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Chapter 1246 Murder 1 Self-damage 8

Chapter 1246: Kill a thousand people and harm yourself by [-] dollars
Bai Mingfu returned to his office before finishing a bowl of stewed food.

But at this time, he was very full!

This is full, of course, because I was full of some words I heard!

After returning to his office, he immediately called Sun Kang over.

Sun Kang was his confidant general, and he basically asked Sun Kang to do whatever he needed to do.

"Brother Sun, how is the matter about Mi Ke going?" Before Sun Kang could sit down, Bai Mingfu asked straightforwardly.

Sun Kang said solemnly: "Boss Bai, everything is going according to plan, but now, someone is investigating the quality of electronic products."

"And there are many products that have defects but have not been improved."

"Among them, the most imported home appliances are from abroad. Many of their products have been announced."

Bai Mingfu took a sip from the water glass, but didn't speak. He just looked at Sun Kang quietly, waiting for him to continue.

Seeing Bai Mingfu's expression, Sun Kang understood what the boss meant, and immediately continued, "I think it's very likely that Shen Lin is messing things up."

Bai Mingfu nodded and said, "That's right, this is Shen Lin's method. Only by muddying up the water, can Mi Ke get out of the mess."

"Boss Bai, this guy Shen Lin has a lot of ideas. He is very good at opening roads across mountains and filling bridges when encountering water. The way he came up with this time is not bad, and it's not easy to resolve!"

Bai Mingfu had a toothache. Although he knew that Shen Lin was difficult to deal with, this move really made him feel aggrieved.

Of course, the deepest feeling is because of Taiyu Electronics.

Because of these home appliances with quality problems, Taiyu Electronics accounted for a large part.

Even here, there are products of Taiyu Group.

Bai Mingfu, who had a toothache, hesitated for a moment and said, "Our plan is to be carried out step by step. We must not let Mi Ke solve the matter just like this."

"There is a problem with their power cord. You must bite this cord and keep an eye on it. In addition, disassemble other products of Mishell Electronics to see if there is any problem?"

Sun Kang nodded and said, "Alright Boss Bai, I'll do it now."

Just as Bai Mingfu waved Sun Kang away, the phone on Bai Mingfu's desk rang.

The moment the phone was connected, Wen Zaisong's voice came from inside: "Boss Bai, what's going on? Why do I see a lot of negative news about our products?"

Wen Zaisong's voice was very calm, and it didn't sound like he was in a hurry to get angry.

Listening to Wen Zaisong's call, Bai Mingfu said calmly: "Mr. Wen, this is Shen Lin's counterattack. He is preparing to muddy the water."

"I've already arranged for someone. Our people will keep a close eye on the matter of Mishell Electronics, and we will never let Shen Lin pass the test so easily."

Wen Zaisong said calmly: "Boss Bai, you have to do a good job in this matter, and you must not let our arrangement fall by the wayside."

"Don't worry about asking Mr. Wen, I understand it in my heart."

Wen Zaisong didn't say anything, but hung up the phone.

Listening to the hanging up of the phone, Bai Mingfu's face became more serious. Although Wen Zaisong was only asking about the situation, in fact, he knew exactly what it meant.

After all, there are many products of Taiyu Electronics.

However, the products of Taiyu Electronics have been criticized a lot, while the products of Mishell Electronics have always been evaluated very well.

Now using the power cord to attack MiKe Electronics and break the golden brand of MiKe Electronics is very beneficial to their alliance.If the reputation of MiKe Electronics is not broken, then whether it is MiKe Electronics or MiKe Electronics Mall, it will basically be difficult for them to defeat it.

Killing one thousand, self-damaging eight hundred!

This kind of thing, sometimes even if you bite your teeth, you have to do it.

The cruel Bai Mingfu hesitated for a moment, and then dialed Luo Lisa's number.Wen Zaisong was a little shaken just now. If he wants to stick to his strategy and keep going, Luo Lisa's support is crucial to him.

"Miss Luolisa, I'm Bai Mingfu, do you have time? I have something I want to talk to you about?" After the call was connected, Bai Mingfu said solemnly.

Luo Lisa's voice quickly reached Bai Mingfu's ears through the telephone line: "Boss Bai, you are calling me at this time, is it because there is a problem with Taiyu Electronics' products?"

"Yes, Miss Luolisa, I didn't expect that Mr. Xue's products also have defects." Bai Mingfu said in a low voice: "Although Mr. Wen is still very supportive of our plan, but... ..."

Bai Mingfu didn't say anything, but Luo Lisa knew very well that he was afraid that Wen Zaisong would change his mind midway.

"I see." Lorisa said calmly.

"Miss Rolisa, this opportunity is very important. The quality of Mishell Electronics' products has always been excellent."

"They have established a very good reputation. If we don't firmly grasp this opportunity, then I am afraid that there will be few such opportunities in the future."

"So, I think it is acceptable even if Taiyu Electronics suffers some temporary losses."

"Without reputation, Mishell Electronics will lose more than us." Bai Mingfu emphasized solemnly: "I think it is in our best interest to persevere."

Luo Lisha said: "Mr. Bai, I agree with your judgment, so don't worry, I will handle Mr. Wen's affairs."

"You can do it boldly, President Wen will never become a stumbling block in this plan."

With Luo Lisa's guarantee, Bai Mingfu put down the phone in his hand. Although he still felt a little uncomfortable, the plan still had to be carried out according to his plan.

Shen Lin, if you want to lie to the sky, I will never agree.

Just as Bai Mingfu tapped the table with his fingers, a tricycle pulling a refrigerator had already arrived at the gate of the rice shell electric store.

"Boom boom boom!"

The owner of the tricycle was a middle-aged man in his 40s who looked a bit pissed off. After the car was parked, he picked up a gong and banged it.

The ear-piercing sound immediately attracted the attention of many people.

The security guard in charge came over quickly.

"Let's take a look, Mishell Electronics, it's shoddy, it's fake!" Seeing many people looking towards him, the middle-aged man yelled loudly.

The people who came to buy things in the rice shell electric store were naturally very concerned about the affairs of the rice shell, so when the man yelled loudly, many people quickly surrounded him.

His eyes were full of curiosity.

"Everyone, come and see. This is the rice shell electronic refrigerator I bought for 2000 yuan. What is 2000 yuan? That's my savings for many years!"

"Tell me, we are bitter, it's easy to save 2000 yuan. I believe in Mi Ke's reputation, so I bought the refrigerator from them."

"But I didn't expect to buy a problematic one."

"Let's talk about it, what should we do?"

(End of this chapter)

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