. Shen, I did an experiment before replacing it, and there is no problem at all. .”

"There are no quality issues, and there are no safety issues."

"And...and many of my peers have done the same."

Shen Lin didn't say a word, Cheng Zhenyuan, who was sitting on the side, said angrily: "Liao Yuansheng, Chairman Shen has always demanded that quality problems are the lifeline of our rice shell electronics."

"Who gave you the courage to change the configuration of the product without permission."

"Do you know what kind of losses you will bring to the company if you do this?"

Speaking of this, Cheng Zhenyuan said angrily: "Do you know that what you are doing now makes the company more passive."

Regarding Cheng Zhenyuan's reprimand, Liao Yuansheng didn't dare to say a word, he knew in his heart that Cheng Zhenyuan reprimanded himself at this time, but he was actually helping himself.

After all, I have made such a big mistake, if Cheng Zhenyuan doesn't give him a good reprimand, I'm afraid it will be difficult for him to pass the test.

Just when Liao Yuansheng looked at Shen Lin carefully, trying to see a clue from Shen Lin's face, the phone in Shen Lin's office rang.

"Mr. Shen, just now the factory office called and said that there are a few people in mind and would like to interview you." Fang Xiaomei's voice was filled with a trace of apprehension.

Shen Lin bottlenecked and said: "Just say that I have something to do now. If they want to interview, we will actively cooperate." Just when Shen Lin was about to put down the phone, Cheng Zhenyuan was sitting aside and said: "Director Shen, if you don't see them If so, these people are likely to say things that are not conducive to us.”

Shen Lin smiled and said: "We just saw the news, and they came to interview. If there is nothing here, do you believe it?"

"Instead of wasting time, it's better to ignore them for the time being."

Cheng Zhenyuan thought for a moment, and felt that Shen Lin's approach seemed to be right.

"Then I'll take a picture for the people in our office later, so that they must receive it well."

Shen Lin's eyes fell on Liao Yuansheng.

Liao Yuansheng was very nervous at this moment. After all, this matter was not good for him, and what kind of treatment he would receive was in Shen Lin's mind.

"Yuan Sheng, when you came from the light bulb factory in Liyuan Village, you followed our rice shell electronics, right?"

What Shen Lin said made Liao Yuansheng stunned for a moment. He seemed to feel something, and said anxiously: "Mr. Shen, I am the first batch of employees of our rice shell electronics factory."

"Back then... when you first started your business, I followed."

Shen Lin picked up the documents on the table, glanced carefully, and said solemnly: "The work of the refrigerator business department is temporarily in charge of Mr. Cheng."

"Go back to rest first."

Go back and rest!

There were only four words, but the content of these four words gave Liao Yuansheng a feeling of thunder.

Although Shen Lin hasn't said anything about the follow-up treatment, in fact, going back to rest at this time has already prevented him from being in charge of the refrigerator.

Regarding this decision, although Liao Yuansheng was a little prepared in his heart when he came here, but when he heard this decision at this time, he still felt like a thunderbolt.

After all, he has fought for this position for many years.

Now, being suspended like this, he was very dissatisfied in his heart, but at this moment, no matter how dissatisfied he was, he was still a little speechless.

He finally glanced at Cheng Zhenyuan, hoping that Cheng Zhenyuan could plead for him.

After all, I am Cheng Zhenyuan's old subordinate, and I hope he can give me a hand.

But Cheng Zhenyuan didn't say anything, but waved his hand at Liao Yuansheng and said, "You go out first, I'll talk to you later about the work."

Liao Yuansheng had no choice but to leave Shen Lin's office reluctantly.

After Liao Yuansheng left, Cheng Zhenyuan said: "Mr. Shen, Liao Yuansheng is very capable and motivated. This time... this time he was also blinded by profits, that's why he made such a mistake." .”

Shen Lin knew what Cheng Zhenyuan wanted to express, and he said calmly, "Mr. Cheng, we can't be soft-hearted in this matter."

"I'm not talking about his matter causing huge losses to the company, but because of this kind of matter, once you relax, there will be a second Liao Yuansheng."

"In terms of quality, we must always be unremitting, otherwise, our rice shell electronics will be defeated by our own people."

Shen Lin's voice was not loud, but his words were full of firmness.

In Cheng Zhenyuan's heart, although he still wanted to defend Liao Yuansheng a few words, but at this moment, he couldn't say anything.

After all, every word that Shen Lin said stands on the inside.

"dong dong dong"

There was a light knock on the door, and Shen Lin glanced at Qiangzi who was sitting on the side, Qiangzi quickly opened the door to save himself, and saw a man in his 30s walking in quickly.

He turned to Shen Lin and said, "Mr. Shen, I have a question I want to ask you?"

(End of this chapter)

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