Chapter 1245
In the early morning, Bai Mingfu, who ran for half an hour, looked extremely energetic.

There was a faint smile on his face at this moment, as if he had gone out to pick up money.

In fact, for Bai Mingfu, the current him is really no different from going out to pick up money.

With the quality problems of Mishell Electronics' products, he has already felt that the business of his shopping mall has improved a lot.

"Boss, bring me a stew." Bai Mingfu, who was a little hungry, came to a food stall and greeted the owner of the food stall with a smile.

The boss quickly brought over a steaming stewed stew to Bai Mingfu. After Bai Mingfu just took a bite, someone said: "I never thought that a big company like Mike would have quality problems."

Hearing this sentence, Bai Mingfu was immediately in high spirits. He really wanted to tell people that he was the first to discover this matter.

But of course he, Bai Mingfu, is not such a superficial person, so at this time, while eating, he quietly listened to other people's discussions.

"Yeah, I didn't expect it either. In the past, I thought that if we had a conscientious company, it would be Mishell Electronics. But I didn't expect that they would disappoint people so much."

"Hey, Mishell Electronics can't be trusted, and I don't even know who to trust."

At this time, Bai Mingfu's face was filled with a bright smile. He felt that it was useless for him to listen to these things here. It was better to drag Shen Lin over to listen.

I just don't know what Chairman Shen will feel when he hears the news.

"Hey, don't talk about rice shells, the quality of some big foreign brands is also worrying!" A middle-aged man wearing glasses said wobbly.

His words immediately attracted the attention of many people.

He said to someone in a deep voice: "Old Chen, I heard you right, you said that the quality of big foreign brands is not good?"

"Isn't it? Do you still remember the color TV I bought a while ago? I bought Taiyu's color TV from Jiale Electric."

Hearing these words, Bai Mingfu's heart twitched. He was attacking all of a sudden, but his company and his allies were quite uncomfortable when he heard these words.

But if you are uncomfortable, you have to listen. After all, in this case, he has no other choice.

"At the beginning, I thought that the color TV I bought was burnt because of our voltage problem."

When Lao Chen said this, he said angrily in his voice: "At that time, I went to the salesperson of Jiale Electric, and the salesperson said the same thing."

"We didn't understand it either, so we believed it. We paid them a few hundred dollars for repairs, and then it was repaired for me."

"But guess what I saw when I read the news today? There was an article on it, which was devoted to the quality of electrical appliances. I compared it and realized that the main reason why my TV burned out was the picture tube they used. Unqualified."

Speaking of this, the old Chen Yi said indignantly: "When I eat this meal, I will go to Jiale Electric and ask their conscience if they have been eaten by dogs."

"How can you help that Taiyu and deceive us?"

Bai Mingfu's face suddenly became ugly.As for the problem that the picture tube of Taiyu TV tends to heat up, he knows very well in his heart.

It's just that they are allies of Taiyu Electronics, so even though Bai Mingfu talked to Wen Zaisong about this matter, he didn't take any action.

After all, the meat is rotten in the pot, not in other people's bowls.

But he never expected that others would actually know about this thing they knew. "Oh, Lao Chen, you are so unlucky. Look at me. I only buy big American brands. People say that American products are more reliable." A man in his 30s who looked a little tired said with a smile.

Old Chen glanced at the man, a trace of displeasure flashed in his eyes, he snorted and said, "Li Er, don't be complacent, you boy."

"I asked you if you bought a Pineapple TV. Let me tell you that your brand was also mentioned in the report I read today."

"Tsk tsk, let me ask you, does your TV automatically skip channels?"

The man called Li Er suddenly became nervous.

"Yes, the TV in our house, after watching it, I changed it to another one. Why, is there a problem with this?"

Old Chen took a bite of sesame seed cakes, and then he said with satisfaction: "This problem is because... because of what, I don't remember very clearly, I will bring that article over for you to read later, and you will understand. "

"According to the statement in that article, not one of your brands has this problem, but most of them have this problem."

Li Er's face turned red immediately. He was a salaryman, and his family had to save money for half a year in order to buy a color TV.

But now, he bought such a faulty color TV, why not make him angry.

"You said this problem, their manufacturers know about it?" Li Er's hand slapped the table heavily.

"Isn't that right? Their manufacturers are very clear. I heard that those home appliances that come from outside now have one standard for themselves. Exporting to our place is another standard."

When Lao Chen said this, he said with a hint of emotion: "If something goes wrong, those suppliers will say that we used it improperly."


Bai Mingfu was no longer in the mood to listen. He really wanted to see what was written in the article that brought several electrical appliances all at once.

After all, Jiale Electric has agents for these types of electrical appliances.

"Old Chen, according to what you said, is there no way to buy this electrical appliance?" A young man in his 20s asked anxiously.

Looking at the young man's appearance, Bai Mingfu, relying on his professionalism, quickly judged that the young man should be planning to get married, so he wanted to buy appliances.

Generally speaking, this is the favorite customer of their mall.

Need to get married, so the money is prepared at home!When you buy things, you buy them in sets.

"Well, speaking of it, the most affordable products are actually rice shell products." When Lao Chen said this, he said with emotion: "Although Mi Shell made a foolish trick this time, using copper-clad aluminum power cords, but in general, the quality of their home is still passable.”

"Not to mention, their after-sales service is pretty good. At least if you buy something from them, as long as there is a problem, it can basically be guaranteed within one year."

"It's not like those outside brands. When something goes wrong, he first finds the reason on you, and most of us can't refute the reasons given."

Listening to what Old Chen said, Bai Mingfu had only one thought at the moment, and that was whether this person was sent by Shen Lin.

(End of this chapter)

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