Chapter 1242

The administrative building of Taiyu Electronics is a ten-storey building. In front of the office buildings that are generally only three or four storeys high, it feels like it stands out from the crowd.

And in this office building, Wen Zaisong, Luo Lisa, Bai Mingfu and others were gathering at this time.

In their hands, there is a report on Mishell Electronics today.

"Thanks to Mr. Bai this time, if Mr. Bai hadn't discovered it keenly, we would not have known that Mike Electronics had such a flaw."

Wen Zaisong said with a grin: "Hasn't Rice Shell Electronics always prided itself on its quality? I think this time, what else can Shen Lin do?"

Park Yisheng seemed a little insufficient in the gatherings of these big shots.

But he is the nephew of the chairman, and with the support of Wen Zaisong, who is the person in charge of the company, he also appeared here.

Hearing Wen Zaisong praise Bai Mingfu at this time, he also smiled and said: "Boss Bai, you have done a great job this time!"

In Bai Mingfu's heart, such a compliment is very useful, but on the surface, he still said modestly: "General Manager Wen, you are really too praised."

"I am a person with limited abilities. This time it is purely a blind cat meeting a dead mouse!"

Speaking of this, he said with a solemn expression: "But I think we can't relax now, we must work hard to let more people realize that there are problems with the quality of rice shell electronics."

Wen Zaisong nodded and said: "The so-called all-out effort, we have already started to attack, and naturally we will not stop."

"As for the follow-up matters, I have already arranged everything. Boss Bai just waits to watch the show."

Luo Lisa pondered for a moment and said: "Mr. Wen, what measures do you think Shen Lin will take when encountering this situation?"

Wen Zaisong respected Luo Lisa the most among those present.

After all, other people are asking for him, but it is different for Luo Lisa. Luo Lisa represents the Locke consortium. Speaking of which, between the two of them, Wen Zaisong is more begging for Luo Lisa. ,

"Miss Laurisa, I have two ways to deal with this kind of thing. The first way is to make the big thing smaller and make it smaller."

After Wen Zaisong said this method, he smiled and said, "I think this method is the most likely choice for Shen Lin."

"After all, this is also the most beneficial to Mishell Electronics."

Bai Mingfu nodded. He felt that if he encountered such a thing, he would make the same choice as Wen Zaisong.

"Then what is the second option?" After thinking for a while, Luo Lisa continued to ask Wen Zaisong.

Wen Zaisong said: "The second method is to insist that the quality of your home is not a problem."

"Although the quality of copper-clad aluminum wire is not as good as that of copper wire, in general, it is used as a power line, and there is no hidden danger, let alone the overall failure of the refrigerator."

"In this case, Mi Ke can still insist on not admitting it."

"And with this kind of persistence, Shen Lin can also make the problem heat up in Jiangxia District, so as to solve this matter."

Listening to Wen Zaisong's two methods, Luo Lisa nodded slightly.

She said in a deep voice, "Boss Wen, Boss Bai, we have already said that when we signed the cooperation agreement, neither I nor the Locke Consortium will interfere in business matters."

"But now, I feel like I should also make a comment."

"That's such a rare opportunity. If we can't seize it, it will be even more difficult to deal with Shen Lin in the future."

"So I hope that the two will cooperate sincerely to give Mishell Electronics the biggest blow to the greatest extent."

Wen Zaisong nodded and said, "Please rest assured, Miss Luo Lisa, our plan will definitely succeed."

Bai Mingfu also said: "Now, I think there should be a good show going on in Shen Lin's office." In Shen Lin's office, Shen Lin was looking at the intruder with a smile. The man smiled and said, "If you have any questions, just ask."

"But before asking, shall we get to know each other first?"

The middle-aged man who broke in glanced at Shen Lin's desk, and then said with a smile: "Mr. Shen, you are reading our newspaper."

"This is my ID. My name is Yu Hongguang. I was sent by our editor-in-chief to interview you, Chairman Shen."

Shen Lin looked at Yu Hongguang, smiled and said, "Hello, Reporter Yu."

While speaking, Shen Lin said to Fang Xiaomei who followed: "Go and get my newly bought video recorder."

Yu Hongguang was stunned for a moment, he didn't have a video recorder with him yet, what does this guy want a video recorder for?

Just when he was wondering, Fang Xiaomei had ordered someone to bring a video recorder over quickly.

Shen Ling looked at the huge video recorder and said with a smile: "It's the first time I'm being interviewed in my office, I want to keep a souvenir, you won't mind it right?"

Yu Hongguang was stunned for a moment, and at this moment he had already reflected, what was the purpose of Shen Ling's doing this, it was to prevent himself from talking nonsense.

For a moment, in his mind, he felt that Shen Lin's evaluation was a little higher. This Chairman Shen is really not an easy person to deal with.

This time, I must be careful.

"Mr. Shen, you should have seen our report. I would like to ask, did you know about this situation with your Mike products?"

After taking a breath, Yu Hongguang asked Shen Lin directly.

His question was extremely sharp, and he directly asked Shen Lin's vital point.

Shen Lin looked at Yu Hongguang's solemn expression, smiled and said, "I didn't know about the problem you mentioned in advance."

"Here, I still want to thank you for your supervision."

Yu Hongguang smiled and said: "Mr. Shen, you say that you don't know. I'm afraid this is unconvincing. After all, you are the person in charge of Mishell Electronics?"

"Without your decision, would the people below dare to do this?"

Fang Xiaomei stood behind Shen Lin, his palms were covered with sweat.

She has already realized the seriousness of the problem, and she is extremely clear about the reason for Shen Lin's video recorder, so when this question was asked, she was extremely worried for Shen Lin.

If one is wrong, Chairman Shen is also in trouble.

"Hahaha, what you said seems very reasonable. I am the chairman of Mishell Electronics, so I should know. "

Having said that, Shen Lin brought the newspaper over, and said, "I read the report, and it should be written by you."

"Then I want to ask, why didn't you find out that there are two typos in it?"

While speaking, Shen Lin pointed towards the two typos and said: "Look at this word, is he wrong?"

Yu Hongguang looked at the two words on the article and was stunned for a moment, then his face turned red.

Because these two words are really misspelled.

And according to what he said just now, if he wrote a typo, then he shouldn't be unaware.

(End of this chapter)

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