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Chapter 1244 The Ax That Falls Again

Chapter 1244 The Ax That Falls Again

As Shen Lin's secretary, Fang Xiaomei already had a lot of work to do, and since it was revealed that there was a problem with the power cord of the rice shell refrigerator, she felt that the pressure on her shoulders was even greater.

Last night, although she went to bed at ten o'clock as before, she couldn't fall asleep in bed no matter what.

The image of Mishell Electronics is very good. The reason why many people become loyal users of Mishell Electronics is because of the excellent quality of Mishell Electronics.

Now, Mishell Electronics has been exposed to quality problems, which is a crisis of trust that cannot be ignored.

She subconsciously put herself in the role of Shen Lin. If she encountered such a thing, how should she solve it?
But after taking on the role of Shen Lin, she found that it was difficult for her to solve this problem no matter what.

It seems that it doesn't work at all to make big things small and small things small, because this matter itself is deliberately fueled by someone.

According to Mr. Shen's approach, a report on the quality of home appliances seems to be difficult to regain consumers' confidence in Mishell Electronics.

Although Fang Xiaomei didn't believe that such a thing could cause Mi Ke to fall, she was still extremely worried.

So when she came to the office the next day, she was a little listless.

And when she saw several of her subordinates, she found that the expressions of these subordinates were not very good-looking.

They all looked like they were sleep deprived.

"Xiao Rui, what's the matter with you? Why are you listless?" Fang Xiaomei asked her capable subordinate, the secretary who was also the legendary secretary.

He Rui is not tall, petite and cute, so many people like to call her Xiaorui.

At this time, Fang Xiaomei asked herself, she rubbed her eyes and said, "Boss, I was lying on the bed yesterday, and all I could think about was Mike Electronics."

"Now some people say that Mishell Electronics is going to go downhill, and some people say that we are going to go downhill. I have been thinking about these things, and I was so dazed that I didn't fall asleep until one o'clock in the morning."

Fang Xiaomei listened to the words of her subordinates, and said to herself that I am the same way!
But as He Rui's supervisor, she can't let her subordinates have such thoughts, so she said in a deep voice: "You are purely worrying."

"It's just a small power cord, can it still negate our Mi Ke?"

"Don't worry, Mr. Shen will definitely find a way to solve this kind of thing. Don't think too much about it."

While the two were talking, Uncle Li in the reception room came over with a newspaper.

Uncle Li handed the newspaper to Fang Xiaomei, and said in a low voice: "Xiaomei, take a look, there seem to be quite a few reports about us!"

"Oh, it's not a good report!"

Fang Xiaomei opened the newspaper, and saw that there were many reports about Mike Electronics in the obvious position.

"Mishell Electronics, can I still trust you! "

"It is said to be copper wire, but secretly uses copper-clad aluminum. Where is the integrity of Mishell Electronics?" "

"Three Questions to Shen Lin, your use of technology to change life, is this the way you change it?" "


Looking at these dazzling articles, Fang Xiaomei only felt her head buzzing.

She didn't sleep well last night, and felt that she wanted to faint.

The thing that came to her mind the most at this time was just one sentence, that is, everyone pushed against the wall.No wonder even Uncle Li in the reception room is like this at this time!

"Damn Liao Yuansheng, he is a bastard." Fang Xiaomei cursed, and then said to He Rui in a deep voice: "Xiao Rui, sort it out and give me all the reports about our Mi Ke Select it, and I will report it to Chairman Shen."

He Rui looked at Fang Xiaomei, who had a gloomy face, and hurriedly said, "Sister, I'll just screen."

Although Fang Xiaomei said that it was arranged for He Rui, she also refused to let go. After reading a few newspapers, she walked towards Shen Lin's office.

As Shen Lin's secretary, she not only had to collect outside news, but also quickly submitted the documents that Shen Lin needed to deal with.

After Fang Xiaomei processed a few documents, someone said: "Oh, Secretary Fang has worked hard, not bad!"

Hearing the mocking voice, Fang Xiaomei raised her head and saw Photon standing outside.

For photons, Fang Xiaomei was a little afraid for some reason.

As Shen Dong's right-hand man when he started his business, although Photon is not in charge of the brilliant Mishell Electric Store like Qiangzi, but as Shen Lin's secretary, Fang Xiaomei knows that it is a silent, almost dull-growing rice shell. Shell logistics is also not to be underestimated, with strong strength.

Not to mention anything else, just talking about the transportation vehicles that Mr. Guang has mastered, it has almost reached thousands of vehicles.Such a large transportation capacity not only ensures that Mishell Electric can be circulated to various distributors in the first time, but also provides a great guarantee for the supply chain of Mishell.

The reason why Fang Xiaomei felt that she was afraid of photon was because this man made her feel a little afraid for some reason.

Suppressing the trace of fear in her heart, Fang Xiaomei said with a smile, "Mr. Guang is good."

"We are about the same age, just call me Guangzi, you don't need to be called Mr. Guang, as if I have always wanted to be single all my life."

This made Fang Xiaomei speechless, how could you be single, according to your worth and status, as long as you want to get married, there are girls waiting in line for you to choose!

But Fang Xiaomei didn't dare to say this, because of her working relationship with Photon, she didn't have the courage to tease Photon, she just smiled, waiting for what Photon said next.

"When will Brother Shen arrive?" Photon asked, looking at the wall clock.

Fang Xiaomei said: "Chairman Shen usually comes here on time at eight o'clock."

Photon nodded and said, "I see. I'll go out for a stroll. When Brother Shen comes, you can report to him and arrange some time for me."

Fang Xiaomei nodded in agreement, and just when she was about to repack the documents in her hands, she heard Guangzi say: "You don't have to worry too much about the power cord."

"Brother Shen can handle it."

Fang Xiaomei said: "Mr. Guang, I read the newspaper today, and there are many contents in it, all questioning Mi Ke."

"Those people are only holding on to one of our power cords. Why don't they talk about the products that break within a few days?"

Photon looked at Fang Xiaomei who was full of anger, and said with a smile: "Xiao Mei, what you said is too true, I will ask someone to take you later, and we will go to each family and ask them why they treat each other more favorably than others. "

Fang Xiaomei didn't know what to say, she could only lower her head and continue to read the document.

Photon didn't say much, knowledge left quickly, and at this moment, He Rui walked in quickly and said, "Sister, take a look, this content seems to be quite similar to the survey report we made .”

Fang Xiaomei's eyes lit up when she took the newspaper from He Rui's hand.

(End of this chapter)

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